I ask for a review of this idea as a private citizen. Yea, I am still a Candidate for Kansas Governor. I still want to help others. I also want to help myself. I am allowed to conduct personal business separate from my campaign. I use this webpage under, "In Kind Usage", for my campaign, also. It is my personal website and has been since 2005. I have only been a candidate for Ks Governor since earlier 2009. I have posted quite a few articles here, http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com
and my other 3 web pages.
I feel Cities, Counties and States should be able to place or allow collection buckets in businesses in their territories, areas and/or boundaries. These buckets would have a sticker on them and this would let people know that if they, voluntarily, place coins or cash, into them it would go to that specific City, County or State's General Fund. The business's in these Cityies, Counties and State's, could be allowed to do this on a "Verified Pledge Basis". The business would count the money that was dropped into the bucket weekly and give a check to the City, County or State, as the bucket designated, by the sticker on it. This is a "Non-Tax Deductible Collection".
Example, Kansas has a population of 2,688,418. If everyone of these residents was to give .08 cents a month, into these buckets, which is .96 cents each, would generate $2,580,881.20 a year, into the City, County and State's General Fund's for Budget Money. The United States Population is, 308,442,312 people. {It changes there}.
If we each voluntarily would give the .96 cents a year, to our City, County or State, we would generate, $296,104,610.00 a year to those General Funds. Yea, almost $300 million a year. The City's could also generate funds for the General Budget through some other avenues.
1. Advertising. If the Cities, County's and States would set up "Flat Screen TVs", in businesses in their boundaries of jurisdiction, they would use them to show four advertisements at the same time. One in each corner, covering the entire screen. These would change, electronically, every minute. That would show 240, 1/4 screen advertisements an hour. This would repeat itself every hour. This would generate, 240 ads an hour. Take that times $10.00 a week. $2,400.00 a week into each City, County and State. That is the cheapest advertising going. They Cities, Counties and States could also offer Internet viewing of these ads.
2. Then, each City County and State can do weekly, Raffles. They could pull $240.00 a week off the funds and hold a raffle in each City, County and State and give this $240.00 away to the winner. People would have to be 18 years old, have an ID, and be present to ask for a raffle ticket, at the designated location for the weekly drawing. By Law, no purchase can be required for the raffle ticket or any attachments. The City, County or State would use a Stub Type Perforated Carnival Raffle Ticket, with matching numbers. They would write down the ID info on the raffle ticket that they place in the days drawing box. The IRS Code allows up to $500.00 per drawing to be won before taxes are expected or required. Anything below the $500.00 per drawing, is tax and reportable exempt.
If the 19,000 Cities in the USA do this, it would generate $2,400.00 a week, times the 19,000 Cities. That is $45,600,000.00 a week, gross, nationally. Take that times 52 weeks in a year. 10 weeks would be, $456,000,000.00. Take that times 5 for 50 weeks. $2,280,000,000.00 a year for 50 weeks worth of drawings. That is $228,000,000.00 given away, tax free to the residents of the United States of America in 19,000 Cities etc:...
What do I want for these ideas? I feel that $100.00 per city, as a one time payment for the consult/concept or suggestion is more than fair. These ideas have not been used and I feel that if I put them together, I should be compensated if their used. If the 19,000 Cities paid me the $100.00 each I would clear, $1,900,000.00. They would clear the above numbers. They could also demand that any and all Private Charity Buckets also be registered with the City, County or State with buckets and registered stickers issued by the City, County or State. They could demand that the business count the money, in those buckets and then cut a check to the City, County or State so the Government can verify that the money collected is legit and that it was given as allowed or verified. The Government, in this, can also slow down or stop crooks who lie and steal from sympathetic people, like you and I.
Kansas Law allows me to continue collecting personal funds under the "Business as Usual", clause. I am requesting this post be reviewed on my private life side, not my campaign side of my life. I cannot except over $2,000.00 from any one source and I can only except contributions from individuals until June 2010 because the Kansas Legislature is going into Legislative Session Monday January 11TH 2010. I use this website, free of charge, under, "In Kind" usage, and declare it as such. It is my personal website and has been since 2005. I have only been a Candidate for Kansas Governor since, and through, early 2009.
The National League of Cities,
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 550
Washington, DC. 20004
www.nlc.org or
{202} 626-3000.
Thanks as always,
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- Paola, Kansas, United States
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
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