..I had mentioned the High school skills challenge I was writing on the Chiefs blog/chat at www.wibw.com I mentioned I would update and show the concept here. Some of the skill games are:..
1. Fumble Recovery.
...4 players from different teams face each other in the middle of the football Field. They fold their arms in and nudge push each other lightly and turn in a circle just like musical chairs. When prompted by a whistle blow, horn etc:.. they push off from each other, look around for the ball and fumble cover the ball. Where does the ball come from? There will be 4 volunteers on the Field. There will be 1 volunteer per corner of the Field and they will each have a football. 1 of the 4 will throw or kick the ball over these 4 players heads when the prompted by the whistle blow, horn etc:.. The other 3 will fake kick or throw their ball. The players will be in full gear, helmet and all.
2. Double Field Goal Kick.
...A Field goal will be set up at each end of the football field. The balls will be on kickoff T's. This is a timed event. When the whistle blows they will run up and kick the first ball and then turn and run up to kick the second ball. They will get 1 point for each kick that goes through the up rights within the time limit.
3. Helmet Relay Run.
..Player 1 will run with a helmet in their hand/hands and pass it off to the other player on their team. They start in one end zone and run into the other end zone. They will be in full gear. They could use a football and hand it off at each end zone. The helmet, if utilized carries rules. No holding the face mask. No holding the chin strap. No illegal contact with the parts of the helmet that are not touchable.
4. Timed Quarterback Throw.
..They can place numbered hoops, that the Quarterback throws through, and then call out numbers randomly. If they yell out the #3 the quarterback has to get the ball through hoop #3, then they yell out #8. The quarterback has to throw through hoop #8. They complete as many of these throws as they can within the time limit. The heats would be from yard differences. They would throw from the 20 yard line, then the 30 yard line etc:..
5. Timed Field goal Kicks.
..They could line up footballs on the 10 yard, 20 yard, 30 yard and 40 yard line on T's for field goals. This event is timed also. They have a set time to kick the balls from the T's and try to get 1 point for each ball kicked in for a field goal.
6. 200 Yard Fumble Run.
..They would set footballs on the end zone line at the other end of the field. Then they would line up players from different teams at the other end zone. There will be the same number of balls at the end they are running towards. They have to run down and grab the football off of the ground and run back. That is a 200 Yard Fumble Run. They can recover any ball they want, but they cannot move or block any other ball than the ball they are grabbing. Again, they will be in full gear.
..These are some examples of games I have concepted. I will be hoping to see if the School Districts are interested.
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- Paola, Kansas, United States
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.