Yes. Two Presidents are better than one. It does demand on the Presidents though. What I be leading up to? Lets look at the what and then I will reveal the who. I feel K-Mart and Sears could become a "Not-For-Profit" Organization. I also feel they could be ran 24/7/365 like Wal-Mart. I feel they could either have their own grocery store in it or they could profit share the grocery space and manage it as K-Mart and Sears. The what would provide more jobs and competitive pricing. What would they do with the money collected as a "Not-For-Profit"? I will get to that. "Not-For-Profits" can give to charity, church, governmental function, humanitarian efforts, amateur sports, education etc:.. Well!!! Who would make sure these entities are faithful? Who would make sure that the charity is not dis-functional? Who would make sure the church is not dis-functional? Who would make sure the government is not dis-functional? HUMM?????? I do know he would probably have to liquidate his Wal-Mart stock to his wife or daughter. I do know he would probably be able to handle doing his daughters legal trust fund, still. Her mother would also still be eligible to be her law trust Lawyer. The "WHO" would be able to demand the government be legal and accountable with our taxes and that the request for "Not-For-Profit" funds would be justified and needed. The "WHO" would also be allowed to deny any request for funds if they feel the asker is corrupt and not functioning properly. They would be allowed to deny request fund requests if the asker is "DIS-FUNCTIONAL, instead of FUNCTIONAL". Who is the "WHO"????
President Bill Clinton.
His wife,
Hillary Rodham Clinton,
was on the Board of Directors for Wal-Mart, from 1986-1992. She was Wal-Marts first female board member. She is not allowed to function for K-Mart Sears or any company right now. She is currently the United States Secretary of State. Her husband, President Bill Clinton, was named Chairman of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
..As stated, President Clinton would be allowed to look at and communicate with all 50 States, about their Budgets to justify or deny "Not-For-Profit" funds under Governmental Function if he feels the Government Office/Department, City/County/State/Federal is dis-functional. He would be able to address his views as a Presidential Alumni. Just a thought,
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- Paola, Kansas, United States
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.