OK, what is this post about? What would you think, "THE OFFICE OF THE LOCATOR", would be? A Federal Office that is comprised of all Federal Offices as a Joint Office. This Office would do the following things.
There are 311,668,863 people who live in the U.S.A.. If the Federal Government could justify taking .99cents from each one of those people each month, that would generate, $308,571,974.00 Million dollars a month. That is, $3,702,863,688.00 Billion a year. How would they get the .99 cents from each and every one of us? They would do a search on our, Name, Address, Social Security Number and they would find every place we flag. Our, Auto Insurance, Utility Bill, Rent, Bank Accounts, Credit Cards, Doctors, Medical Insurance, Vehicle Tag, etc:.. If they pull .01 cents from us, for each of those places they find us, they can verify we exist there. If I can only be found in 20 places, they still pull .99 cents from me a month. Why and how? They have more than one desk doing searches every month. A multitude of desks are looking for my Auto Insurance every month. Lets say 10 desks are searching for my Auto Insurance using 20different Office Policies or Office Protocols. That is still .20 cents for each Locator Employee. The Secret Service would have employees on a Locator Desk. The F.B.I., I.R.S., Social Security, U.S. Military , Veterans Administration, Department of Homeland Security, United States Postal Service , would all have their own Locator Desk. The U.S. Marshals would have a Locator Desk etc:.. It would be ran as a, "Unity Of Command", within the Incident Command System.
What are some of the main objectives and justifications to activate and utilize the Incident Command System?
1. Immigration. Are all people living in America Legal? They are not profiling, they are searching us all. Are any of us located in more than one place?
2. Missing Persons. A missing persons identity might flag. Bank Account movement, car sale, insurance renewed, Doctor visit, Credit Card used, Social Security Number used, Cell Phone, Green Dot VISA used, etc:..
3. Disaster Census. Who lived where just before a disaster? How many people were located at that geographical location each month? Are they permanent or temporary? Are they located in more than one place?
4. Child Support. Where are the people who are in Default on payments? Are they located in more than one place?
5. Voter Registration Sweeps. Where are the people registered to vote? Are they located in more than one place?
6. Taxes. Do we owe taxes? Where are we if we do? Who is located on all property's in America?
7. Prisoners. Who is located in which Prison? Who is located in which Jail?
8. Court. Who is located for which Court? To include Divorce, Traffic, etc:..
9. Student Loans. Who is hiding from the Department of Education?
10. Investments. Stocks, Bonds, etc:..
11. Death Certificates. Is a dead person cashing checks? Is a dead person collecting Social Security directly? A Locator sweep from, President George Washington, to present day.
12. Birth Certificates. Who was born, when and where?
13. Military Status. From the Civil War to present.
14. Fire Arms Registrations. Who has a Registered Fire Arm? Is it Registered in more than one Location?
15. Wants and Warrant's. Extraditable or Not Extraditable?
16. Marriage License's. Married in more than one location after a Locator Sweep?
17. Registered Offenders. Are they compliant or non-compliant by the Locator Sweep? Are they in more than one location after a Locator Sweep?
If they locate someone who has a tagged vehicle. But another desk cannot find any Auto Insurance, then they can activate the Sheriff where the person lives to verify that the person has Insurance. The "Office of the Locator" would have "Probable Cause" by doing full American Resident Locator Sweeps every month. It would cost me, $11.88 a year to secure my identity and to help find those people who are breaking the Law. Imagine, that this Office would be allowed to Locate the Financial Portfolio's of Congress and the 50 States Legislature's. They could Locate the same on any and all Elected Official. They would find that the 50 State's Legislature's and others, move our taxes across the State line and then invest in the company's that benefit from our taxes. That is "INSIDER TRADING". It is illegal. They do this and then tell us, "I don't have jurisdiction in that other State". That is a form of, "Willful Blindness". They could even do a Locator on the President. They could do a Locator on any elected official and any candidate. As it would be structured and ran by a collectivity of the Federal Government Agency's, there would already be Security Measures in place. These funds that they collect would be available to them to facilitate National Security. They could allow some of the funds to be used for Disaster's if they choose. This just a basic concept. I don't expect to receive anything as far as money for this, "Office of the Locator" concept. I just like helping my country.
Herbert West 3rd, C.E.O.
Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA
21817 W. 351st
Paola Kansas 66071
I.R.S. E.I.N. 45-1473168
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- Paola, Kansas, United States
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
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