About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- Paola, Kansas, United States
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Under ground Silo's as buildings for use????
Why is it that everybody builds up instead of down? Build buildings into the ground. Use 4 inch square stock metal beams and structure pane type panels. Use 1 inch plexus glass for the panes sections. The pane/panels would be 12 inches by 12 inches. Or 18 inches by 18 inches. The smaller the pane plexus panel section, the stronger the structure. The square panes would have a flat frame welded all the way around the opening to accommodate the plexus glass panels. The pane panel holes could also except up to 4 panels. That would be 4 inches of plexus glass per pane opening. They would have rubber gaskets and be sealed by another inner or outer flat frame plate, or both. These structures would be underground as square buildings or round silo's for grain, water, crude oil or other storage. If used for water, or crude oil, as it flows in it can turn a generator paddle wheel. That would generate energy. The water or crude oil can be pumped up from within the silo and redistributed back over the paddle wheel. These silo's can be 10 times larger than the current grain elevator type because of the structure and it is in ground. The roof would be covered back over with soil an either a pasture or farm crop would be back in place. A small access building with vents is all that is required exposed to the environment. In case of disaster, tornado's etc:.. the stored product is safe. It also is not up in the air which can interact with plane crashes. Go to http://kansasgovernorcandidateissues.blogspot.com/2009/07/energy.html and read up on my idea there also. These underground structures could also be used as prisons. Oh yea, the materials to build these structures is 100% recyclable. The square metal panes with 1 inch plexus glass is stronger than concrete. The grain will not leave behind dangerous ergot's in the plexus glass. These structures can also be formed around bridge pylons and lowered in section pumping out the water and pouring in concrete to re-structure damaged bridge pylons. Just some thoughts. Thanks,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
2 Presidents are better than 1?
Yes. Two Presidents are better than one. It does demand on the Presidents though. What I be leading up to? Lets look at the what and then I will reveal the who. I feel K-Mart and Sears could become a "Not-For-Profit" Organization. I also feel they could be ran 24/7/365 like Wal-Mart. I feel they could either have their own grocery store in it or they could profit share the grocery space and manage it as K-Mart and Sears. The what would provide more jobs and competitive pricing. What would they do with the money collected as a "Not-For-Profit"? I will get to that. "Not-For-Profits" can give to charity, church, governmental function, humanitarian efforts, amateur sports, education etc:.. Well!!! Who would make sure these entities are faithful? Who would make sure that the charity is not dis-functional? Who would make sure the church is not dis-functional? Who would make sure the government is not dis-functional? HUMM?????? I do know he would probably have to liquidate his Wal-Mart stock to his wife or daughter. I do know he would probably be able to handle doing his daughters legal trust fund, still. Her mother would also still be eligible to be her law trust Lawyer. The "WHO" would be able to demand the government be legal and accountable with our taxes and that the request for "Not-For-Profit" funds would be justified and needed. The "WHO" would also be allowed to deny any request for funds if they feel the asker is corrupt and not functioning properly. They would be allowed to deny request fund requests if the asker is "DIS-FUNCTIONAL, instead of FUNCTIONAL". Who is the "WHO"????
President Bill Clinton.
His wife,
Hillary Rodham Clinton,
was on the Board of Directors for Wal-Mart, from 1986-1992. She was Wal-Marts first female board member. She is not allowed to function for K-Mart Sears or any company right now. She is currently the United States Secretary of State. Her husband, President Bill Clinton, was named Chairman of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Constitution_Center
..As stated, President Clinton would be allowed to look at and communicate with all 50 States, about their Budgets to justify or deny "Not-For-Profit" funds under Governmental Function if he feels the Government Office/Department, City/County/State/Federal is dis-functional. He would be able to address his views as a Presidential Alumni. Just a thought,
President Bill Clinton.
His wife,
Hillary Rodham Clinton,
was on the Board of Directors for Wal-Mart, from 1986-1992. She was Wal-Marts first female board member. She is not allowed to function for K-Mart Sears or any company right now. She is currently the United States Secretary of State. Her husband, President Bill Clinton, was named Chairman of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Constitution_Center
..As stated, President Clinton would be allowed to look at and communicate with all 50 States, about their Budgets to justify or deny "Not-For-Profit" funds under Governmental Function if he feels the Government Office/Department, City/County/State/Federal is dis-functional. He would be able to address his views as a Presidential Alumni. Just a thought,
Sunday, September 20, 2009
High school skills challenge.
..I had mentioned the High school skills challenge I was writing on the Chiefs blog/chat at www.wibw.com I mentioned I would update and show the concept here. Some of the skill games are:..
1. Fumble Recovery.
...4 players from different teams face each other in the middle of the football Field. They fold their arms in and nudge push each other lightly and turn in a circle just like musical chairs. When prompted by a whistle blow, horn etc:.. they push off from each other, look around for the ball and fumble cover the ball. Where does the ball come from? There will be 4 volunteers on the Field. There will be 1 volunteer per corner of the Field and they will each have a football. 1 of the 4 will throw or kick the ball over these 4 players heads when the prompted by the whistle blow, horn etc:.. The other 3 will fake kick or throw their ball. The players will be in full gear, helmet and all.
2. Double Field Goal Kick.
...A Field goal will be set up at each end of the football field. The balls will be on kickoff T's. This is a timed event. When the whistle blows they will run up and kick the first ball and then turn and run up to kick the second ball. They will get 1 point for each kick that goes through the up rights within the time limit.
3. Helmet Relay Run.
..Player 1 will run with a helmet in their hand/hands and pass it off to the other player on their team. They start in one end zone and run into the other end zone. They will be in full gear. They could use a football and hand it off at each end zone. The helmet, if utilized carries rules. No holding the face mask. No holding the chin strap. No illegal contact with the parts of the helmet that are not touchable.
4. Timed Quarterback Throw.
..They can place numbered hoops, that the Quarterback throws through, and then call out numbers randomly. If they yell out the #3 the quarterback has to get the ball through hoop #3, then they yell out #8. The quarterback has to throw through hoop #8. They complete as many of these throws as they can within the time limit. The heats would be from yard differences. They would throw from the 20 yard line, then the 30 yard line etc:..
5. Timed Field goal Kicks.
..They could line up footballs on the 10 yard, 20 yard, 30 yard and 40 yard line on T's for field goals. This event is timed also. They have a set time to kick the balls from the T's and try to get 1 point for each ball kicked in for a field goal.
6. 200 Yard Fumble Run.
..They would set footballs on the end zone line at the other end of the field. Then they would line up players from different teams at the other end zone. There will be the same number of balls at the end they are running towards. They have to run down and grab the football off of the ground and run back. That is a 200 Yard Fumble Run. They can recover any ball they want, but they cannot move or block any other ball than the ball they are grabbing. Again, they will be in full gear.
..These are some examples of games I have concepted. I will be hoping to see if the School Districts are interested.
1. Fumble Recovery.
...4 players from different teams face each other in the middle of the football Field. They fold their arms in and nudge push each other lightly and turn in a circle just like musical chairs. When prompted by a whistle blow, horn etc:.. they push off from each other, look around for the ball and fumble cover the ball. Where does the ball come from? There will be 4 volunteers on the Field. There will be 1 volunteer per corner of the Field and they will each have a football. 1 of the 4 will throw or kick the ball over these 4 players heads when the prompted by the whistle blow, horn etc:.. The other 3 will fake kick or throw their ball. The players will be in full gear, helmet and all.
2. Double Field Goal Kick.
...A Field goal will be set up at each end of the football field. The balls will be on kickoff T's. This is a timed event. When the whistle blows they will run up and kick the first ball and then turn and run up to kick the second ball. They will get 1 point for each kick that goes through the up rights within the time limit.
3. Helmet Relay Run.
..Player 1 will run with a helmet in their hand/hands and pass it off to the other player on their team. They start in one end zone and run into the other end zone. They will be in full gear. They could use a football and hand it off at each end zone. The helmet, if utilized carries rules. No holding the face mask. No holding the chin strap. No illegal contact with the parts of the helmet that are not touchable.
4. Timed Quarterback Throw.
..They can place numbered hoops, that the Quarterback throws through, and then call out numbers randomly. If they yell out the #3 the quarterback has to get the ball through hoop #3, then they yell out #8. The quarterback has to throw through hoop #8. They complete as many of these throws as they can within the time limit. The heats would be from yard differences. They would throw from the 20 yard line, then the 30 yard line etc:..
5. Timed Field goal Kicks.
..They could line up footballs on the 10 yard, 20 yard, 30 yard and 40 yard line on T's for field goals. This event is timed also. They have a set time to kick the balls from the T's and try to get 1 point for each ball kicked in for a field goal.
6. 200 Yard Fumble Run.
..They would set footballs on the end zone line at the other end of the field. Then they would line up players from different teams at the other end zone. There will be the same number of balls at the end they are running towards. They have to run down and grab the football off of the ground and run back. That is a 200 Yard Fumble Run. They can recover any ball they want, but they cannot move or block any other ball than the ball they are grabbing. Again, they will be in full gear.
..These are some examples of games I have concepted. I will be hoping to see if the School Districts are interested.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Self explanitory.
http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=952 is self explanatory. It shows a multitude of things or ideas I have had. I keep seeing my ideas stolen. If they are good enough to steal, they are good enough for me to get the recognition.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I have this letter that I had printed up. I am repeating its contents here to use this post as a medium to e-mail people with the same letter content that I could deliver or mail. Thanks again,
To: Your, Business, Organization, Association,
Post, Legion, Incorporation, Corporation,
Group, Fellowship, Church, Union,
Private Individual, etc:..
..I want to extend myself to you as a candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. I became a Candidate on June 30th 2009. As of yet, August 11th 2009, I am Uncontested as a Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. I realize the status might change, but my conviction for you as a Kansas Resident will not change. I am hoping that you will want to set up a meeting with me so we can discuss issues that currently Govern our lives. I feel the current structure lacks what we need. I see a lot of "Legislative Wants", being fulfilled and our resident rights being sacrificed. You can read up on me at www.herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ I am also on twitter as, www.twitter.com/HerbertIII Feel free to read up on me or contact me at your convenience. Thanks for allowing me to contact you and I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks,
Herbert West III, Democrat.
Uncontested Democratic,
Candidate for KS Governor, 2010.
803 S. East Street.
Paola Kansas, 66071
This "Letter" paid for by Herbert West III campaign for KS Governor, Herbert West III Treasurer.
To: Your, Business, Organization, Association,
Post, Legion, Incorporation, Corporation,
Group, Fellowship, Church, Union,
Private Individual, etc:..
..I want to extend myself to you as a candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. I became a Candidate on June 30th 2009. As of yet, August 11th 2009, I am Uncontested as a Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. I realize the status might change, but my conviction for you as a Kansas Resident will not change. I am hoping that you will want to set up a meeting with me so we can discuss issues that currently Govern our lives. I feel the current structure lacks what we need. I see a lot of "Legislative Wants", being fulfilled and our resident rights being sacrificed. You can read up on me at www.herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ I am also on twitter as, www.twitter.com/HerbertIII Feel free to read up on me or contact me at your convenience. Thanks for allowing me to contact you and I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks,
Herbert West III, Democrat.
Uncontested Democratic,
Candidate for KS Governor, 2010.
803 S. East Street.
Paola Kansas, 66071
This "Letter" paid for by Herbert West III campaign for KS Governor, Herbert West III Treasurer.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I made wikipedia.
I am listed in wikipedia. I find that pretty cool. Click "HERE" to see me. I will keep you updated. Herbert West 3rd, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. twitter.com/HerbertIII west.herb@yahoo.com www.herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My radio interview on www.blogtalkradio.com .
Go to http://www.blogtalkradio.com click on the Herbert West III on that play or download icon, on that page. Click play to listen. Then listen to the radio interview. It starts out with about 10 minutes of commercials and songs, then I am interviewed for about 56 minutes straight through without commercial breaks.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Waxable Floor Placard Sticker.
I wanted to share another idea. I feel companies, businesses could use floor stickers as placards. What are placards? The most common one is, "Slippery when wet". It is the yellow fold out. They could order stickers that are 2 tiles by 3 tiles, wide and long and put these on the floor and wax over them. This gives a permanent warning to the customers and employees. They could even add their company logo in the center of the shadow of the falling person. They could order smaller ones for glass entry doors, cooler doors and wall mounts. They could also order rugs that are rubber backed, yellow with black letters and symbols giving the same warning. If they want to thank me for helping too keep their customers and employees safer, and more effectively, I can except personal funds or campaign funds. Thanks, either way. Herbert West III, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. west.herb@yahoo.com 803 S. East Street, Paola Kansas, 66071 1-913-294-9375. twitter.com/HerbertIII
**Update April 25TH, 2012**
I will be doing a Video Show called, "BBQ and Bikini's", soon. It will feature girls in bikinis and me cooking my recipes. Mainly BBQ and sides. It will be a poolside show. I will be selling commercial space also. See more at http://marketingmattershlw3rddba.blogspot.com/
**End Update April 25TH, 2012**
I will transfer the links to my old recipes here. Click onto the link and enjoy. I will add other recipes here later.
1. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=825
2. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1053
3. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1442
4. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1615
5. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1627
6. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1752
7. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1867
8. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1970
9. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=2385
10. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=2519
11. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=3572
Check put my other sites. Look to your right and click onto "View My Complete Profile" link. Scroll down on the profile page and click on any of those links at the bottom. Thanks, Herbert West 3rd, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
..**Update, September 15Th, 2009**..
..I wanted to share a secret about recipes. Cheat!!! Look up many different recipes that are the same food. Lasagna for example. Average the recipes. If one person drinks one cup of milk and another drinks 1/2 a cup of milk. what is their average? Add the one cup and the 1/2 cup together and divide by 2. They average 3/4 a cup of milk. Do the same with the ingredients from the different recipes for the same recipe item. You will find the average and this will taste, too all.
..From there, I will add a few more concepts/recipes. Make a 3 thin patties for 3 thin burgers. Then, knock a hole in the middle of one of them. Place it atop one of the others. Make it thicker and fill this center with, asparagus, cheese, Tater tots, baked beans, German potato salad, etc:.. Then place the third patty on this burger. Cook it and enjoy this stuffed burger.
..Make doughnuts and fill them with pudding you cook.
..Make 2 pizza doughs. Roll one out flat. Then make a pretzel shape out of the other dough. Set it on half of the rolled out one. Place items in the slots or pockets formed. Then fold the other half over the other. Then bake. This is a Calzone Pretzel.
..**September 16Th, 2009**..
..Marinade/Sauces. Get a juice extractor. Place onions and other vegetables through the extractor. Use this juice as a base. Use it instead of water. Mix Vinegar with the juice extract. Place spices in this mixture, Fresh, crushed, toasted or whole. Let it set and blend together overnight. Use this with tomato sauce and paste to make BBQ sauce. You can also extract garlic and onions together and soak meat in the juice overnight. This makes a mean chicken dinner. Vegetable extracts are healthier than oil based sauces. They also soak in more than oil based marinades/sauces or soaks. Again, look at the
..Also type in a recipe name, in the search window at yahoo, google etc:.. Example, apple pie, bread etc:.. Read about 10 or 20 of them and figure the average ingredient levels. It will taste better.
..Traditional simple foods are also good. Fried Bologna Sandwiches, Cheese Sandwiches, Grits, etc:..
..I don't remember if I mentioned how to build and eat Italian Pasta. If I did, sorry for the repeat. If I did not here goes. Place the pasta in a bowl, plain. Place the Meat Balls in a bowl, plain, no sauce. Place the Sauce in a gravy bowl. Use or make more than 1 sauce. Make and use more than 1 pasta:..
..Campenelle, Capunti, Casarecce, CavetAlli, Cencioni, Conchigile, Conchigiglioni, Corzetti, Creste di galli, Croxetti, Fantolioni, Faralle, Farfallone, Fiorentine, Fiori, Foglie d'ulivo, Fusilli, Fusilli Bucati, Gemelli, Gigli, Gramigna, Lanterne, Lumache, Lumiconi, Maltagliati, Mandala, Marille, Orecchiette, Pipe, Quadrefiore, Raditore, Ricciolini, Ricciutelle, Rotelle, Rotini, Spirali, Spiralini, Strangolapreti, Torchio, Trofie, Bucatini, Calamarata, Calamaratti, Cannelloni, Cavatappi, Cellentani, Chifferi, Ditalini, Fideua, Gomito maccheroni, Elicoidali, Fagioloni, Garganelli, Maccheroncelli, Maccheroni, Maltagliati, Manicotti, Mezzani pasta, Mezze Penne, Mezzi Bombardoni, Mostaccioli, Paccheri, Pasta al ceppo, Penne, Penne rigate, Penne lisce, Penne zita, Pennette, Pennoni, Perciatelli, Rigatoncini, Rigatoni, Sagne Incannulate, Tenne, Trennette, Tortiglioni, Tuffoli, Ziti, Zitonli, Spaghettoni, Spaghetti, Spaghettini, etc:.. Put each pasta in a separate bowl.
..Place each sauce in a separate bowl.
..Also utilize peppers, and onions in separate bowls. Also use a separate bowl for Italian Sausage's. Then pull from each of these bowls, building each bite at a time on a plate in front of you. You are married to the dish if you order it all mixed together or if you make it as a single dish. If you build each bite you can have creativity and share the ingredients with your family, friends. Also use a variety of breads. Use more than 1 cheese. Dry, shredded and grated. It is basically a pasta bar instead of a salad bar, at home. Enjoy!!!!
**Update** March 22ND, 2010**
1. Beef Ribbed Stew.
..Use a whole complete slab of beef ribs. Slice a butterfly slit in between the rib bones. Don't cut all the way through the membrane on the bone side. Then place or stuff carrots, cabbage, onions, turnips etc:.. in these slits or cuts. Then bake these ribs and use this to make "Beef Rib Stew" just like a Beef Stew. Season to taste. Bake flat, bone side down, in a dutch oven and enjoy.
**Update** **May 26TH, 2010**
Corn Dog Pancakes.
Slice hot dogs into coins. Then fry them up. Then remove them from the skillet. Then mix up corn bread batter and pancake batter. Combine the two batters. Return the cut hot dog pieces into the skillet. They will lay flat. Then pour in the cornbread/pancake batter. Cook like a regular pancake. Kids will love these. They can pick them up and they are smaller and thinner so they can fit them into their mouths. They can break them up and dip them in mustard and catsup. They are safer for little kids because the hot dogs are cut into small slices.
I e-mailed Kraft, who owns Oscar Mayer, about using their Lunchables in Restaurants as kids meals and adding the "Corndog Pancakes" to their Lunchable line up. I also suggested that they add mini corndogs into their offerings for Lunchables. I also reminded them that adults can use these Lunchables as salad toppings for mini chefs salads. I have yet to hear from them. Most companies just collect e-mails and use the ideas with even thanking people. I have been thanked once by a company. Woebers Horseradish Sauce thanked me and sent me some bottles of their sauce with a letter thanking me for my recipes and product information/ideas. Check them out at http://www.woebermustard.com/
So far Oscar Myers has refused to even send back an e-mail. They are the Phillip Morris of Companies. Oh well, they seem comfortable being an asshole Corporation.
Here are some new recipes that people can cook at home.
1. "Corn Dog, Dogs".
Place a cooked corn dog on a bun and top as desired. Beans, potato salad, cole slaw, ketchup, mustard, onions and peeled cucumbers in 50/50 vinegar and apple cider vinegar soak. See #4 below.
2. "Reuben Hush Puppies".
A. Swiss Cheese. B. Corned Beef. C. Use strained sour kraut. d. Use Hush Puppy batter.
Mix the ingredients together and form Hush Puppies. Bake or fry to desired taste and consistency. Dip in 1000 island dressing. You can substitute any meat variations you choose. You can use a variety of different bread crumbs also. Other cheeses and vegetables can be substituted also. You can use a variety of dressings and dips also.
3. "Fried or grilled Corn Dogs".
Fry hot dogs and coat them with corn bread coating. Cook the corn dogs. This gives the hot dog a fried or grilled taste. Also cut a corn dog in half and fry, the flat side down. Or cut across and make little coins. Then fry these.
4. "Cucumbers and Onion Salad".
Place sliced onions and sliced/peeled cucumbers in a bowl. Cover with a 50/50, or adjusted, mixture of White Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar. Refrigerate over night. Add fresh wedge pieces of tomatoes the next day. Enjoy.
5. "House Dressing".
1/2 cup Mayo. 1/2 cup Sour Cream. 1/4 cup Kraft Creamy Poppyseed Dressing. 1/4 cup Kraft Cole Slaw Dressing. 1/4 cup Kraft Cucumber Ranch Dressing. Mix together, chill and add milk for desired thickness. You can also add, Hidden Valley Ranch, "Green Onion Powder".
6. "Lazy Steak Stew".
Place Beef Shank Bones in a 7 quart slow roaster. Add some carrots, cabbage, celery, onions, potatoes, and 2 cups of water that has the McCormicks Beef Stew mix in it. Then place the steak on top of this mixture. Add water up around the sides of the steak. Don't add enough to cover the steak. Just enough so you see the water coming up. Slow Roast for 10 hours. After the steak is done, remove everything and add corn starch to the liquid to make gravy. Recombine everything, simmer for an hour. Enjoy.
7. "Pulled Pork Sloppy Joes".
Place a large package of Pork Neck Bones in a 7 quart slow roaster. Add cabbage and onion. Add onion powder. Slow roast on high for 10 hours. Drain after the 10 hours, remove the bones from the mixture and then add the solid mixture back to the slow roaster. Don't use or put the liquid back in the slow roaster. Throw away the water and pork grease that you strain off to get down to the pork meat. cabbage and onions. Then add one bottle of Walmart's original BBQ sauce. Simmer for an hour on low. Enjoy!! You can also place this finished mixture on pre-baked pork chops or country style ribs. Use the pulled pork sloppy joe as the sauce. It will be as thick as sloppy joes and it will need to bake in, smothered in a covered dish.
8. "Baked Cabbage and Red Hots".
I suggest the old school type wieners. They are the skin on, "Sweet Red Hots". Use a slow roaster and slow roast cabbage, red hots. You can strain sour kraut and shake the vinegar off and place it in the slow roaster with the Red Hots and Cabbage. I suggest Mustard and fresh baked bread. You can get the frozen bread in the freezer section at the store. You can shape the rising bread into loafs or hoggie sizes. Enjoy!
9. "Cheese Cake Banana Splits".
Make a No-Bake Cheese Cake, then build a banana split on top of each slice as you eat it. You can also do a brownie sundae on the cheese cake.
10. "Tea Party".
I remember my sisters doing this years ago. You use fresh baked bread, and add jelly, jam, marmalade, apple butter sugar and cinnamon. Then you make hot tea. Know that they are older,they could add, cherry brandy, peach brandy etc:..
11. "Quick Gravy".
Mix one packet of country style cream gravy with one packet of brown gravy mix. Add two cups cold water. Whisk and bring to a boil. Add in or whisk in sour cream and allow to cool. This is a very quick and tasty gravy.
12. "Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls".
Mix cream cheese, rocotta cheese and crab meat together. Then prepare your egg roll stuffing with cabbage, etc:.. smear the cream cheese mixture on a wonton. Then add the egg rollstuffing. Roll the wonton up and cook as a egg roll. Enjoy with plum sauce.
13. "Chicken and Dumplings or Mashed Potatoes Dumplings".
Put a 10 pound bag of Chicken Quarters or Thighs in a 7 quart slow roaster. Add 2 yellow diced onions. Add some onion powder. Add water until the chicken is just covered. Cook on high for 10 hours. Then strain the water out, de-bone the chicken. Then place the chicken back into the water/chicken broth with the onions. Place dumplings in and simmer for about an hour on low. This can also go over cold mashed potatoes. Mix up and make mashed potatoes. Instant or real. Use sour cream etc:.. Place in the fridge, covered in a tight bowl over night. Then pull out and make small balls or dumplings while it is still cold and firm. Then place these in the mixture. You can also bring the chicken broth/water to a rapid boil to seal the mashed potatoes as a potato dumpling pasta. This will form, Chicken and Dumplings.
14. "Steak Frys".
Remember, Fried Chicken and Fried Fish taste great with Vinegar and twice baked Steak Frys. Twice Baked Steak Frys. Boil Potatoes, whole. Let them cool. Bake them and then place them in the fridge over night in a air tight container. Then the next day, carefully slice them into steak frys or cottage frys. Then bake them up or fry them. They will be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Leave the skin on. Don't forget the Ketchup, Mustard and Garlic and Olive Oil Relish. Whorstershire Sauce is nice also. Check out the side salads and side dish recipes above on this website.
15. "Stuffed Croissant's".
Use a pizza dough from scratch. Roll it out like your making a pizza. Then top it with what ever. Corn beef and Cabbage, Ground Beef and Cheese. Olive Oil and Garlic. Ham and Cheese. Anything you wish. Then cut the pizza into 4 slices. Then cut those into 3 slices or thirds. Then roll each slice from the center forming a Croissant. Bake and enjoy.
16. "Canned Carrot's and Cream of Mushroom Soup".
Heat together and then blend in a blender while hot. It sounds weird, but is very delicious. Add Horse radish Sauce to taste.
17. "Banana Bread Cheese Cake Pudding".
Buy Banana Nut Bread. Cut into cubes. Place cubes in bowl. Mix up No Bake Cheese cake as directed. Pour over the banana bread cubes until just covered. Allow to soak in and then refridgerate to set cheese cake. Enjoy. If you wish, make the banana bread from scratch or from a store bought packaged mixture.
See me at facebook as Herbert West III and as HerbertIII at twitter and I am at yahoo answers as Herbert West 3rd.
I will be doing a Video Show called, "BBQ and Bikini's", soon. It will feature girls in bikinis and me cooking my recipes. Mainly BBQ and sides. It will be a poolside show. I will be selling commercial space also. See more at http://marketingmattershlw3rddba.blogspot.com/
**End Update April 25TH, 2012**
I will transfer the links to my old recipes here. Click onto the link and enjoy. I will add other recipes here later.
1. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=825
2. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1053
3. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1442
4. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1615
5. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1627
6. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1752
7. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1867
8. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=1970
9. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=2385
10. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=2519
11. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=3572
Check put my other sites. Look to your right and click onto "View My Complete Profile" link. Scroll down on the profile page and click on any of those links at the bottom. Thanks, Herbert West 3rd, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
..**Update, September 15Th, 2009**..
..I wanted to share a secret about recipes. Cheat!!! Look up many different recipes that are the same food. Lasagna for example. Average the recipes. If one person drinks one cup of milk and another drinks 1/2 a cup of milk. what is their average? Add the one cup and the 1/2 cup together and divide by 2. They average 3/4 a cup of milk. Do the same with the ingredients from the different recipes for the same recipe item. You will find the average and this will taste, too all.
..From there, I will add a few more concepts/recipes. Make a 3 thin patties for 3 thin burgers. Then, knock a hole in the middle of one of them. Place it atop one of the others. Make it thicker and fill this center with, asparagus, cheese, Tater tots, baked beans, German potato salad, etc:.. Then place the third patty on this burger. Cook it and enjoy this stuffed burger.
..Make doughnuts and fill them with pudding you cook.
..Make 2 pizza doughs. Roll one out flat. Then make a pretzel shape out of the other dough. Set it on half of the rolled out one. Place items in the slots or pockets formed. Then fold the other half over the other. Then bake. This is a Calzone Pretzel.
..**September 16Th, 2009**..
..Marinade/Sauces. Get a juice extractor. Place onions and other vegetables through the extractor. Use this juice as a base. Use it instead of water. Mix Vinegar with the juice extract. Place spices in this mixture, Fresh, crushed, toasted or whole. Let it set and blend together overnight. Use this with tomato sauce and paste to make BBQ sauce. You can also extract garlic and onions together and soak meat in the juice overnight. This makes a mean chicken dinner. Vegetable extracts are healthier than oil based sauces. They also soak in more than oil based marinades/sauces or soaks. Again, look at the
..Also type in a recipe name, in the search window at yahoo, google etc:.. Example, apple pie, bread etc:.. Read about 10 or 20 of them and figure the average ingredient levels. It will taste better.
..Traditional simple foods are also good. Fried Bologna Sandwiches, Cheese Sandwiches, Grits, etc:..
..I don't remember if I mentioned how to build and eat Italian Pasta. If I did, sorry for the repeat. If I did not here goes. Place the pasta in a bowl, plain. Place the Meat Balls in a bowl, plain, no sauce. Place the Sauce in a gravy bowl. Use or make more than 1 sauce. Make and use more than 1 pasta:..
..Campenelle, Capunti, Casarecce, CavetAlli, Cencioni, Conchigile, Conchigiglioni, Corzetti, Creste di galli, Croxetti, Fantolioni, Faralle, Farfallone, Fiorentine, Fiori, Foglie d'ulivo, Fusilli, Fusilli Bucati, Gemelli, Gigli, Gramigna, Lanterne, Lumache, Lumiconi, Maltagliati, Mandala, Marille, Orecchiette, Pipe, Quadrefiore, Raditore, Ricciolini, Ricciutelle, Rotelle, Rotini, Spirali, Spiralini, Strangolapreti, Torchio, Trofie, Bucatini, Calamarata, Calamaratti, Cannelloni, Cavatappi, Cellentani, Chifferi, Ditalini, Fideua, Gomito maccheroni, Elicoidali, Fagioloni, Garganelli, Maccheroncelli, Maccheroni, Maltagliati, Manicotti, Mezzani pasta, Mezze Penne, Mezzi Bombardoni, Mostaccioli, Paccheri, Pasta al ceppo, Penne, Penne rigate, Penne lisce, Penne zita, Pennette, Pennoni, Perciatelli, Rigatoncini, Rigatoni, Sagne Incannulate, Tenne, Trennette, Tortiglioni, Tuffoli, Ziti, Zitonli, Spaghettoni, Spaghetti, Spaghettini, etc:.. Put each pasta in a separate bowl.
..Place each sauce in a separate bowl.
..Also utilize peppers, and onions in separate bowls. Also use a separate bowl for Italian Sausage's. Then pull from each of these bowls, building each bite at a time on a plate in front of you. You are married to the dish if you order it all mixed together or if you make it as a single dish. If you build each bite you can have creativity and share the ingredients with your family, friends. Also use a variety of breads. Use more than 1 cheese. Dry, shredded and grated. It is basically a pasta bar instead of a salad bar, at home. Enjoy!!!!
**Update** March 22ND, 2010**
1. Beef Ribbed Stew.
..Use a whole complete slab of beef ribs. Slice a butterfly slit in between the rib bones. Don't cut all the way through the membrane on the bone side. Then place or stuff carrots, cabbage, onions, turnips etc:.. in these slits or cuts. Then bake these ribs and use this to make "Beef Rib Stew" just like a Beef Stew. Season to taste. Bake flat, bone side down, in a dutch oven and enjoy.
**Update** **May 26TH, 2010**
Corn Dog Pancakes.
Slice hot dogs into coins. Then fry them up. Then remove them from the skillet. Then mix up corn bread batter and pancake batter. Combine the two batters. Return the cut hot dog pieces into the skillet. They will lay flat. Then pour in the cornbread/pancake batter. Cook like a regular pancake. Kids will love these. They can pick them up and they are smaller and thinner so they can fit them into their mouths. They can break them up and dip them in mustard and catsup. They are safer for little kids because the hot dogs are cut into small slices.
I e-mailed Kraft, who owns Oscar Mayer, about using their Lunchables in Restaurants as kids meals and adding the "Corndog Pancakes" to their Lunchable line up. I also suggested that they add mini corndogs into their offerings for Lunchables. I also reminded them that adults can use these Lunchables as salad toppings for mini chefs salads. I have yet to hear from them. Most companies just collect e-mails and use the ideas with even thanking people. I have been thanked once by a company. Woebers Horseradish Sauce thanked me and sent me some bottles of their sauce with a letter thanking me for my recipes and product information/ideas. Check them out at http://www.woebermustard.com/
So far Oscar Myers has refused to even send back an e-mail. They are the Phillip Morris of Companies. Oh well, they seem comfortable being an asshole Corporation.
Here are some new recipes that people can cook at home.
1. "Corn Dog, Dogs".
Place a cooked corn dog on a bun and top as desired. Beans, potato salad, cole slaw, ketchup, mustard, onions and peeled cucumbers in 50/50 vinegar and apple cider vinegar soak. See #4 below.
2. "Reuben Hush Puppies".
A. Swiss Cheese. B. Corned Beef. C. Use strained sour kraut. d. Use Hush Puppy batter.
Mix the ingredients together and form Hush Puppies. Bake or fry to desired taste and consistency. Dip in 1000 island dressing. You can substitute any meat variations you choose. You can use a variety of different bread crumbs also. Other cheeses and vegetables can be substituted also. You can use a variety of dressings and dips also.
3. "Fried or grilled Corn Dogs".
Fry hot dogs and coat them with corn bread coating. Cook the corn dogs. This gives the hot dog a fried or grilled taste. Also cut a corn dog in half and fry, the flat side down. Or cut across and make little coins. Then fry these.
4. "Cucumbers and Onion Salad".
Place sliced onions and sliced/peeled cucumbers in a bowl. Cover with a 50/50, or adjusted, mixture of White Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar. Refrigerate over night. Add fresh wedge pieces of tomatoes the next day. Enjoy.
5. "House Dressing".
1/2 cup Mayo. 1/2 cup Sour Cream. 1/4 cup Kraft Creamy Poppyseed Dressing. 1/4 cup Kraft Cole Slaw Dressing. 1/4 cup Kraft Cucumber Ranch Dressing. Mix together, chill and add milk for desired thickness. You can also add, Hidden Valley Ranch, "Green Onion Powder".
6. "Lazy Steak Stew".
Place Beef Shank Bones in a 7 quart slow roaster. Add some carrots, cabbage, celery, onions, potatoes, and 2 cups of water that has the McCormicks Beef Stew mix in it. Then place the steak on top of this mixture. Add water up around the sides of the steak. Don't add enough to cover the steak. Just enough so you see the water coming up. Slow Roast for 10 hours. After the steak is done, remove everything and add corn starch to the liquid to make gravy. Recombine everything, simmer for an hour. Enjoy.
7. "Pulled Pork Sloppy Joes".
Place a large package of Pork Neck Bones in a 7 quart slow roaster. Add cabbage and onion. Add onion powder. Slow roast on high for 10 hours. Drain after the 10 hours, remove the bones from the mixture and then add the solid mixture back to the slow roaster. Don't use or put the liquid back in the slow roaster. Throw away the water and pork grease that you strain off to get down to the pork meat. cabbage and onions. Then add one bottle of Walmart's original BBQ sauce. Simmer for an hour on low. Enjoy!! You can also place this finished mixture on pre-baked pork chops or country style ribs. Use the pulled pork sloppy joe as the sauce. It will be as thick as sloppy joes and it will need to bake in, smothered in a covered dish.
8. "Baked Cabbage and Red Hots".
I suggest the old school type wieners. They are the skin on, "Sweet Red Hots". Use a slow roaster and slow roast cabbage, red hots. You can strain sour kraut and shake the vinegar off and place it in the slow roaster with the Red Hots and Cabbage. I suggest Mustard and fresh baked bread. You can get the frozen bread in the freezer section at the store. You can shape the rising bread into loafs or hoggie sizes. Enjoy!
9. "Cheese Cake Banana Splits".
Make a No-Bake Cheese Cake, then build a banana split on top of each slice as you eat it. You can also do a brownie sundae on the cheese cake.
10. "Tea Party".
I remember my sisters doing this years ago. You use fresh baked bread, and add jelly, jam, marmalade, apple butter sugar and cinnamon. Then you make hot tea. Know that they are older,they could add, cherry brandy, peach brandy etc:..
11. "Quick Gravy".
Mix one packet of country style cream gravy with one packet of brown gravy mix. Add two cups cold water. Whisk and bring to a boil. Add in or whisk in sour cream and allow to cool. This is a very quick and tasty gravy.
12. "Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls".
Mix cream cheese, rocotta cheese and crab meat together. Then prepare your egg roll stuffing with cabbage, etc:.. smear the cream cheese mixture on a wonton. Then add the egg rollstuffing. Roll the wonton up and cook as a egg roll. Enjoy with plum sauce.
13. "Chicken and Dumplings or Mashed Potatoes Dumplings".
Put a 10 pound bag of Chicken Quarters or Thighs in a 7 quart slow roaster. Add 2 yellow diced onions. Add some onion powder. Add water until the chicken is just covered. Cook on high for 10 hours. Then strain the water out, de-bone the chicken. Then place the chicken back into the water/chicken broth with the onions. Place dumplings in and simmer for about an hour on low. This can also go over cold mashed potatoes. Mix up and make mashed potatoes. Instant or real. Use sour cream etc:.. Place in the fridge, covered in a tight bowl over night. Then pull out and make small balls or dumplings while it is still cold and firm. Then place these in the mixture. You can also bring the chicken broth/water to a rapid boil to seal the mashed potatoes as a potato dumpling pasta. This will form, Chicken and Dumplings.
14. "Steak Frys".
Remember, Fried Chicken and Fried Fish taste great with Vinegar and twice baked Steak Frys. Twice Baked Steak Frys. Boil Potatoes, whole. Let them cool. Bake them and then place them in the fridge over night in a air tight container. Then the next day, carefully slice them into steak frys or cottage frys. Then bake them up or fry them. They will be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Leave the skin on. Don't forget the Ketchup, Mustard and Garlic and Olive Oil Relish. Whorstershire Sauce is nice also. Check out the side salads and side dish recipes above on this website.
15. "Stuffed Croissant's".
Use a pizza dough from scratch. Roll it out like your making a pizza. Then top it with what ever. Corn beef and Cabbage, Ground Beef and Cheese. Olive Oil and Garlic. Ham and Cheese. Anything you wish. Then cut the pizza into 4 slices. Then cut those into 3 slices or thirds. Then roll each slice from the center forming a Croissant. Bake and enjoy.
16. "Canned Carrot's and Cream of Mushroom Soup".
Heat together and then blend in a blender while hot. It sounds weird, but is very delicious. Add Horse radish Sauce to taste.
17. "Banana Bread Cheese Cake Pudding".
Buy Banana Nut Bread. Cut into cubes. Place cubes in bowl. Mix up No Bake Cheese cake as directed. Pour over the banana bread cubes until just covered. Allow to soak in and then refridgerate to set cheese cake. Enjoy. If you wish, make the banana bread from scratch or from a store bought packaged mixture.
See me at facebook as Herbert West III and as HerbertIII at twitter and I am at yahoo answers as Herbert West 3rd.
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