About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- Paola, Kansas, United States
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Drought Assistance.
I live in Kansas. I have witnessed the Drought in my county neighborhood. What to do to help reverse the problem? Water!!! Ok, that makes sense, right. Imagine a pasture on the river. The river is lower than the pasture/farm land. How to get the water up to the pasture/farm land? Syphon it. Place a barrel or stock tank on top of a short tower. Place a hose from the bottom of the tank, up to the top of the tank and elbow it down the side of the tank and tower. Place the water line into the river. Then place a valve at the bottom of the tank on the other side of the tank and place a water line on down to the ground, into the irrigation channel or ditch. Then use one way check valves to stabilize the pressure and stop back wash. Then fill up the tank, and then drain the tank. This cause a vacuum and pull's water out of the river and into the tank and thus places that river water into the irrigation channels and ditches. This will help reduce the drought problem. If you agree, send me $100.00 and thank me. I don't control the amount of water your allowed. You control that and negotiate that with the State and Federal Government. I am not responsible for this concept, you are. The $100.00 is tax deductible. I also feel that this tank concept will work on wells and other water sources. I have a 150 foot deep water well. I use a vacuum pump to draw up drinking water. I am going to have my landlord add a tank around the pump. I will have him place a "Y" Pipe between the well and the pump. It will have a one way check valve on each of the "Y" line sides. One will go to the pump, one will go up towards the tank. The tank will be above the height of the pump. Then the line coming out of the pump will go into another "Y" Pipe. The other line from the well will go into the tank. Both lines will go into the tank. The tank will be connected into my trailer. When I turn on my facet I get water. The tank will pull more water than the pump, thus the pump works less. If my power goes out I still have water. Hope these ideas help. Again, send me $100.00 thanking me. It is tax deductible. Herbert West 3rd, CEO, Marketing Matters HLW3RD, 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. west.herb@yahoo.com http://marketingmattershlw3rddba.blogspot.com/2011/06/index-of-offerings-packages.html
Friday, September 7, 2012
Why Trayvon Martin was Murdered.
Was Trayvon's death just a accident or mis-step? No! It was premeditated. People will say I am crazy. But lets look at some facts that people are not seeing.
1. Norton Bonaparte. Former City Manager in Topeka Kansas. http://www.napawash.org/fellows/fellows-biographies/norton-n-bonaparte-jr/ Why is he mentioned? He was City manager when the only, "Stand Your Ground Case" went to trial in Kansas and the Defendant lost.
2. Trayvon has family members in Kansas who have Alcohol Dementia. One of them was shot by a Deputy in 2012, in Miami County Kansas. http://www.kansas.com/2011/12/23/2150973/officer-shoots-boy-in-miami-county.html Oh yea, they had just changed over to Glock 45's instead of 9MM Glock Handguns.
3. President Obama had visited Osawatomie the prior November. He also had denied access to Osawatomie residents to see him because Topeka residents had traveled in and bumped the Osawatomie residents out. Yea, Bonaparte's former City he Managed and Sebelius was Governor in. Yea, "Old Faye Sebelius".
4. George Zimmerman's real dad is George P Zimmerman of the Mens Wearhouse. He is Jewish and doesn't believe in God nor does the Zimmerman who shot Trayvon. George P Zimmerman supplies suits to the Secret Service and the FBI through Petiers Clothiers. The Secret Service is in KCMO at the Petier's Clothiers building.
5. Zimmerman is allowed bail, in hopes that someone will kill him. He knows who he spoke with, when he met them and followed what he was told to do. How? Covert work. He followed the news reports and followed what he was to do based on what he saw. Example of Covert works. Undercover cops give messages with out phone calls. When they are followed, they buy Coke instead of Pepsi. This gives them following them, messages. Baseball and Football teams do the same with hand gestures/signals. So do Military Personnel. Zimmerman can say who he met, where he met them. This is a matter of association. Obama stated, "If he had a son he would look like Trayvon". Coincidence? NO!!!
6. Yea, Trayvon was killed to play the "Race Card" in this election. All these race wars and bullshit to manipulate the elections.
7. Heart to Heart is allowed to embezzled funds. They collected big cash bucks for Joplin Missouri and then transferred those funds to the East Coast for the Hurricane. Joplin got screwed. Indonesia has never received their Tsunami Funds. Yet Hilary Clinton received her 1/3 with her Husband for collecting funds. Yea, Chelsea had a $3.8 Million Dollar Wedding while Indonesia people starve and die. The Katrina Victims have not received their funds yet. The American Vets are getting screwed. The United Way is stealing these "CASH" donations through the NFL. The Kansas City Chiefs are just a money laundering front. They make money from the Tailgaters. They have stock and ownership in Grocery Stores and Grocery Warehouses.
8. All these factors are being manipulated by humans. They are lying to us, using and killing us. Kansas has gotten severely fucked up. They are stealing money, screwing our tax base etc:..
9. There are multiple Kansas and Florida connections. People put in place to manipulate everything they can. This needs exposed.
10. I was blocked the right to run for Office in Miami County Kansas. Judge Smith refused my Petition of Writ of Mandamus, demanding that my name be put on the Ballot in November, as it was "Criminally Removed" through a Dictatorship instead of a Democracy. The Kansas Lottery Secretary is laundering money through Miami County Kansas where he has businesses and investments. He launders money through Intercom/Cumulus with the United Way.
11. Yea, Trayvon was killed for being a "NIGGER". That really sucks!!
12. Sheriff Kelly covered for his Deputies who shot the 15 year old. The Deputies have been shot at before, jumped before and have been in dangerous situations before. They never returned fire yet alone shot anyone. A 15 year old Alcohol Dementia child gets capped? He is upset about Trayvon's death, reacts, his adoptive parents call for help and he is shot!!!! Damn!!!!
13. Read up on Miami County Kansas at http://holyshitmiamicountykansas.blogspot.com/ and http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/
You might say I am crazy. You might feel I am wrong. The Topeka case was viewed and used to help Zimmerman walk. Not to get him off, but to get him killed by a vigilante to silence him. He can't be killed in custody. They want him killed by the streets. People keep looking at titles. Please look at motives and intentions. How much money has the United Way, Cumulus and Intercom laundered from these "CASH drives? 1/3!!!! 1/3 of One Million is $333,000.00 times 11 years is, $3,663,000.00 that the Soldiers did not get. How many millions have been collected over the 11 years? $660 million was donated and never received just for the 2004 Tsunami. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake_and_tsunami Shit!!!! 1/3 of $660 million is $220 Million. That is $440 Million missing, for one disaster! Katrina is still missing, $4 Billion Dollars in donations stuck in the United Way, United Methodist Church, Catholic Charities USA etc:.. 4,000 million lost to those Charities. And the Federal Government looks the other way. Am I wrong?? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_response_to_Hurricane_Katrina Only 5% of the Donations have been given 95% of the funds are missing. Yea, $854 Million given and $40 Million actually given in relief to the victims.
All this and all the media bullshit to keep us at war and to keep the thieves funded so they can Demolish America. Fight back. Spread the word and demand accountability. I had attempted to stop this and other corruptions in Miami County by running for Sheriff. I also was denied access illegally by the County Clerk. See http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/ I also filed a Petition of Writ of Mandamus and the 6TH District Court Judge Smith denied it. I will refile in Federal Court as it is a Criminal Complaint for the County Clerk Dictating the Election and altering a Presidential Federal Election process. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5414
**Update September 12TH 2012**
I faxed the US Attorney Barry Grissom in Wichita Kansas on September 11TH, 2012. The Federal District Court in KCK stated, "They did not receive the e-mailed PDF". They further stated, "I must pay a fee for the Federal Government to take a Criminal Complaint or to investigate Criminal Activities". That blows my mind. Your house gets robbed and you have to pay the Deputy to take a report. Holy Shit America!!!!!
Herbert West 3rd.
1. Norton Bonaparte. Former City Manager in Topeka Kansas. http://www.napawash.org/fellows/fellows-biographies/norton-n-bonaparte-jr/ Why is he mentioned? He was City manager when the only, "Stand Your Ground Case" went to trial in Kansas and the Defendant lost.
2. Trayvon has family members in Kansas who have Alcohol Dementia. One of them was shot by a Deputy in 2012, in Miami County Kansas. http://www.kansas.com/2011/12/23/2150973/officer-shoots-boy-in-miami-county.html Oh yea, they had just changed over to Glock 45's instead of 9MM Glock Handguns.
3. President Obama had visited Osawatomie the prior November. He also had denied access to Osawatomie residents to see him because Topeka residents had traveled in and bumped the Osawatomie residents out. Yea, Bonaparte's former City he Managed and Sebelius was Governor in. Yea, "Old Faye Sebelius".
4. George Zimmerman's real dad is George P Zimmerman of the Mens Wearhouse. He is Jewish and doesn't believe in God nor does the Zimmerman who shot Trayvon. George P Zimmerman supplies suits to the Secret Service and the FBI through Petiers Clothiers. The Secret Service is in KCMO at the Petier's Clothiers building.
5. Zimmerman is allowed bail, in hopes that someone will kill him. He knows who he spoke with, when he met them and followed what he was told to do. How? Covert work. He followed the news reports and followed what he was to do based on what he saw. Example of Covert works. Undercover cops give messages with out phone calls. When they are followed, they buy Coke instead of Pepsi. This gives them following them, messages. Baseball and Football teams do the same with hand gestures/signals. So do Military Personnel. Zimmerman can say who he met, where he met them. This is a matter of association. Obama stated, "If he had a son he would look like Trayvon". Coincidence? NO!!!
6. Yea, Trayvon was killed to play the "Race Card" in this election. All these race wars and bullshit to manipulate the elections.
7. Heart to Heart is allowed to embezzled funds. They collected big cash bucks for Joplin Missouri and then transferred those funds to the East Coast for the Hurricane. Joplin got screwed. Indonesia has never received their Tsunami Funds. Yet Hilary Clinton received her 1/3 with her Husband for collecting funds. Yea, Chelsea had a $3.8 Million Dollar Wedding while Indonesia people starve and die. The Katrina Victims have not received their funds yet. The American Vets are getting screwed. The United Way is stealing these "CASH" donations through the NFL. The Kansas City Chiefs are just a money laundering front. They make money from the Tailgaters. They have stock and ownership in Grocery Stores and Grocery Warehouses.
8. All these factors are being manipulated by humans. They are lying to us, using and killing us. Kansas has gotten severely fucked up. They are stealing money, screwing our tax base etc:..
9. There are multiple Kansas and Florida connections. People put in place to manipulate everything they can. This needs exposed.
10. I was blocked the right to run for Office in Miami County Kansas. Judge Smith refused my Petition of Writ of Mandamus, demanding that my name be put on the Ballot in November, as it was "Criminally Removed" through a Dictatorship instead of a Democracy. The Kansas Lottery Secretary is laundering money through Miami County Kansas where he has businesses and investments. He launders money through Intercom/Cumulus with the United Way.
11. Yea, Trayvon was killed for being a "NIGGER". That really sucks!!
12. Sheriff Kelly covered for his Deputies who shot the 15 year old. The Deputies have been shot at before, jumped before and have been in dangerous situations before. They never returned fire yet alone shot anyone. A 15 year old Alcohol Dementia child gets capped? He is upset about Trayvon's death, reacts, his adoptive parents call for help and he is shot!!!! Damn!!!!
13. Read up on Miami County Kansas at http://holyshitmiamicountykansas.blogspot.com/ and http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/
You might say I am crazy. You might feel I am wrong. The Topeka case was viewed and used to help Zimmerman walk. Not to get him off, but to get him killed by a vigilante to silence him. He can't be killed in custody. They want him killed by the streets. People keep looking at titles. Please look at motives and intentions. How much money has the United Way, Cumulus and Intercom laundered from these "CASH drives? 1/3!!!! 1/3 of One Million is $333,000.00 times 11 years is, $3,663,000.00 that the Soldiers did not get. How many millions have been collected over the 11 years? $660 million was donated and never received just for the 2004 Tsunami. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake_and_tsunami Shit!!!! 1/3 of $660 million is $220 Million. That is $440 Million missing, for one disaster! Katrina is still missing, $4 Billion Dollars in donations stuck in the United Way, United Methodist Church, Catholic Charities USA etc:.. 4,000 million lost to those Charities. And the Federal Government looks the other way. Am I wrong?? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_response_to_Hurricane_Katrina Only 5% of the Donations have been given 95% of the funds are missing. Yea, $854 Million given and $40 Million actually given in relief to the victims.
All this and all the media bullshit to keep us at war and to keep the thieves funded so they can Demolish America. Fight back. Spread the word and demand accountability. I had attempted to stop this and other corruptions in Miami County by running for Sheriff. I also was denied access illegally by the County Clerk. See http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/ I also filed a Petition of Writ of Mandamus and the 6TH District Court Judge Smith denied it. I will refile in Federal Court as it is a Criminal Complaint for the County Clerk Dictating the Election and altering a Presidential Federal Election process. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5414
**Update September 12TH 2012**
I faxed the US Attorney Barry Grissom in Wichita Kansas on September 11TH, 2012. The Federal District Court in KCK stated, "They did not receive the e-mailed PDF". They further stated, "I must pay a fee for the Federal Government to take a Criminal Complaint or to investigate Criminal Activities". That blows my mind. Your house gets robbed and you have to pay the Deputy to take a report. Holy Shit America!!!!!
Herbert West 3rd.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Not-For-Profit Raffle.
I had e-mailed KSHB 41 in Kansas City and have found that I am getting ripped off again. I will be able to scan the original e-mail and post it here tomorrow or Saturday. I will show the original idea for a Not-For-Profit raffle here.
Basically my idea for a Raffle is,
1. I list any and all Not-For-Profits that I wish to use.
2. People log onto my website and choose the Not-For-Profit they wish the Raffle Ticket Price to go to. That Not-For-Profit would receive that $5.00 minus a Service Fee.
3. I would contact businesses and get Gift Certificates for prizes.
4. When I draw the winner, they would go through the list of Gift Certificates and choose up to $500.00 worth of Gift Certificates. The rest would remain in the Prize Pool. The businesses would get advertising for giving Gift Certificates. They also can declare the Gift Certificates as an Advertising Tax Deduction on their Federal Income Tax.
5. I would receive a Service Charge on each Raffle Ticket sold. The price would be about $5.00 a Raffle Ticket. I would get $1.00 per Raffle Ticket as a Service Charge.
6. I will contract with Banks in the "Greater City Areas". Example, "Greater Kansas City Area", Greater Atlanta Georgia Area". The Phone Company Areas is what I basing these areas on. I want to use, First Option Bank in Miami County Kansas for the, "Greater Kansas City Area", Raffle.
7. I will give 49% or .49 cents of my $1.00 per raffle Ticket Collected to the designated Bank who facilitates the Raffle as contracted.
8. They would set up a website off of their Bank website. They would collect the $5.00 and conduct the monthly drawings. They would set up a Post Office Box and collect the cards from people who demand a free chance at the Raffle. These cards would be collected on every Friday for that designated month of Raffle. They would hand add these cards into the electronic Raffle. Be advised, this is not their primary function and they will not stop other bank functions to add these mailed cards to the electronic Raffle. They will transfer my $1.00 to me and retain their .49 cents. They will transfer the $4.00 to the designated Not-For-Profit as facilitated.
9. The winner will be announced and the winner, when choosing the Gift Certificates from the Prize Pool, will have to go to the businesses and receive the Gift Certificates or spend them at that business. These Gift Certificates are Non-Transferable. Any child who participates cannot receive any age regulated merchandise. Any winner cannot receive, Lottery Tickets. Double Coupons and Double Deals are at the discretion of the Business who provided the Prize for the Raffle.
10. As Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, I will not declare or utilize any tax Deductions as a Business. Nor will I participate in any of the Raffles.
11. The contract with the Bank/Banks supercede any information here, "As The Case May Be As Found", as contracted.
12. Any Media who provides advertisment/announcment of this or these Raffles, may promote or push their Not-For-Profits, or any they choose who participates at their discretion. I, Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, acknowledge their rights to Amendment One.
13. I, Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, acknowledge the Bank/Banks have the same discretion and rights in number 12 above, stated here in.
14. This is a brief of what I am concepting. I will finalize with a Bank/Banks soon. The Bank/Banks Contract/Contracts will supercede any and all information stated here in. I am declaring, further more that this information is my original and can not be used without my permission.
15. I, Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, further acknowledge that any contracted Bank/Banks may, at their discretion deny any Business or Media from any and all participation at their discretion. In this any and all participation from any individual or group who wishes to aprticipate in the Raffle is subject to the same discretion by the Bank/Banks. I, Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, will not supercede this.
16. Be further advised, I, Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, will not set up a Not-For-Profit and will pay all my taxes and fees without Tax Deductions, as a For Profit Sole Proprietorship.
17. Again, the information here is subject to change and any and all Contracts will supercede any and all information here as Contracted and facilitated, "As The Case May Be As Found".
18. Any and all, City, County, State and Federal Laws will be honored, respected and followed in any and all, "Greater City Area Raffle Areas", 24/7/365, "As The Case May Be As Found".
19. My intentions are not to break the Law or rip anyone off. My intentions are to make money and help Not-For-Profits make money. Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA.
No one has ever done this before. That makes it my original idea. No one has ever allowed people to choose their own prizes from the prize pool. No one has ever allowed people to pick their own Charity or Not-For-Profit to receive the Raffle Ticket price. Most Raffles benefit one Not-For-Profit, not multiple. I consider this my original idea and no one else can use it. I will be filing on KSHB 41 for a review of them trying to steal my original idea. Why, http://www.agendabe.org/ This all of a sudden pops up and is aired onto KSHB 41. I find that an attempt to steal my original idea. Mike Vrabac at KSHB 41 is the Station Manager. Again, I have the original e-mail and will scan it tomorrow and post it here. I will be contacting my Bank and setting up a Bank Account and get it finalized.
As http://www.agendabe.org/ stated on KSHB 41, "They are just getting started". They just rushed a very small insite into their, "SO CALLED" idea or concept. They rushed it to try to steal it from me.
Scan of letter to Mike Vrabac, KSHB 41 News. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5358 This shows that this Raffle is my original idea.
First Option Bank said, "NO". I have contacted lifelock, http://www.lifelock.com/ on another idea in my company, http://otherthingstwo.blogspot.com/2011/12/green-dot-money-card-ideasuggestion.html . I will keep you updated. I will be contacting other banks on the Raffle. LifeLock stated, "they never received my e-mails". They are full of shit. I have the confirmations back from them. I contacted Wells Fargo bank online. I will keep you posted. So far Wells fargo has not responded back.
Herbert West 3rd, C.E.O.
Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA
A Sole Proprietorship
E.I.N. 45-1473168
21817 W. 351ST
Paola Kansas, 66071
Basically my idea for a Raffle is,
1. I list any and all Not-For-Profits that I wish to use.
2. People log onto my website and choose the Not-For-Profit they wish the Raffle Ticket Price to go to. That Not-For-Profit would receive that $5.00 minus a Service Fee.
3. I would contact businesses and get Gift Certificates for prizes.
4. When I draw the winner, they would go through the list of Gift Certificates and choose up to $500.00 worth of Gift Certificates. The rest would remain in the Prize Pool. The businesses would get advertising for giving Gift Certificates. They also can declare the Gift Certificates as an Advertising Tax Deduction on their Federal Income Tax.
5. I would receive a Service Charge on each Raffle Ticket sold. The price would be about $5.00 a Raffle Ticket. I would get $1.00 per Raffle Ticket as a Service Charge.
6. I will contract with Banks in the "Greater City Areas". Example, "Greater Kansas City Area", Greater Atlanta Georgia Area". The Phone Company Areas is what I basing these areas on. I want to use, First Option Bank in Miami County Kansas for the, "Greater Kansas City Area", Raffle.
7. I will give 49% or .49 cents of my $1.00 per raffle Ticket Collected to the designated Bank who facilitates the Raffle as contracted.
8. They would set up a website off of their Bank website. They would collect the $5.00 and conduct the monthly drawings. They would set up a Post Office Box and collect the cards from people who demand a free chance at the Raffle. These cards would be collected on every Friday for that designated month of Raffle. They would hand add these cards into the electronic Raffle. Be advised, this is not their primary function and they will not stop other bank functions to add these mailed cards to the electronic Raffle. They will transfer my $1.00 to me and retain their .49 cents. They will transfer the $4.00 to the designated Not-For-Profit as facilitated.
9. The winner will be announced and the winner, when choosing the Gift Certificates from the Prize Pool, will have to go to the businesses and receive the Gift Certificates or spend them at that business. These Gift Certificates are Non-Transferable. Any child who participates cannot receive any age regulated merchandise. Any winner cannot receive, Lottery Tickets. Double Coupons and Double Deals are at the discretion of the Business who provided the Prize for the Raffle.
10. As Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, I will not declare or utilize any tax Deductions as a Business. Nor will I participate in any of the Raffles.
11. The contract with the Bank/Banks supercede any information here, "As The Case May Be As Found", as contracted.
12. Any Media who provides advertisment/announcment of this or these Raffles, may promote or push their Not-For-Profits, or any they choose who participates at their discretion. I, Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, acknowledge their rights to Amendment One.
13. I, Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, acknowledge the Bank/Banks have the same discretion and rights in number 12 above, stated here in.
14. This is a brief of what I am concepting. I will finalize with a Bank/Banks soon. The Bank/Banks Contract/Contracts will supercede any and all information stated here in. I am declaring, further more that this information is my original and can not be used without my permission.
15. I, Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, further acknowledge that any contracted Bank/Banks may, at their discretion deny any Business or Media from any and all participation at their discretion. In this any and all participation from any individual or group who wishes to aprticipate in the Raffle is subject to the same discretion by the Bank/Banks. I, Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, will not supercede this.
16. Be further advised, I, Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA, will not set up a Not-For-Profit and will pay all my taxes and fees without Tax Deductions, as a For Profit Sole Proprietorship.
17. Again, the information here is subject to change and any and all Contracts will supercede any and all information here as Contracted and facilitated, "As The Case May Be As Found".
18. Any and all, City, County, State and Federal Laws will be honored, respected and followed in any and all, "Greater City Area Raffle Areas", 24/7/365, "As The Case May Be As Found".
19. My intentions are not to break the Law or rip anyone off. My intentions are to make money and help Not-For-Profits make money. Herbert West 3rd, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA.
No one has ever done this before. That makes it my original idea. No one has ever allowed people to choose their own prizes from the prize pool. No one has ever allowed people to pick their own Charity or Not-For-Profit to receive the Raffle Ticket price. Most Raffles benefit one Not-For-Profit, not multiple. I consider this my original idea and no one else can use it. I will be filing on KSHB 41 for a review of them trying to steal my original idea. Why, http://www.agendabe.org/ This all of a sudden pops up and is aired onto KSHB 41. I find that an attempt to steal my original idea. Mike Vrabac at KSHB 41 is the Station Manager. Again, I have the original e-mail and will scan it tomorrow and post it here. I will be contacting my Bank and setting up a Bank Account and get it finalized.
As http://www.agendabe.org/ stated on KSHB 41, "They are just getting started". They just rushed a very small insite into their, "SO CALLED" idea or concept. They rushed it to try to steal it from me.
Scan of letter to Mike Vrabac, KSHB 41 News. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5358 This shows that this Raffle is my original idea.
First Option Bank said, "NO". I have contacted lifelock, http://www.lifelock.com/ on another idea in my company, http://otherthingstwo.blogspot.com/2011/12/green-dot-money-card-ideasuggestion.html . I will keep you updated. I will be contacting other banks on the Raffle. LifeLock stated, "they never received my e-mails". They are full of shit. I have the confirmations back from them. I contacted Wells Fargo bank online. I will keep you posted. So far Wells fargo has not responded back.
Herbert West 3rd, C.E.O.
Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA
A Sole Proprietorship
E.I.N. 45-1473168
21817 W. 351ST
Paola Kansas, 66071
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Avril Lavine "Girlfriend".
Avril Lavine. "Girlfriend". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg59q4puhmg&feature=related Uncensored. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUBvzTWI-2o
Monday, May 21, 2012
Nickle Back. "Burn It To The Ground".
Nickle Back. "Burn It To The Ground". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t56BHdUolMY "Never Again". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1v0MVNwS-E "Bottoms Up". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfk_8IOppHM&feature=related
Theory Of A Deadman. "Bad Girlfriend".
Theory Of A Deadman. "Bad Girlfriend". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcJU6zsNWyM&feature=related "Bitch Came Back". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXieR34Gy3I&feature=relmfu "Lowlife". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29RnY0H7cj4&feature=relmfu
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Mix of Rap/Hip Hop.
Mix of Rap and Hip/Hop. "Whoomp There It Is". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-FPimCmbX8&feature=related Wreck in Effect "Rump Shaker". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxVauTbyy6w&feature=related Kriss Kross. "Jump". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuH28Agi4AU&feature=related Salt N Pepa. "Push It". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4onJ7Z2MLI Young MC. "Bust A Move". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTiMcCpEZIQ&feature=related Gwen Stefani. "Hollaback Girl". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DE3IeBk0vQ&feature=related
Quad City Dj's. "C'Mon 'N Ride It".
Quad City Dj's. "C'Mon 'N Ride It". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-DpRcxK_N8
Saturday, May 19, 2012
White Zombie. "Thunder Kiss '65".
White Zombie. "Thunder Kiss '65". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPNFVj-pISU&feature=related "More Human Than Human". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0E0ynyIUsg&feature=relmfu Rob Zombie. "Dragula". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqQuihD0hoI&feature=related "Superbeast". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHBtpqbOKXk&feature=relmfu
Friday, May 18, 2012
The Last Dragon. "The Glow".
The Last Dragon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO01noLjXCg&feature=related
The Last Dragon Theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpSse2JXmHQ&feature=related
The Last dragon, "Full Movie". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXpRgHszJCI&feature=related
The Last Dragon Theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpSse2JXmHQ&feature=related
The Last dragon, "Full Movie". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXpRgHszJCI&feature=related
Amii Stewart. "Knock Knock on Wood".
Amii Stewart. "Knock Knock on Wood". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Hm08f5b8tc&feature=related
Donna Summer. "Love to Love You Baby".
Donna Summer. "Love to Love You Baby". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5AztWseIdU "Hot Stuff". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IdEhvuNxV8&feature=related "Bad Girls". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbGKeyCywTY&feature=relatedr "On The Radio". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oHIgynH6UQ&feature=relatedr
Naughty By Nature. "O.P.P.".
Naughty By Nature. "O.P.P.". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xGuGSDsDrM&feature=related
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Pink Floyd. "The Wall Full Album".
Pink Floyd. "The Wall Full Album". http://youtube.com/watch?v=1pWguH_d148 "Dark Side Of The Moon. http://youtube.com/watch?v=DLOth-BuCNY
Joan Jett and The Blackhearts. "Do You Want To Touch Me".
Joan Jett and The Blackhearts. "Do You Want To Touch". http://youtube.com/watch?v=XELpxApT8Kc "I Love Rock And Roll". http://youtube.com/watch?v=5vFFyJ0s9m0
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Def Leppard. "Pour Some Sugar On Me".
Def Leppard. "Pour Some Sugar On Me". http://youtube.com/watch?v=AQ4xwmZ6zi4&feature=related "Photograph". http://youtube.com/watch?v=VZ5bS3_BCDs "Rock Of Ages". http://youtube.com/watch?v=ncjcjpQzceQ&feature=relmfu
Monday, May 7, 2012
Guns N' Roses. "Paradise City".
Guns N' Roses. "Paradise City" http://youtube.com/watch?v=Rbm6GXllBiw "Sweet Child Of Mine". http://youtube.com/watch?v=P-AYAv0IoWI "You Could Be Mine". http://youtube.com/watch?v=VlzptZ9wieQ "Sweet Child O' Mine". http://youtube.com/watch?v=1w7OgIMMRc4 "Welcome To The Jungle". http://youtube.com/watch?v=o1tj2zJ2Wvg "Patience". http://youtube.com/watch?v=ErvgV4P6Fzc "Mr Brownstone". http://youtube.com/watch?v=fjekVN62sPk
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Poison. "Talk Dirty To Me".
Poison. "Talk Dirty To Me". http://youtube.com/watch?v=xCChxBSRo1Y "Something To Believe In". http://youtube.com/watch?v=G5uamDMoW4o "Nothin' But A Good Time". http://youtube.com/watch?v=_88L-CU7PD4 "Fallen Angel". http://youtube.com/watch?v=AelpbAegA-4 "Unskinny Bop". http://youtube.com/watch?v=uXaobvYqWsw "Back At The Rocking Horse". http://youtube.com/watch?v=EnfEaa5ch5k "Bad To Be Good". http://youtube.com/watch?v=zO10oyZQPzg "Look But You Can't Touch". http://youtube.com/watch?v=3SFJfUB2E0I "I Want Action" http://youtube.com/watch?v=0QaMDNRCfDk
Kid Rock. "All Summer Long".
Kid Rock. "All Summer Long". http://youtube.com/watch?v=uwIGZLjugKA "Cowboy". http://youtube.com/watch?v=glb2U6y-GdU "Amen". http://youtube.com/watch?v=Q-hzDriqlK8 "Jackson Mississippi" http://youtube.com/watch?v=ykS39EnVKyw "Bawitdaba". http://youtube.com/watch?v=1OrNS2zbTZg "Born Free". http://youtube.com/watch?v=bu3rsha1ZtI "American Bad Ass". http://youtube.com/watch?v=mt84J7U75e0
Lady Gaga. "Love Game".
Lady Gaga. "Love Game". http://youtube.com/watch?v=Hjp2X5FC4Wk "Born This Way". http://youtube.com/watch?v=wV1FrqwZyKw "Poker Face". http://youtube.com/watch?v=hY-vXcmpZIw "Paparazzi". http://youtube.com/watch?v=a6HBi_TFFyw&feature=related
Whitney Houston. "Greatest Love Of All".
Whitney Houston. "Greatest Love Of All". http://youtube.com/watch?v=IYzlVDlE72w "I Want To Dance With Somebody". http://youtube.com/watch?v=eH3giaIzONA "How Will I Know". http://youtube.com/watch?v=iciuDRPCHVo "I'm Every Woman". http://youtube.com/watch?v=H7_sqdkaAfo "I Will Always love You". http://youtube.com/watch?v=7hM_vSQLu_8
TLC "Ain't 2 Proud To Beg".
TLC. "Ain't To Proud To Beg". http://youtube.com/watch?v=AlOsU8_Rzsk "Waterfalls". http://youtube.com/watch?v=8WEtxJ4-sh4
LL Cool J. "Mama Said Knock You Out".
LL Cool J. "Mama Said Knock You Out". http://youtube.com/watch?v=vimZj8HW0Kg
Gap Band. "You Dropped A Bomb On Me".
Gap Band. "You Dropped A Bomb On Me". http://youtube.com/watch?v=EMV-JcUzmwI
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Shelia E. "A Love Bizarre".
Shelia E. "A Love Bizarre". http://youtube.com/watch?v=trh12msYocI "The Glamorous Life". http://youtube.com/watch?v=1Whgun28BYg "Toy Box". http://youtube.com/watch?v=8aQ-BZJOqD4 "Yellow". http://youtube.com/watch?v=0dHaLBCpQxY
Bon Jovi. "Lay Your Hands On Me".
Bon Jovi. "Lay Your Hands On Me". http://youtube.com/watch?v=d1yZmRQ_Qws "Wanted Dead Or Alive". http://youtube.com/watch?v=SRvCvsRp5ho "It's My Life". http://youtube.com/watch?v=vx2u5uUu3DE "Bad Medicine". http://youtube.com/watch?v=eOUtsybozjg "Runaway". http://youtube.com/watch?v=s86K-p089R8 "Livin' On A Prayer". http://youtube.com/watch?v=lDK9QqIzhwk "I'll Be There For You". http://youtube.com/watch?v=mh8MIp2FOhc "Blaze Of Glory". http://youtube.com/watch?v=MfmYCM4CS8o "Keep The Faith". http://youtube.com/watch?v=eZQyVUTcpM4
The Fireballs. "Bottle Of Wine".
The Fireballs. "Bottle Of Wine". http://youtube.com/watch?v=6UbxeryZlgo
Bachman Turner Overdrive. "Takin Care Of Business".
Bachman Turner Overdrive. http://youtube.com/watch?v=JhHWmPnpkKw&feature=fvst "Takin Care Of Christmas". http://youtube.com/watch?v=Gw8NBRgPD5Y
Steppenwolf. "Magic Carpet Ride".
Steppenwolf. "Magice Carpet Ride". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCHXHVEFwIc "Born To Be Wild". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMbATaj7Il8
AC/DC. "Long Way To The Top".
AC/DC. "Long Way To The Top". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxP9fOMLE_8 "Thunderstruck". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RukUetw0hAMK "Who Made Who". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jvqPvDUEW8 "Big Gun". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2KM-_zpCno "Money Talks". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo_RH2xfa54 "Stiff Upper Lip". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9fLcwmo8vU "You Shook Me All Night Long". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyeCXMswqTk
Friday, May 4, 2012
Lita Ford. "Hungry".
Lita Ford. "Hungry" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5VxTEZMkmw "Kiss Me Deadly". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOtxdeyI024 Vixen. "Edge Of A Broken Heart". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQOmDUnt8Hs
Ugly Kid Joe. "Everything About You".
Ugly kid Joe. "Everything About You". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byEGjLU2egA&cb=av2e "Cats In The Craddle". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B32yjbCSVpU "Neighbor" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtNW88sgO04
KISS. "I Was Made For Loving You". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmELf8DJAVY "Domino" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiSB7G732Eg "Lick It Up". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gcj34XixuYg "Rock and Roll all Night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSYXXIW9gfE "Shout It Out loud". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16cEJ-CBejA&feature=related "Detroit Rock City". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZq3i94mSsQ&feature=related "Heavan's On Fire". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZjevnnkA20&feature=related
Iron Butterfly. "In A Gadda Da Vida"
Iron Butterfly. "In A Gadda Da Vida". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rZYe1bbl3A&feature-fvst
Beastie Boys. "(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party).
Beastie Boys. "(You Gotta Fight) Fight For Your Right (To Party). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BiZpa9MczU "No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn" http://youtube.com/watch?v=1cMVkwtLfMM "Sabotage". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5rRZdiu1UE "Girls" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg_PNKah1ow&feature=related
The Ramones. "I Want To Be Sedated".
The Ramones. "I Want To Be Sedated". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_wssByW7JQ
Judas Priest. "You've Got Another Thing Coming".
Judas Priest. "You've Got Another Thing Comin". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsdWEEb2SjE
Cinderella "Somebody Save Me".
Cinderella. "Somebody Save Me". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUkqBRC1zUA&ob=av2e
Iggy Pop, "Real Wild Child".
Iggy Pop, "Real Wild Child". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=def3ob2h-1s&ob=av2e
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Motley Crue, "Kick Start My Heart".
Motley Crue, "Kick Start My Heart". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQMBz6HvSoM Here are some more songs. "Girl's Girl's Girl's". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c6KeQmXnEw "Doctor Feel Good". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XHcPYorSJw "Looks That Kill". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUtWHPZk7Es&feature=relmfu "Shout At The Devil". http://youtube.com/watch?v=7d57WGkhi-M&feature=related "Helter Skelter". http://youtube.com/watch?v=K2dO619pSPo&feature=related (Nikki Sixx) Sixx A.M. "This Is Gonna Hurt". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5G1D9XO_C4
Spencer Davis Group, "Gimme Some Lovin".
Spencer Davis Group, "Gimme Some Lovin". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3kZEjD3Gr8
Jackyl Music Videos.
"The Lumberjack". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A52p9jc-gOo
"I Stand Alone Today". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCm6re-RTdc
"Down On Me". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQk9hbI9OLE
"Dirty Little Mind". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FMNb4Jw2KI
"I Stand Alone Today". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCm6re-RTdc
"Down On Me". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQk9hbI9OLE
"Dirty Little Mind". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FMNb4Jw2KI
Rainmakers, "Downstream".
See the video here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCOoATNBb7s Own a copy of the original album!!!!
Ozzy Osbourne, "I don't want to stop".
See it here, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2xqQuUlg6c . second video, "I Don't Want To Stop". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt_Bu1r-Ovg&feature=related "Crazy Train". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTsvwBkVdKw&feature=related "Paranoid". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCdOVThsWEg
Friday, April 27, 2012
Kansas Medicaid already Terrorized by Governor Brownback and the Kansas Legislature.
What happened for me to know my Insurance was messed up? See this article, http://otherthingstwo.blogspot.com/2012/04/acts-of-god-versus-acts-of-man.html
I have been on disability since 1996. I have been fortunate that I have only had to pay $150.00 a year for my Medicare Deductible. Well this tear, 2012, I am required to pay, $690.00 a month in co-pays. Yea i receive $1,185.00 a month on disability and now I am required to pay $690.00 a month in co-pay. That leaves me $495.00 a month left over. Yea, Governor Brownback is, "OVERHAULING MEDICAID". Yea, the Kansas Legislature is, "OVERHAULING MEDICAID". Yea, they are, "SCREWING", us all!!! I will show some links that reflect the progression. The State is saying, "This won't take effect until July 1st, 2012. It won't take effect until January 2013. http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-27/state-files-formal-kancare-request-feds , http://www.kansas.com/2012/04/27/2313845/kansas-confident-feds-willapprove.html , http://www.kansas.com/2012/03/07/2245661/kansas-legislators-urge-delay.html , http://www.kansas.com/2012/01/24/2187956/questions-raised-about-kansas.html , http://www.kansas.com/2012/01/26/2191638/brownback-has-no-plans-to-slow.html This shows the progression of the, "BULL SHIT". They have already changed the Medicaid rules and changed the services around.
How did this slide through? Look at what they are doing this year.
1. Redistricting.
http://cjonline.com/news/state/2012-04-17/redistricting-delays-favor-incumbents http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-28/redistricting-impasse-prompts-uncertainty This way they benefit in multiple ways. They are not challenged by others filing to be in the 2012 election cycles. The citizens of Kansas don't know which district they live in so they can file to be candidates in 2012. The citizens don't know which district to file petitions and complaints in.. Citizens of Kansas must file complaints and petitions in the district they reside in. Yet some of the Legislatures have filed to be re-elected. How do they know which district they are in?
2. Casino, Slots in Dog Tracks.
http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-26/senate-rolling-dice-gaming-reform http://cjonline.com/news/2011-12-09/group-seeks-new-vote-dog-track-slots http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/2009/09/kansas-casino-issue-continues.html The Governor gets what he wants, and the Legislature gets what they want. Remember Governor Brownback is from southeast Kansas, Piper Kansas to be exact. Yea, the Governor gets his Medicaid sabotage and the Legislature gets its casino and Wichita gets its Slots in Dog Tracks. Bribes and underhanded, "BULL SHIT", screws the elderly, disabled and everyone else on Medicaid and S.R.S. services.
3. Illegal Contributions.
In 2011, Governor Brownback, Secretary of State Kobach, Attorney General Schmidt and State Treasurer Estes collected campaign contributions. Why is this illegal? There was not an election going on in 2011. What campaign cycle did they collect in? Governor Brownback collected, http://www.hutchnews.com/latestregionalnews/Governor-s-campaign-raised--247K-in-2011 The Kansas Governmental Ethics Website has not posted the required election cycle reports. http://www.kansas.gov/ethics/Campaign_Finance/View_Submitted_Forms_&_Reports.html It seems to be under 2014 now. Eitherway, Governor Brownback, Secretary of State Chris Kobach and State Treasurer Ron Estes collected funds during Legislative Session. Derek Schmidt did not. But he refused to activet the KBI on other complaints and he collected in 2001 anyways. Again, where is 2011 reports? I did not find the reports earlier. I am saying the 2014 was added later after I filed complaints. Basically the, "Incumbent Elevation Act", was shot down in Kansas in December 2003 by the Kansas Supreme Court by, Justice Robert Gernon, is now being used illegally. The State Legislature cannot override the Kansas Supreme Court. Currently, http://cjonline.com/news/2012-02-11/house-assess-campaign-cash-transfers http://www.kansasvotes.org/Legislation.aspx?ID=106751 What State Stautes show the State Laws they broke?
A. K.S.A. 25-4153a http://ethics.ks.gov/statsandregs/25-4153a.html
B. K.S.A. 25-4155 http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_25/Article_41/25-4155.html
C. K.S.A. 25-4143 http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_25/Article_41/25-4143.html
D. K.S.A. 25-4148a http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_25/Article_41/25-4148a.html
4. Governor Brownback Federal complaint filed.
Medicaid Waiver, http://media.kansas.com/smedia/2012/04/27/14/28/10laUV.So.80.pdf
http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/227996/dont-punish-seniors-health-care-reform/sam-brownback , http://www.examiner.com/article/kansas-lawmakers-seek-to-delay-major-overhaul-of-the-state-s-medicaid-program Then they changes their minds mind?
http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-26/brownback-strikes-back-federal-medicaid-probe What to look at? In 2010 President Obama refused to come to Kansas and support Democratic Candidate for Governor Senator Tom Holland. Obama went everywhere else, but refused to come to Kansas. Then Brownback wins. Then HHS Sebelius files this complaint. That means under Double Jeopardy, no one else can file or challenge the, "KANCARE BULLSHIT". Read here, http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-21/gov-kan-not-laying-obamacare-foundation Yea, Former Governor Kathleen Sebelius, President Barak Obama and Former Governor Matt Parkinson believe in screwing us over. Matt Parkinson? Remember what he is doing now a days? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Parkinson_(Kansas_politician) Lets look at the Federal Privatization of Social Security. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Security_debate_(United_States)s Now Governor Brownback wants to Privatize Medicaid. Medicare falls under the Federal Privatization debate. And Congress want to Privatize Medicare, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/06/business/06leonhardt.html?_r=2 , http://www.annistonstar.com/view/full_story/13460611/article-Medicare-mess--Privazitaion-plan-backfires-on-the-GOP Again, they are all wanting to tie this all up in False Court Claims to be able to manipulate and declare, "DOUBLE JEOPARDY". This way they feel we cannot protest, file suit or have our individual cases reviewed. Lets look at our rights to Medicaid. http://www.medicaid.gov/index.html And the, "Affordable Care Act". http://www.medicaid.gov/AffordableCareAct/Affordable-Care-Act.html And the, "Federal Policy Guidance I Medicaid.gov", http://www.medicaid.gov/Federal-Policy-Guidance/Federal-Policy-Guidance.html?filterBy=ACA Lets look at other States that have, "Privatized Medicaid". Florida, which Brownback is using as a model, http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/essays/article942910.ece Lets further review the debate/situation. http://www.alternet.org/story/152245/is_your_state_stealthily_privatizing_medicaid_and_putting_patients_at_risk_?page=entire Then there is President Obama's, "HOME STATE", Illinois. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-08-26/health/ct-met-medicaid-managed-care-20110826_1_care-and-lower-costs-care-doctor-hmo-style#.TIIxvQjedId.facebook Others views, http://www.pnhp.org/news/2010/november/privatizing-medicaid-is-wrong-way-to-go , http://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2011/03/17/privatize-medicaid-have-we-learned-nothing/ http://helenair.com/news/article_9cf67cc6-d81f-11df-a05a-001cc4c03286.html A preemptive response to the waiver request. http://www.khi.org/news/2012/mar/05/brownback-medicaid-makeover-ambitious-plan/ Well, Governor Brownback's approval rating has dropped. http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-28/brownback-numbers-plunge-agenda-emerges And others are publishing even more. http://www.hutchnews.com/Print/wf-McLain-4-24 And then I see where the amount of savings declared is drastically unclear. One says, $850 million in savings over 5 years, http://cjonline.com/news/2012-03-17/kancare-questions-continue and $365 million over 5 years, http://www.khi.org/news/2011/nov/08/brownback-announces-managed-care-all-medicaid/ There is a big difference between $850 million and $365 million.
5. N.B.A.F. http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/2010/03/lets-look-at-new-nbaf-trouble.html and http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/2010/01/candidate-responce.html and http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/2009/07/bio-lab.html Now we have the Kansas Legislature concerned with the funding for this, "Bio Lab". http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/dr20120220-kansas-fights-to-keep-bio-lab-project-alive Then we get a, "MAD COW DISEASE REPORT"? http://www.mercurynews.com/health/ci_20469701/mad-cowdisease-found-central-california-dairy-cow How convenient.
I am tired of this, "TREASONISTICT BULL SHIT". We need to overhaul the State Legislature. We need to recall Governor Brownback, Attorney General Schmidt, Secretary of State Kobach and State Treasurer Estes. Read http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_25/Article_43/ We need to be careful with the Presidential election. We need to remove the entire State Legislation this election cycle. We have options. Run against them, if they ever declare the district lines by the deadline to file. Or, write in anyone else and that person can win. The district lines have to be done by the August Primary and the November General Election dates. They are dragging their feet to not have the districts done by the filing deadline in June. This secures their re-election filing because they are, "GRAND FATHERED", in regards to their seats.
I had also sent an e-mail to the House Speaker, and the Senate President. They rejected my e-mail. I sent them the following information about Representative Jene Vickrey, who is Speaker Pro Tem of the Kansas House, and his corruption in Miami County KS. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5023 http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5019 http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5121 http://www.herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/2011/03/february-28th-2011-update.html I have since signed back up and am currently a candidate for Miami County KS Sheriff, 2012. http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/
In the recall petition place my name as your choice for Governor. It is an elect position. Also consider a "Peoples Referendum", under Home Rule and the Kansas Constitution. They already tested this with the, "State Wide Smoking Ban", removing, "HOME RULE RIGHTS". http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/2009/09/ban-smoking-ban.html Read the States Constitution, http://www.kslib.info/government-information/kansas-information/kansas-constitution.html Article 12 covers, Home Rule, http://www.kslib.info/government-information/kansas-information/kansas-constitution/article-twelve-corporations.html
Who am I and what do I believe in?
See here, http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/ I am a candidate for Sheriff in Miami County Kansas. It is a County position. You have to also include your choice for Lt. Governor. If this is done before November 2012 I can drop my bid for Sheriff and become Governor by your elect choice.
Herbert West 3rd
I have been on disability since 1996. I have been fortunate that I have only had to pay $150.00 a year for my Medicare Deductible. Well this tear, 2012, I am required to pay, $690.00 a month in co-pays. Yea i receive $1,185.00 a month on disability and now I am required to pay $690.00 a month in co-pay. That leaves me $495.00 a month left over. Yea, Governor Brownback is, "OVERHAULING MEDICAID". Yea, the Kansas Legislature is, "OVERHAULING MEDICAID". Yea, they are, "SCREWING", us all!!! I will show some links that reflect the progression. The State is saying, "This won't take effect until July 1st, 2012. It won't take effect until January 2013. http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-27/state-files-formal-kancare-request-feds , http://www.kansas.com/2012/04/27/2313845/kansas-confident-feds-willapprove.html , http://www.kansas.com/2012/03/07/2245661/kansas-legislators-urge-delay.html , http://www.kansas.com/2012/01/24/2187956/questions-raised-about-kansas.html , http://www.kansas.com/2012/01/26/2191638/brownback-has-no-plans-to-slow.html This shows the progression of the, "BULL SHIT". They have already changed the Medicaid rules and changed the services around.
How did this slide through? Look at what they are doing this year.
1. Redistricting.
http://cjonline.com/news/state/2012-04-17/redistricting-delays-favor-incumbents http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-28/redistricting-impasse-prompts-uncertainty This way they benefit in multiple ways. They are not challenged by others filing to be in the 2012 election cycles. The citizens of Kansas don't know which district they live in so they can file to be candidates in 2012. The citizens don't know which district to file petitions and complaints in.. Citizens of Kansas must file complaints and petitions in the district they reside in. Yet some of the Legislatures have filed to be re-elected. How do they know which district they are in?
2. Casino, Slots in Dog Tracks.
http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-26/senate-rolling-dice-gaming-reform http://cjonline.com/news/2011-12-09/group-seeks-new-vote-dog-track-slots http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/2009/09/kansas-casino-issue-continues.html The Governor gets what he wants, and the Legislature gets what they want. Remember Governor Brownback is from southeast Kansas, Piper Kansas to be exact. Yea, the Governor gets his Medicaid sabotage and the Legislature gets its casino and Wichita gets its Slots in Dog Tracks. Bribes and underhanded, "BULL SHIT", screws the elderly, disabled and everyone else on Medicaid and S.R.S. services.
3. Illegal Contributions.
In 2011, Governor Brownback, Secretary of State Kobach, Attorney General Schmidt and State Treasurer Estes collected campaign contributions. Why is this illegal? There was not an election going on in 2011. What campaign cycle did they collect in? Governor Brownback collected, http://www.hutchnews.com/latestregionalnews/Governor-s-campaign-raised--247K-in-2011 The Kansas Governmental Ethics Website has not posted the required election cycle reports. http://www.kansas.gov/ethics/Campaign_Finance/View_Submitted_Forms_&_Reports.html It seems to be under 2014 now. Eitherway, Governor Brownback, Secretary of State Chris Kobach and State Treasurer Ron Estes collected funds during Legislative Session. Derek Schmidt did not. But he refused to activet the KBI on other complaints and he collected in 2001 anyways. Again, where is 2011 reports? I did not find the reports earlier. I am saying the 2014 was added later after I filed complaints. Basically the, "Incumbent Elevation Act", was shot down in Kansas in December 2003 by the Kansas Supreme Court by, Justice Robert Gernon, is now being used illegally. The State Legislature cannot override the Kansas Supreme Court. Currently, http://cjonline.com/news/2012-02-11/house-assess-campaign-cash-transfers http://www.kansasvotes.org/Legislation.aspx?ID=106751 What State Stautes show the State Laws they broke?
A. K.S.A. 25-4153a http://ethics.ks.gov/statsandregs/25-4153a.html
B. K.S.A. 25-4155 http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_25/Article_41/25-4155.html
C. K.S.A. 25-4143 http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_25/Article_41/25-4143.html
D. K.S.A. 25-4148a http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_25/Article_41/25-4148a.html
4. Governor Brownback Federal complaint filed.
Medicaid Waiver, http://media.kansas.com/smedia/2012/04/27/14/28/10laUV.So.80.pdf
http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/227996/dont-punish-seniors-health-care-reform/sam-brownback , http://www.examiner.com/article/kansas-lawmakers-seek-to-delay-major-overhaul-of-the-state-s-medicaid-program Then they changes their minds mind?
http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-26/brownback-strikes-back-federal-medicaid-probe What to look at? In 2010 President Obama refused to come to Kansas and support Democratic Candidate for Governor Senator Tom Holland. Obama went everywhere else, but refused to come to Kansas. Then Brownback wins. Then HHS Sebelius files this complaint. That means under Double Jeopardy, no one else can file or challenge the, "KANCARE BULLSHIT". Read here, http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-21/gov-kan-not-laying-obamacare-foundation Yea, Former Governor Kathleen Sebelius, President Barak Obama and Former Governor Matt Parkinson believe in screwing us over. Matt Parkinson? Remember what he is doing now a days? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Parkinson_(Kansas_politician) Lets look at the Federal Privatization of Social Security. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Security_debate_(United_States)s Now Governor Brownback wants to Privatize Medicaid. Medicare falls under the Federal Privatization debate. And Congress want to Privatize Medicare, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/06/business/06leonhardt.html?_r=2 , http://www.annistonstar.com/view/full_story/13460611/article-Medicare-mess--Privazitaion-plan-backfires-on-the-GOP Again, they are all wanting to tie this all up in False Court Claims to be able to manipulate and declare, "DOUBLE JEOPARDY". This way they feel we cannot protest, file suit or have our individual cases reviewed. Lets look at our rights to Medicaid. http://www.medicaid.gov/index.html And the, "Affordable Care Act". http://www.medicaid.gov/AffordableCareAct/Affordable-Care-Act.html And the, "Federal Policy Guidance I Medicaid.gov", http://www.medicaid.gov/Federal-Policy-Guidance/Federal-Policy-Guidance.html?filterBy=ACA Lets look at other States that have, "Privatized Medicaid". Florida, which Brownback is using as a model, http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/essays/article942910.ece Lets further review the debate/situation. http://www.alternet.org/story/152245/is_your_state_stealthily_privatizing_medicaid_and_putting_patients_at_risk_?page=entire Then there is President Obama's, "HOME STATE", Illinois. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-08-26/health/ct-met-medicaid-managed-care-20110826_1_care-and-lower-costs-care-doctor-hmo-style#.TIIxvQjedId.facebook Others views, http://www.pnhp.org/news/2010/november/privatizing-medicaid-is-wrong-way-to-go , http://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2011/03/17/privatize-medicaid-have-we-learned-nothing/ http://helenair.com/news/article_9cf67cc6-d81f-11df-a05a-001cc4c03286.html A preemptive response to the waiver request. http://www.khi.org/news/2012/mar/05/brownback-medicaid-makeover-ambitious-plan/ Well, Governor Brownback's approval rating has dropped. http://cjonline.com/news/2012-04-28/brownback-numbers-plunge-agenda-emerges And others are publishing even more. http://www.hutchnews.com/Print/wf-McLain-4-24 And then I see where the amount of savings declared is drastically unclear. One says, $850 million in savings over 5 years, http://cjonline.com/news/2012-03-17/kancare-questions-continue and $365 million over 5 years, http://www.khi.org/news/2011/nov/08/brownback-announces-managed-care-all-medicaid/ There is a big difference between $850 million and $365 million.
5. N.B.A.F. http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/2010/03/lets-look-at-new-nbaf-trouble.html and http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/2010/01/candidate-responce.html and http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/2009/07/bio-lab.html Now we have the Kansas Legislature concerned with the funding for this, "Bio Lab". http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/dr20120220-kansas-fights-to-keep-bio-lab-project-alive Then we get a, "MAD COW DISEASE REPORT"? http://www.mercurynews.com/health/ci_20469701/mad-cowdisease-found-central-california-dairy-cow How convenient.
I am tired of this, "TREASONISTICT BULL SHIT". We need to overhaul the State Legislature. We need to recall Governor Brownback, Attorney General Schmidt, Secretary of State Kobach and State Treasurer Estes. Read http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_25/Article_43/ We need to be careful with the Presidential election. We need to remove the entire State Legislation this election cycle. We have options. Run against them, if they ever declare the district lines by the deadline to file. Or, write in anyone else and that person can win. The district lines have to be done by the August Primary and the November General Election dates. They are dragging their feet to not have the districts done by the filing deadline in June. This secures their re-election filing because they are, "GRAND FATHERED", in regards to their seats.
I had also sent an e-mail to the House Speaker, and the Senate President. They rejected my e-mail. I sent them the following information about Representative Jene Vickrey, who is Speaker Pro Tem of the Kansas House, and his corruption in Miami County KS. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5023 http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5019 http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5121 http://www.herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/2011/03/february-28th-2011-update.html I have since signed back up and am currently a candidate for Miami County KS Sheriff, 2012. http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/
In the recall petition place my name as your choice for Governor. It is an elect position. Also consider a "Peoples Referendum", under Home Rule and the Kansas Constitution. They already tested this with the, "State Wide Smoking Ban", removing, "HOME RULE RIGHTS". http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/2009/09/ban-smoking-ban.html Read the States Constitution, http://www.kslib.info/government-information/kansas-information/kansas-constitution.html Article 12 covers, Home Rule, http://www.kslib.info/government-information/kansas-information/kansas-constitution/article-twelve-corporations.html
Who am I and what do I believe in?
See here, http://herbertwestiiicandidateforksgovernor.blogspot.com/ I am a candidate for Sheriff in Miami County Kansas. It is a County position. You have to also include your choice for Lt. Governor. If this is done before November 2012 I can drop my bid for Sheriff and become Governor by your elect choice.
Herbert West 3rd
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
BBQ and Bikini's.
Oh yea! I am going to film Videos of my recipes and place them on my blog pages. I will call the show/videos, "BBQ and Bikini's". Imagine girls poolside and me BBQing for them. It will be tasteful and fun. Not just the food. See my recipes at, http://hlwiiiotherthings.blogspot.com/2009/08/recipes.html I know a few girls/models/site models, who are beautiful and willing to sit poolside in bikinis and let me film them and have me make the recipes. I will even include webcams from other swimming pools and interacting with the girls there. I will share the webcam feeds on my show. Look for this soon. I will also sell commercial space that will air during the videos. See more from my company at http://marketingmattershlw3rddba.blogspot.com/ This offering is at number 16, there.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Facebook discriminates.
I have a facebook account. It is Herbert West III at facebook. I had started a group. It is called HLWIII model pics. I searched the other sites at facebook. I found pics or pictures of models, bikini models etc:.. I shared those pics from the other facebook sites. I was told that the, "NATURE OF THE PICS VIOLATES THE TERMS OF FACEBOOK". Yet the original site where I saw them and shared them is allowed to keep them posted and facebook did not block them. I still have access to my other facebook account postings. I feel it is discrimination to allow some to post anything and tell others they cannot post the exact same, "NATURE OF PICTURES". Facebook really is starting to suck!!!!!
Herbert West III.
Herbert West III.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Fundraiser ideas.
I wanted to share some Fundraiser ideas here for Churches, No-For-Profits, and Bar's as well as other businesses. In Kansas, "Games of Skill" are legal and "Games of Chance" are not. Lets look at what I am thinking.
1. Charity Fair/Arcade.
This is when Churches or Not-For-Profits set up multiple, "Games of Skill". It is like the State Fair Arcade or game areas. Except, the level of difficulty is different and can be easier for some and harder for others, by age participation. Any age can play as long as minors are accompanied by an adult. Each, "Game of Skill", must show how the game is played, the prize that is offered, when the prize drawing will be held, how it will be transferred to the winner, declaring that if the winner is a minor their legal guardian will collect the prize, if a sponsor put up the prize name who that sponsor is, the amount of money for each play of the "Game of Skill". each prize cannot exceed $599.00 in Kansas or it is taxable. Any prize below $599.00 is not taxable. Also declare the time frame before the winner has expired for collecting the prize and an alternate will be contacted.
Bucket Ball Toss Items needed.
1. Tennis balls.
2. Multiple buckets that are different in color. And they can be the same size or different sizes. They can also be different heights.
3. Blank 3 X 5 cards.
4. A foot marker.
6. Signs.
7. Drawing barrel, bucket or box.
Here is the set up. Set the buckets in a grouping. They will need to be attached to each other so they don't move. They can be attached to a sheet of plywood or strapped together as long as they are attached to each other. Make sure to mix up the order of the colors and heights. Don't put the same color and height next to each other. Then place them on the playing surface. Then put the foot marker in place at the distance they have to stand to toss the tennis balls at the bucket grouping. Then start the playing. Charge them $1.00 for 3 tennis balls. For each ball they get in the correct colored bucket or buckets give them a 3 X 5 card so they can fill out, their Name, Address and Contact info. Also have them put their birthday if they are a minor as well as their parents name, address and contact info. Place these in the Drawing Bucket, Box or Barrel. After the end of the day, or the time frame posted for the duration of the, "Game of Skill", do a drawing from the Drawing Box, Bucket or Barrel. Then contact the winner. If they are still there announce the winners name and check their ID. Then give them the prize. If they have left or it is a multiple day session, contact the winner. I suggest that you also draw alternate winners just in case the first one cannot be declared, or found by a certain time frame. Again, each session and game is separate from the others. Each game must have its own prize.
Remember, businesses can sponsor the prizes or cash. Cash is best. When you advertise this game/drawing mention the sponsor business. They can get a tax deduction under advertising, humanitarian and charity donations if your a Church or Not-For_profit. They can get a tax deduction under advertising if your a business. If you do this one time a week, in a year that is 52 times. If you make $100.00 each time you will make, $5,200.00 a year. Depending on the set up, if you do this everyday as a business, and make $10.00 a day you will gross $3,650.0O. Bars can give away beer. Businesses can give away dinners, etc:.. The prize can come from your business. These prizes are tax deductible as business expenses. Make sure each prize, either cash or item doesn't exceed $599.00.
Why would I mention this idea or drawing set up? See http://otherthingstwo.blogspot.com/ Read the, "Act's of God Versus Act's of Man", story. I need anything, any Business, Church or Not-For-Profit can afford to send me. Businesses can give to me and declare it as a tax deduction under business expense or charity. Churches can just help me by thanking me with some money. So can, Not-For-Profits. Instead of a business paying Uncle Sam, they pay me. They are not spending anything extra. They are not out any money. I get a small payment instead of Uncle Sam. i have a Social Worker and can collect money to help with my co-pays, utility bills and rent on the outside so it is still stable when I leave this Physical Rehab Center. I am currently inpatient in a Skilled Physical Rehab Nursing Home. If each Business, Church or Not-For-Profit sent me $100.00 to thank me, and 1,000 do this. I would clear 100,000.00. I have a E.I.N. and can collect money. An E.I.N. is a Employer Identification Number. Mine is 45-1473168. I pay 32% to 38% Federal Income Tax and I pay 2% Federal Tax for Social Security and Medicare on the first $106,800.00. CLICK HERE I will need to sell my truck and get a car I can drive. I might need a van with a wheel chair lift. I am not just asking for charity. I have shown away to give and receive in return. The Churches, Not-For-profits and Businesses will continue to make money after they help me if they choose to. So far people ahve not bought any of my ideas offered by my company. I only receive disability as an income. I can use the money I receive for bills and anything i need as long as I give the rest away and I don't have any of the money for use left over. I would give any moneys left over to Churches, Charitys and Not-For-Profits who helped me.
Herbert West 3rd
ManorCare Room: 310-B
5211 W. 103rd Street
Overland Park KS 66207
Social Worker is Amy.
1. Charity Fair/Arcade.
This is when Churches or Not-For-Profits set up multiple, "Games of Skill". It is like the State Fair Arcade or game areas. Except, the level of difficulty is different and can be easier for some and harder for others, by age participation. Any age can play as long as minors are accompanied by an adult. Each, "Game of Skill", must show how the game is played, the prize that is offered, when the prize drawing will be held, how it will be transferred to the winner, declaring that if the winner is a minor their legal guardian will collect the prize, if a sponsor put up the prize name who that sponsor is, the amount of money for each play of the "Game of Skill". each prize cannot exceed $599.00 in Kansas or it is taxable. Any prize below $599.00 is not taxable. Also declare the time frame before the winner has expired for collecting the prize and an alternate will be contacted.
Bucket Ball Toss Items needed.
1. Tennis balls.
2. Multiple buckets that are different in color. And they can be the same size or different sizes. They can also be different heights.
3. Blank 3 X 5 cards.
4. A foot marker.
6. Signs.
7. Drawing barrel, bucket or box.
Here is the set up. Set the buckets in a grouping. They will need to be attached to each other so they don't move. They can be attached to a sheet of plywood or strapped together as long as they are attached to each other. Make sure to mix up the order of the colors and heights. Don't put the same color and height next to each other. Then place them on the playing surface. Then put the foot marker in place at the distance they have to stand to toss the tennis balls at the bucket grouping. Then start the playing. Charge them $1.00 for 3 tennis balls. For each ball they get in the correct colored bucket or buckets give them a 3 X 5 card so they can fill out, their Name, Address and Contact info. Also have them put their birthday if they are a minor as well as their parents name, address and contact info. Place these in the Drawing Bucket, Box or Barrel. After the end of the day, or the time frame posted for the duration of the, "Game of Skill", do a drawing from the Drawing Box, Bucket or Barrel. Then contact the winner. If they are still there announce the winners name and check their ID. Then give them the prize. If they have left or it is a multiple day session, contact the winner. I suggest that you also draw alternate winners just in case the first one cannot be declared, or found by a certain time frame. Again, each session and game is separate from the others. Each game must have its own prize.
Remember, businesses can sponsor the prizes or cash. Cash is best. When you advertise this game/drawing mention the sponsor business. They can get a tax deduction under advertising, humanitarian and charity donations if your a Church or Not-For_profit. They can get a tax deduction under advertising if your a business. If you do this one time a week, in a year that is 52 times. If you make $100.00 each time you will make, $5,200.00 a year. Depending on the set up, if you do this everyday as a business, and make $10.00 a day you will gross $3,650.0O. Bars can give away beer. Businesses can give away dinners, etc:.. The prize can come from your business. These prizes are tax deductible as business expenses. Make sure each prize, either cash or item doesn't exceed $599.00.
Why would I mention this idea or drawing set up? See http://otherthingstwo.blogspot.com/ Read the, "Act's of God Versus Act's of Man", story. I need anything, any Business, Church or Not-For-Profit can afford to send me. Businesses can give to me and declare it as a tax deduction under business expense or charity. Churches can just help me by thanking me with some money. So can, Not-For-Profits. Instead of a business paying Uncle Sam, they pay me. They are not spending anything extra. They are not out any money. I get a small payment instead of Uncle Sam. i have a Social Worker and can collect money to help with my co-pays, utility bills and rent on the outside so it is still stable when I leave this Physical Rehab Center. I am currently inpatient in a Skilled Physical Rehab Nursing Home. If each Business, Church or Not-For-Profit sent me $100.00 to thank me, and 1,000 do this. I would clear 100,000.00. I have a E.I.N. and can collect money. An E.I.N. is a Employer Identification Number. Mine is 45-1473168. I pay 32% to 38% Federal Income Tax and I pay 2% Federal Tax for Social Security and Medicare on the first $106,800.00. CLICK HERE I will need to sell my truck and get a car I can drive. I might need a van with a wheel chair lift. I am not just asking for charity. I have shown away to give and receive in return. The Churches, Not-For-profits and Businesses will continue to make money after they help me if they choose to. So far people ahve not bought any of my ideas offered by my company. I only receive disability as an income. I can use the money I receive for bills and anything i need as long as I give the rest away and I don't have any of the money for use left over. I would give any moneys left over to Churches, Charitys and Not-For-Profits who helped me.
Herbert West 3rd
ManorCare Room: 310-B
5211 W. 103rd Street
Overland Park KS 66207
Social Worker is Amy.
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