About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- Paola, Kansas, United States
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Secretary of State Kris Kobach has to pay fines.
I posted at http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5043 . This one shows that we, the residents don't want the Jail. Yet the Commissioners are doing it anyways. The next two show the Secretary of State and the Kansas Ethics Commission problems. http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5044 and http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5045 It is self explanitory. I will be scanning a letter I recieved as an inbox e-mail from Camille Nohe soon. She is the ethics commission's new Lawyer.
Friday, October 21, 2011
K.Q.R.C. 98.9 The Rock?
Lets review. They say they are giving away a collectible Dodge. 169 of 1,000 made. Only 900 in America. Then, "Holy Shit", there are 1,500 of them. Then they open up the floor for more "Freakers Ball Tickets", and sell them for $35.00 when everyone else on the floor had to pay $45.00. Then, "T-Fuckin-Bone", censors the calls and watches caller ID so he can let his buddies win keys. Then I get blocked at face book so they can FUCK us harder. I wonder if the dumb asses realize the music is the reason we listen, not the Lie's? The Kansas Lottery Director , Dennis Wilson, owns "New Century Dodge" in Paola Kansas. Check out the Kansas Lottery Tickets in Kansas. I swear to God they have printed up all loosing tickets. Oh well. Moose seemed cool. He returned e-mails and such. The rest could give a rats less. I will still listen to the music, but I will not try to contact the DJ's anymore. They turned out to be assholes! Herbert West 3rd.
October, 27Th, 2011.
I might have been harsh earlier. I remember when, "ENTERCOM FUCKED MAX AND TANNA". I am not sure how much pull or say so the DJ's actually have. I will try to remember that when I look into the matter. Herbert West 3rd
**November 14TH, 2011**
I went to the New Century Dodge in Paola KQRC remote on Saturday the 12Th. No Pizza, used vehicle's on display and cold rude staff. Yea, the Dealership Staff got the pizza, and the meal tax deduction. The Bike was dirty, the tires had mud on them. The bike is USED!! The car and the jeep were driven in. The Dealership will get .50cents a mile as a Promotion Tax Deduction on each vehicle and the winner has to pay the sales tax and gift tax at the new rate for used vehicles. Johnny Dare really fucked us on this one! He brags about being Catholic. New Century is partly owned by the Holy Trinity Catholic Church. And Dennis Wilson. The Kansas Lottery Secretary. KQRC are some dirty ass, dickheads! Yea I filed to run for Sheriff again. I am looking into this sham!!!!
**Updated** February 1st, 2012**
Read these posts, http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5190
and http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5197 and http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=4045
And CLICK HERE for there salaries. Do you think you owe them for pointing at sick children? How much of a benefit could the children get from the $200,000.00 he steals every year?
They show the bull shit Johnny Dare and the other assholes do.
October, 27Th, 2011.
I might have been harsh earlier. I remember when, "ENTERCOM FUCKED MAX AND TANNA". I am not sure how much pull or say so the DJ's actually have. I will try to remember that when I look into the matter. Herbert West 3rd
**November 14TH, 2011**
I went to the New Century Dodge in Paola KQRC remote on Saturday the 12Th. No Pizza, used vehicle's on display and cold rude staff. Yea, the Dealership Staff got the pizza, and the meal tax deduction. The Bike was dirty, the tires had mud on them. The bike is USED!! The car and the jeep were driven in. The Dealership will get .50cents a mile as a Promotion Tax Deduction on each vehicle and the winner has to pay the sales tax and gift tax at the new rate for used vehicles. Johnny Dare really fucked us on this one! He brags about being Catholic. New Century is partly owned by the Holy Trinity Catholic Church. And Dennis Wilson. The Kansas Lottery Secretary. KQRC are some dirty ass, dickheads! Yea I filed to run for Sheriff again. I am looking into this sham!!!!
**Updated** February 1st, 2012**
Read these posts, http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5190
and http://www.wen2k.com/tell.php?Id=5197 and http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=4045
And CLICK HERE for there salaries. Do you think you owe them for pointing at sick children? How much of a benefit could the children get from the $200,000.00 he steals every year?
They show the bull shit Johnny Dare and the other assholes do.
Friday, October 14, 2011
How Walmart is screwing us all.
I don't work for Walmart and I am getting screwed by them. How? I have to pay twice the price for food. The city collects twice the amount in sales tax as does the State and federal Government. They are getting ready to remodel every store in the entire USA. Using the funds we paid in. They say the food is higher do to the drought and the economy. Yet they make enough to remodel every store in America? Economy my ass! Lets look at the other structure. Health Care. W.T.F. is that got to do with Walmart? Secretary of State Clinton was on the Walmart Board of Directors. And read here. And lets reflect here The Supreme Court just decided that, "The Womens Rights issue was to big for them to address". What will they decide when Obama Care hits? Then all workers, McDonalds, Hardee's, K-Mart, 7 Eleven, Q-Trip, everywhere will have to pay for Health Insurance without a raise. Clinton is allowed to screw us over now. So is Obama. Walmart needs filed on. Other businesses need to file a suit on Walmarts Corporate. They are setting up the employment world to have to get screwed by Obama. Heck Secretary of State Clinton just paid $3.8 million for her daughters wedding after collecting 1/3 of the donations collected for Indonesia. Indonesia still hasn't recieved their Tsunami refief funds. yet she recieved 1/3 and used it for her daughters wedding. Remember the President Clinton's Impeachment process? How about "Whitewater"? And HERE. Her honesty and integrity in question. 1. Fabrication's A., B., C., D.. Imagine Chelsea Clinton jogging, ALONE, without "Secret Service" anywhere!!! Bullshit!!
Again Walmart seems to gather people who can screw us over. Lets look at somemore articles, HERE, HERE, These next two show how the Wal-Mart Heiress, Elizabeth Paige Laurie , bribes Colleges. HERE and HERE. Looks like Missouri covered its ass though. They renamed the Arena and kept the bribe. Okkie Dokkie! READ HERE. And today the Media releases this story, CLICK HERE. The family heiress gets busted for a DUI.
What do I offer? Yea I wrote an offering and have a "Poor Man's Copyright" on it. It is listed/filed with the I.R.S. on my E.I.N. 45-1473168. I still own, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA. Look at the Benefit Waiver Offering. I wrote this back on June 10/2011.
Again Walmart seems to gather people who can screw us over. Lets look at somemore articles, HERE, HERE, These next two show how the Wal-Mart Heiress, Elizabeth Paige Laurie , bribes Colleges. HERE and HERE. Looks like Missouri covered its ass though. They renamed the Arena and kept the bribe. Okkie Dokkie! READ HERE. And today the Media releases this story, CLICK HERE. The family heiress gets busted for a DUI.
What do I offer? Yea I wrote an offering and have a "Poor Man's Copyright" on it. It is listed/filed with the I.R.S. on my E.I.N. 45-1473168. I still own, Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA. Look at the Benefit Waiver Offering. I wrote this back on June 10/2011.
Friday, July 1, 2011
OK, what is this post about? What would you think, "THE OFFICE OF THE LOCATOR", would be? A Federal Office that is comprised of all Federal Offices as a Joint Office. This Office would do the following things.
There are 311,668,863 people who live in the U.S.A.. If the Federal Government could justify taking .99cents from each one of those people each month, that would generate, $308,571,974.00 Million dollars a month. That is, $3,702,863,688.00 Billion a year. How would they get the .99 cents from each and every one of us? They would do a search on our, Name, Address, Social Security Number and they would find every place we flag. Our, Auto Insurance, Utility Bill, Rent, Bank Accounts, Credit Cards, Doctors, Medical Insurance, Vehicle Tag, etc:.. If they pull .01 cents from us, for each of those places they find us, they can verify we exist there. If I can only be found in 20 places, they still pull .99 cents from me a month. Why and how? They have more than one desk doing searches every month. A multitude of desks are looking for my Auto Insurance every month. Lets say 10 desks are searching for my Auto Insurance using 20different Office Policies or Office Protocols. That is still .20 cents for each Locator Employee. The Secret Service would have employees on a Locator Desk. The F.B.I., I.R.S., Social Security, U.S. Military , Veterans Administration, Department of Homeland Security, United States Postal Service , would all have their own Locator Desk. The U.S. Marshals would have a Locator Desk etc:.. It would be ran as a, "Unity Of Command", within the Incident Command System.
What are some of the main objectives and justifications to activate and utilize the Incident Command System?
1. Immigration. Are all people living in America Legal? They are not profiling, they are searching us all. Are any of us located in more than one place?
2. Missing Persons. A missing persons identity might flag. Bank Account movement, car sale, insurance renewed, Doctor visit, Credit Card used, Social Security Number used, Cell Phone, Green Dot VISA used, etc:..
3. Disaster Census. Who lived where just before a disaster? How many people were located at that geographical location each month? Are they permanent or temporary? Are they located in more than one place?
4. Child Support. Where are the people who are in Default on payments? Are they located in more than one place?
5. Voter Registration Sweeps. Where are the people registered to vote? Are they located in more than one place?
6. Taxes. Do we owe taxes? Where are we if we do? Who is located on all property's in America?
7. Prisoners. Who is located in which Prison? Who is located in which Jail?
8. Court. Who is located for which Court? To include Divorce, Traffic, etc:..
9. Student Loans. Who is hiding from the Department of Education?
10. Investments. Stocks, Bonds, etc:..
11. Death Certificates. Is a dead person cashing checks? Is a dead person collecting Social Security directly? A Locator sweep from, President George Washington, to present day.
12. Birth Certificates. Who was born, when and where?
13. Military Status. From the Civil War to present.
14. Fire Arms Registrations. Who has a Registered Fire Arm? Is it Registered in more than one Location?
15. Wants and Warrant's. Extraditable or Not Extraditable?
16. Marriage License's. Married in more than one location after a Locator Sweep?
17. Registered Offenders. Are they compliant or non-compliant by the Locator Sweep? Are they in more than one location after a Locator Sweep?
If they locate someone who has a tagged vehicle. But another desk cannot find any Auto Insurance, then they can activate the Sheriff where the person lives to verify that the person has Insurance. The "Office of the Locator" would have "Probable Cause" by doing full American Resident Locator Sweeps every month. It would cost me, $11.88 a year to secure my identity and to help find those people who are breaking the Law. Imagine, that this Office would be allowed to Locate the Financial Portfolio's of Congress and the 50 States Legislature's. They could Locate the same on any and all Elected Official. They would find that the 50 State's Legislature's and others, move our taxes across the State line and then invest in the company's that benefit from our taxes. That is "INSIDER TRADING". It is illegal. They do this and then tell us, "I don't have jurisdiction in that other State". That is a form of, "Willful Blindness". They could even do a Locator on the President. They could do a Locator on any elected official and any candidate. As it would be structured and ran by a collectivity of the Federal Government Agency's, there would already be Security Measures in place. These funds that they collect would be available to them to facilitate National Security. They could allow some of the funds to be used for Disaster's if they choose. This just a basic concept. I don't expect to receive anything as far as money for this, "Office of the Locator" concept. I just like helping my country.
Herbert West 3rd, C.E.O.
Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA
21817 W. 351st
Paola Kansas 66071
I.R.S. E.I.N. 45-1473168
There are 311,668,863 people who live in the U.S.A.. If the Federal Government could justify taking .99cents from each one of those people each month, that would generate, $308,571,974.00 Million dollars a month. That is, $3,702,863,688.00 Billion a year. How would they get the .99 cents from each and every one of us? They would do a search on our, Name, Address, Social Security Number and they would find every place we flag. Our, Auto Insurance, Utility Bill, Rent, Bank Accounts, Credit Cards, Doctors, Medical Insurance, Vehicle Tag, etc:.. If they pull .01 cents from us, for each of those places they find us, they can verify we exist there. If I can only be found in 20 places, they still pull .99 cents from me a month. Why and how? They have more than one desk doing searches every month. A multitude of desks are looking for my Auto Insurance every month. Lets say 10 desks are searching for my Auto Insurance using 20different Office Policies or Office Protocols. That is still .20 cents for each Locator Employee. The Secret Service would have employees on a Locator Desk. The F.B.I., I.R.S., Social Security, U.S. Military , Veterans Administration, Department of Homeland Security, United States Postal Service , would all have their own Locator Desk. The U.S. Marshals would have a Locator Desk etc:.. It would be ran as a, "Unity Of Command", within the Incident Command System.
What are some of the main objectives and justifications to activate and utilize the Incident Command System?
1. Immigration. Are all people living in America Legal? They are not profiling, they are searching us all. Are any of us located in more than one place?
2. Missing Persons. A missing persons identity might flag. Bank Account movement, car sale, insurance renewed, Doctor visit, Credit Card used, Social Security Number used, Cell Phone, Green Dot VISA used, etc:..
3. Disaster Census. Who lived where just before a disaster? How many people were located at that geographical location each month? Are they permanent or temporary? Are they located in more than one place?
4. Child Support. Where are the people who are in Default on payments? Are they located in more than one place?
5. Voter Registration Sweeps. Where are the people registered to vote? Are they located in more than one place?
6. Taxes. Do we owe taxes? Where are we if we do? Who is located on all property's in America?
7. Prisoners. Who is located in which Prison? Who is located in which Jail?
8. Court. Who is located for which Court? To include Divorce, Traffic, etc:..
9. Student Loans. Who is hiding from the Department of Education?
10. Investments. Stocks, Bonds, etc:..
11. Death Certificates. Is a dead person cashing checks? Is a dead person collecting Social Security directly? A Locator sweep from, President George Washington, to present day.
12. Birth Certificates. Who was born, when and where?
13. Military Status. From the Civil War to present.
14. Fire Arms Registrations. Who has a Registered Fire Arm? Is it Registered in more than one Location?
15. Wants and Warrant's. Extraditable or Not Extraditable?
16. Marriage License's. Married in more than one location after a Locator Sweep?
17. Registered Offenders. Are they compliant or non-compliant by the Locator Sweep? Are they in more than one location after a Locator Sweep?
If they locate someone who has a tagged vehicle. But another desk cannot find any Auto Insurance, then they can activate the Sheriff where the person lives to verify that the person has Insurance. The "Office of the Locator" would have "Probable Cause" by doing full American Resident Locator Sweeps every month. It would cost me, $11.88 a year to secure my identity and to help find those people who are breaking the Law. Imagine, that this Office would be allowed to Locate the Financial Portfolio's of Congress and the 50 States Legislature's. They could Locate the same on any and all Elected Official. They would find that the 50 State's Legislature's and others, move our taxes across the State line and then invest in the company's that benefit from our taxes. That is "INSIDER TRADING". It is illegal. They do this and then tell us, "I don't have jurisdiction in that other State". That is a form of, "Willful Blindness". They could even do a Locator on the President. They could do a Locator on any elected official and any candidate. As it would be structured and ran by a collectivity of the Federal Government Agency's, there would already be Security Measures in place. These funds that they collect would be available to them to facilitate National Security. They could allow some of the funds to be used for Disaster's if they choose. This just a basic concept. I don't expect to receive anything as far as money for this, "Office of the Locator" concept. I just like helping my country.
Herbert West 3rd, C.E.O.
Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA
21817 W. 351st
Paola Kansas 66071
I.R.S. E.I.N. 45-1473168
Friday, June 10, 2011
Employment Benefit Waiver/Bonus Concept/Package.
Again, what is this? You will find alot of original idea's throughout my websites. This one is a Concept that gives more pay to the employee's and helps stop Obama care!! So far Obama has tried to structure what I call a "Dicktatorshit"!!!
Lets look at work. You work 40 hours a week and you get some benefits. You get some sick leave, vacation, over time pay and some night shift differential pay. If you sign a waiver and decide not to get, over time, night shift differential pay, sick leave and vacation, what would you get instead? The owner of your business could consider giving 1% to 20% or more of their profits to their employee's. How? They set aside the agreed upon 1% to 20% as exampled above. Then they would match every penny of each hour you clock in, GROSS. This Gross is before any City, County, State and Federal Withholding. This is given based on the waiver agreed % amount. This is paid at 1% to 100% match. It becomes a BONUS!! Lets look at $10.00 an hour. You work one hour in a pay period. You make $10.00 Gross. You contracted for a 30% match. 30% of $10.00 is $3.00. Then you get you withholding figured on you pay check and get that check. You then get your bonus check with its withholding deducted. Lets say your boss profit's 10,000.00 a month. 5% of that is $500.00. He gave you $3.00 and he now returns the $497.00 back into his company. You just grossed $13.00 an hour and did not work any extra hours. You just don't get overtime when you work over 40 hours a week. Lets say your work 50 hours at $10.00 an hour. That is $500.00 gross at 30% is $150.00 in gross bonus pay. Your boss can deduct these bonus pays as business expenses. They pay their employee's instead of paying taxes on their income as a business. They are only allowed certain levels of deductions. They can adjust these levels and they can help their staff benefit. You will need to sign an agreement every 60 days to waive the benefits, over time, sick leave etc:.. You did not get overtime because you waived it. You would have received $15.00 an hour for the 10 hours over. The withholding tax would have been greater that the bonus amount you received. Be careful when figuring this.
It is $100.00 a Quarter, $400.00 a year for businesses to use this Concept/Package. Again, consult with the I.R.S. as I am not responsible as I don't know your company's structure or tax rules. Heck I would except $1,000.00 per business address and you could use it for the 28 year Poor Man's Copyright span.
Also look at, HERE.
See more of my offers at, "Marketing Matters HLW3RD D.B.A." .
Marketing Matters HLW3RD D.B.A. (C) Herbert West 3rd
Lets look at work. You work 40 hours a week and you get some benefits. You get some sick leave, vacation, over time pay and some night shift differential pay. If you sign a waiver and decide not to get, over time, night shift differential pay, sick leave and vacation, what would you get instead? The owner of your business could consider giving 1% to 20% or more of their profits to their employee's. How? They set aside the agreed upon 1% to 20% as exampled above. Then they would match every penny of each hour you clock in, GROSS. This Gross is before any City, County, State and Federal Withholding. This is given based on the waiver agreed % amount. This is paid at 1% to 100% match. It becomes a BONUS!! Lets look at $10.00 an hour. You work one hour in a pay period. You make $10.00 Gross. You contracted for a 30% match. 30% of $10.00 is $3.00. Then you get you withholding figured on you pay check and get that check. You then get your bonus check with its withholding deducted. Lets say your boss profit's 10,000.00 a month. 5% of that is $500.00. He gave you $3.00 and he now returns the $497.00 back into his company. You just grossed $13.00 an hour and did not work any extra hours. You just don't get overtime when you work over 40 hours a week. Lets say your work 50 hours at $10.00 an hour. That is $500.00 gross at 30% is $150.00 in gross bonus pay. Your boss can deduct these bonus pays as business expenses. They pay their employee's instead of paying taxes on their income as a business. They are only allowed certain levels of deductions. They can adjust these levels and they can help their staff benefit. You will need to sign an agreement every 60 days to waive the benefits, over time, sick leave etc:.. You did not get overtime because you waived it. You would have received $15.00 an hour for the 10 hours over. The withholding tax would have been greater that the bonus amount you received. Be careful when figuring this.
It is $100.00 a Quarter, $400.00 a year for businesses to use this Concept/Package. Again, consult with the I.R.S. as I am not responsible as I don't know your company's structure or tax rules. Heck I would except $1,000.00 per business address and you could use it for the 28 year Poor Man's Copyright span.
Also look at, HERE.
See more of my offers at, "Marketing Matters HLW3RD D.B.A." .
Marketing Matters HLW3RD D.B.A. (C) Herbert West 3rd
U.S.D. or P.T.A. Fundraiser and The P.T.A. Community College Concept/Package.
**Update 3/18/2013**
Read the eligibilty's
http://studentaid.ed.gov/eligibility/infographic-accessible http://pellgranteligibility.net/ These kids are getting ripped off and the Pell Grant program is being ripped off. This a form of Identity Theft, Servitude, Larceny, Grand Larceny.
**July 19TH, 2012**
OOOPS!!!! The Kansas Legislature committed "Copyright Infringements" against my company and stole Federal Funds. How? They are setting up getting Pell Grants at $1,800 each. taking $800.00 from each and only giving $1,000 to the school district per student who does or takes the college courses while in public K-12 schools. $800.00 times 1,000 students is $800,000.00 a semester per school district steal Federal Funds. That is $1,600.000.00 per School District a year. I stated, below, I want $100.00 from the raffle concept, not the Pell Grants, per school district per year. I never said, "Touch the Pell Grants". The Legislatures have stolen Pell Grant Money and committed Copyright Infringements against me. I demand the Federal Government stop the laundering of Federal Pell Grant Money!!!! Caryn Tyson, revealed this on July 17Th 2012 at the Primary Candidate Forum at the Paola Community Center in Paola Kansas during the 12Th District Candidate Discussions. She bragged about giving $1,000 per student back to the School District. Pell Grants are for $1,800.00!!!!!
Why we need a PTA College. CLICK HERE, it shows his budget bust of our K-12 public schools budget. And CLICK HERE. It shows his original Lie's. And read this link, article. It updates his Lie's.
So what is this, you might ask? I ran for Kansas Governor in 2009 and 2010 for the 2010 election cycle. I studied up on all issues and found it very disturbing that the Kansas Legislature and the Kansas Governor is allowed to commit Larceny and steal $152 Million from the K-12 public schools budget's. I decided to expose this and to come up with a way to stop it and to put more control in the parents hands and less in the Governments hands. People can do fundraisers all day long. If they are structured in a way that still puts the control of the funds in the Government, they are defeating themselves. So this Concept/Package has two parts. They are combined as a total concept/package and will be controlled by either each U.S.D or by each P.T.A..
1. Either, "The U.S.D. Community College or the P.T.A. Community College.
Either one, at the discretion of the majority of those involved, at each School District Level, should set up a Community College within the their School's. The students would take college courses as their High School elective classes. This classes would only be open to the enrolled High School students in each school district. No one on the outside, or in the community can take these classes. The schools could set up "Outreach" offerings if they decide to. Lets look at a college offering I am familiar with. I went to college and became a Paramedic. Lets look at what would not be allowed at the High School level in this course.
A. The students cannot touch each other.
B. They cannot touch different equipment and supplies. Needles, Defibrillators etc:..
C. They cannot take the full Anatomy and Physiology class do to some of its sensitive materials.
What to do? Have the core curriculum director design the courses so they can do what they can and then they graduate and transfer to the "Outreach" classes. The High School level classes can be College Prep classes or Pre-EMS, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Accounting, Pre-Chef, Pre-Law Enforcement etc:.. They can take quite abit of the material or course studies while in High School.
They don't have to pay for these courses. Why? If they are set up "Elective Courses" they are part of their Graduation Credits, to Graduate High School. They would graduate High School with College Credits. The School can apply for Pell Grants for each eligible student. The student doesn't get one penny from this. The School's get the full eligible Pell Grant Funds. The student's are not allowed to get Student Loans, as they have not graduated High School yet. The High School is responsible for these students getting a passing grade. In college, they don't care if you show up or not. They get paid either way. In the K-12 public school's the Teachers Care. They school's demand that your in school and that you pass. The whole time these kids are taking college courses, they live at home. No "KEG" Party's, No "Pasture" Party's etc:.. Mom and Dad still control their kids. They still live at home! It is also cost effective for the students and their parents. It also gives some potential for summer classes and summer teacher pay. All elective! As to student loans. When your child graduates and they decide to finish up their course of study at the "Outreach", possibly let them get student loans. They will apply for Pell Grants again, and then possibly student loans. The difference is they don't get the money! What????? The "Outreach" holds those funds for the student for college expenses only! After they graduate, their left over money is divided into their scheduled monthly payments in paying back the student loans. Then they start paying the rest back through the job they get after graduation. This secures that the loans are for college expenses only!! They don't get loans for "Bongs", "Kegs", "Drugs", "Abortions" and all the other stupid college side crap!
Their Mom and Dad stay on as their advisers!
2. Fundraising.
The advantage that the schools have is they have gymnasiums. They have indoor Basket Ball courts. If 500 people show up for a fundraiser and pay $10.00 each in an attempt to win $500.00 cash in a game of skill, the Fundraiser would bring in $4,500.00. for that day. What is this game? "Free Throws". Each of them shoot a free throw from the free throw line. Then those who make the free throw would then get in line for the next shot. It starts one foot back form the free throw line. They each shoot one time. All those who make it get back in line and they then back up one more foot. This continues until their is only two people left. They then go back up to the free throw line and start over until someone misses. Then the winner gets, $500.00 cash. This prize money can come from the money collected or sponsored by a businesses or businesses or by organizations etc:.. If you do this 3 times a year. That would be $13,000.00 a year into your P.T.A. or U.S.D.. You can also set up micro games. You can set up a hoop and give people three basket ball's for $1.00 and give them a raffle ticket/drawing card for each free throw they make. Then they fill out the card, and drop it into hopper. At the end of the event, draw a winner for the set prize. If 250 people do this that is $250.00 to your P.T.A. or U.S.D. even if they miss. It is a game of skill, not chance, that makes it legal. You can do this at street festivals, fairs, and other street events. You can also do the same thing with, throwing a ball and knocking a bottle off of a table. 3 balls for $1.00. Each time they knock off the bottle they get a raffle ticket/drawing card for the hopper. You can set up colored and white bucket's. Give them 3 tennis balls for $1.00. For each tennis ball into the colored bucket give them a raffle ticket/drawing card for the hopper. Along with foods sales and admission to the event. You can generate alot of fundraiser revenue. If 1,000 people show up and you charge .25 cents as an admission, you collect $250.00. This also sets up an entrance for the Police to be at to stop those from entering that are restricted from school property or school aged kids. It works as a security check point. Any and all games like this are available.
Why pay me $100.00 a year and buy this concept package from me? I am licensed through the I.R.S.. I am cheaper than anyone else. It is attached to the college concept. Yea, you will have to structure the concept for its use in your school system. But it only cost you $100.00 for each year. I will keep it updated and I will show more fundraising options throughout each year. These don't cost you anymore money. Each year you pay, you get the full benefit of my offering. You also, don't have to be concerned with a company trying to hoard in or take over any of your functions. With me, your in 100% control! As stated above, summer school options come to mind. P.T.A.'s function year round. U.S.D.'s function during the school year. These fundraisers could help fund the U.S.D. or P.T.A. Community College as listed above. I looked up the info and found the following. There are 23,000 PTA's recognized by the National PTA in the United States. LOOK HERE. If each made $15,000 as above, that would be $345,000,000.00 collectively a year!!!! If they all gave me $100.00 a year that would be, 23,000 times $100.00 which is, $2,300,000.00 and I pay taxes on it. If these schools have, 81.5 million kids, READ HERE . If each student gives .03 cents. Yea three penny's to the PTA a year that would pay me my fee's. 81,500,000.00 times .03 is $2,445,000.00. That is just $145,000.00 over my fee.
See other offerings at "Marketing Matters HLW3RD D.B.A." .
Thanks for your possible interest.
Herbert West 3rd, C.E.O.
Marketing Matters HLW3RD D.B.A.
E.I.N. 45-1473168
21817 W. 351ST,
Paola Kansas 66071.
Marketing Matters HLW3RD D.B.A. (C) Herbert West 3rd
**Update** August 29, 2011**
What have they missed? The usual Not-For-Profit can only raise funds for each Fiscal Year. If they buy my offering, they can raise funds for 12 years. It takes 12 years for a kindergartner to get to their Senior Year of High School. The PTA's could raise and hold funds for 12 years for these kids. Each year new kids will start kindergarten. I feel it is no more than fair that I be paid for my offering. So far I see them looking the other way and trying to steal my offering. I will be approaching parents and asking them to audit their PTA's and USD's as these organizations are refusing to support their children's interests legally. I only asked for $100.00 per PTA. Ouch!! If I file suit and win, they will have to pay me $2,800.00 and still cannot use my idea. That is per PTA. 23,000 PTA's being fined $2,800.00 each. That is $64,400,000.00 in total fines. Then they have to still pay me $100.00 a year if they want to finally use my concept without stealing it. Finally, Vocational Training and Trade School, Certificates and Registrations are not the same as College Credits or Community College. This all the USD's offer currently. These are completion programs and are not College Credit Courses. They are Free Standing. I also am not pleased that NelNet, ACS and others are trying to hoard in on this concept I wrote. They will just gouge the students and stick them with huge student loan debts and Lie's to boot. My program/concept doesn't utilize Student Loans and the USD'd collect and keep the Pell Grants within each School District. The I.R.S. has already granted me an E.I.N.. Why the School Districts think it is cheaper to steal $100.00 from me is weird. All 50 states PTA Associations are trying to block my access to the USD's about this concept. Makes you wonder how much stock in the Student Loan Company's they have? They also launder their "Teach Grant" payoff's through your kids education dollars. That just sucks!
**************************COPYRIGHTS ARE FOR 28 YEARS*******************************
Herbert West 3rd
Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA
21817 W. 351st
Paola Kansas 66071
E.I.N. 45-1473168
Read the eligibilty's
http://studentaid.ed.gov/eligibility/infographic-accessible http://pellgranteligibility.net/ These kids are getting ripped off and the Pell Grant program is being ripped off. This a form of Identity Theft, Servitude, Larceny, Grand Larceny.
**July 19TH, 2012**
OOOPS!!!! The Kansas Legislature committed "Copyright Infringements" against my company and stole Federal Funds. How? They are setting up getting Pell Grants at $1,800 each. taking $800.00 from each and only giving $1,000 to the school district per student who does or takes the college courses while in public K-12 schools. $800.00 times 1,000 students is $800,000.00 a semester per school district steal Federal Funds. That is $1,600.000.00 per School District a year. I stated, below, I want $100.00 from the raffle concept, not the Pell Grants, per school district per year. I never said, "Touch the Pell Grants". The Legislatures have stolen Pell Grant Money and committed Copyright Infringements against me. I demand the Federal Government stop the laundering of Federal Pell Grant Money!!!! Caryn Tyson, revealed this on July 17Th 2012 at the Primary Candidate Forum at the Paola Community Center in Paola Kansas during the 12Th District Candidate Discussions. She bragged about giving $1,000 per student back to the School District. Pell Grants are for $1,800.00!!!!!
Why we need a PTA College. CLICK HERE, it shows his budget bust of our K-12 public schools budget. And CLICK HERE. It shows his original Lie's. And read this link, article. It updates his Lie's.
So what is this, you might ask? I ran for Kansas Governor in 2009 and 2010 for the 2010 election cycle. I studied up on all issues and found it very disturbing that the Kansas Legislature and the Kansas Governor is allowed to commit Larceny and steal $152 Million from the K-12 public schools budget's. I decided to expose this and to come up with a way to stop it and to put more control in the parents hands and less in the Governments hands. People can do fundraisers all day long. If they are structured in a way that still puts the control of the funds in the Government, they are defeating themselves. So this Concept/Package has two parts. They are combined as a total concept/package and will be controlled by either each U.S.D or by each P.T.A..
1. Either, "The U.S.D. Community College or the P.T.A. Community College.
Either one, at the discretion of the majority of those involved, at each School District Level, should set up a Community College within the their School's. The students would take college courses as their High School elective classes. This classes would only be open to the enrolled High School students in each school district. No one on the outside, or in the community can take these classes. The schools could set up "Outreach" offerings if they decide to. Lets look at a college offering I am familiar with. I went to college and became a Paramedic. Lets look at what would not be allowed at the High School level in this course.
A. The students cannot touch each other.
B. They cannot touch different equipment and supplies. Needles, Defibrillators etc:..
C. They cannot take the full Anatomy and Physiology class do to some of its sensitive materials.
What to do? Have the core curriculum director design the courses so they can do what they can and then they graduate and transfer to the "Outreach" classes. The High School level classes can be College Prep classes or Pre-EMS, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Accounting, Pre-Chef, Pre-Law Enforcement etc:.. They can take quite abit of the material or course studies while in High School.
They don't have to pay for these courses. Why? If they are set up "Elective Courses" they are part of their Graduation Credits, to Graduate High School. They would graduate High School with College Credits. The School can apply for Pell Grants for each eligible student. The student doesn't get one penny from this. The School's get the full eligible Pell Grant Funds. The student's are not allowed to get Student Loans, as they have not graduated High School yet. The High School is responsible for these students getting a passing grade. In college, they don't care if you show up or not. They get paid either way. In the K-12 public school's the Teachers Care. They school's demand that your in school and that you pass. The whole time these kids are taking college courses, they live at home. No "KEG" Party's, No "Pasture" Party's etc:.. Mom and Dad still control their kids. They still live at home! It is also cost effective for the students and their parents. It also gives some potential for summer classes and summer teacher pay. All elective! As to student loans. When your child graduates and they decide to finish up their course of study at the "Outreach", possibly let them get student loans. They will apply for Pell Grants again, and then possibly student loans. The difference is they don't get the money! What????? The "Outreach" holds those funds for the student for college expenses only! After they graduate, their left over money is divided into their scheduled monthly payments in paying back the student loans. Then they start paying the rest back through the job they get after graduation. This secures that the loans are for college expenses only!! They don't get loans for "Bongs", "Kegs", "Drugs", "Abortions" and all the other stupid college side crap!
Their Mom and Dad stay on as their advisers!
2. Fundraising.
The advantage that the schools have is they have gymnasiums. They have indoor Basket Ball courts. If 500 people show up for a fundraiser and pay $10.00 each in an attempt to win $500.00 cash in a game of skill, the Fundraiser would bring in $4,500.00. for that day. What is this game? "Free Throws". Each of them shoot a free throw from the free throw line. Then those who make the free throw would then get in line for the next shot. It starts one foot back form the free throw line. They each shoot one time. All those who make it get back in line and they then back up one more foot. This continues until their is only two people left. They then go back up to the free throw line and start over until someone misses. Then the winner gets, $500.00 cash. This prize money can come from the money collected or sponsored by a businesses or businesses or by organizations etc:.. If you do this 3 times a year. That would be $13,000.00 a year into your P.T.A. or U.S.D.. You can also set up micro games. You can set up a hoop and give people three basket ball's for $1.00 and give them a raffle ticket/drawing card for each free throw they make. Then they fill out the card, and drop it into hopper. At the end of the event, draw a winner for the set prize. If 250 people do this that is $250.00 to your P.T.A. or U.S.D. even if they miss. It is a game of skill, not chance, that makes it legal. You can do this at street festivals, fairs, and other street events. You can also do the same thing with, throwing a ball and knocking a bottle off of a table. 3 balls for $1.00. Each time they knock off the bottle they get a raffle ticket/drawing card for the hopper. You can set up colored and white bucket's. Give them 3 tennis balls for $1.00. For each tennis ball into the colored bucket give them a raffle ticket/drawing card for the hopper. Along with foods sales and admission to the event. You can generate alot of fundraiser revenue. If 1,000 people show up and you charge .25 cents as an admission, you collect $250.00. This also sets up an entrance for the Police to be at to stop those from entering that are restricted from school property or school aged kids. It works as a security check point. Any and all games like this are available.
Why pay me $100.00 a year and buy this concept package from me? I am licensed through the I.R.S.. I am cheaper than anyone else. It is attached to the college concept. Yea, you will have to structure the concept for its use in your school system. But it only cost you $100.00 for each year. I will keep it updated and I will show more fundraising options throughout each year. These don't cost you anymore money. Each year you pay, you get the full benefit of my offering. You also, don't have to be concerned with a company trying to hoard in or take over any of your functions. With me, your in 100% control! As stated above, summer school options come to mind. P.T.A.'s function year round. U.S.D.'s function during the school year. These fundraisers could help fund the U.S.D. or P.T.A. Community College as listed above. I looked up the info and found the following. There are 23,000 PTA's recognized by the National PTA in the United States. LOOK HERE. If each made $15,000 as above, that would be $345,000,000.00 collectively a year!!!! If they all gave me $100.00 a year that would be, 23,000 times $100.00 which is, $2,300,000.00 and I pay taxes on it. If these schools have, 81.5 million kids, READ HERE . If each student gives .03 cents. Yea three penny's to the PTA a year that would pay me my fee's. 81,500,000.00 times .03 is $2,445,000.00. That is just $145,000.00 over my fee.
See other offerings at "Marketing Matters HLW3RD D.B.A." .
Thanks for your possible interest.
Herbert West 3rd, C.E.O.
Marketing Matters HLW3RD D.B.A.
E.I.N. 45-1473168
21817 W. 351ST,
Paola Kansas 66071.
Marketing Matters HLW3RD D.B.A. (C) Herbert West 3rd
**Update** August 29, 2011**
What have they missed? The usual Not-For-Profit can only raise funds for each Fiscal Year. If they buy my offering, they can raise funds for 12 years. It takes 12 years for a kindergartner to get to their Senior Year of High School. The PTA's could raise and hold funds for 12 years for these kids. Each year new kids will start kindergarten. I feel it is no more than fair that I be paid for my offering. So far I see them looking the other way and trying to steal my offering. I will be approaching parents and asking them to audit their PTA's and USD's as these organizations are refusing to support their children's interests legally. I only asked for $100.00 per PTA. Ouch!! If I file suit and win, they will have to pay me $2,800.00 and still cannot use my idea. That is per PTA. 23,000 PTA's being fined $2,800.00 each. That is $64,400,000.00 in total fines. Then they have to still pay me $100.00 a year if they want to finally use my concept without stealing it. Finally, Vocational Training and Trade School, Certificates and Registrations are not the same as College Credits or Community College. This all the USD's offer currently. These are completion programs and are not College Credit Courses. They are Free Standing. I also am not pleased that NelNet, ACS and others are trying to hoard in on this concept I wrote. They will just gouge the students and stick them with huge student loan debts and Lie's to boot. My program/concept doesn't utilize Student Loans and the USD'd collect and keep the Pell Grants within each School District. The I.R.S. has already granted me an E.I.N.. Why the School Districts think it is cheaper to steal $100.00 from me is weird. All 50 states PTA Associations are trying to block my access to the USD's about this concept. Makes you wonder how much stock in the Student Loan Company's they have? They also launder their "Teach Grant" payoff's through your kids education dollars. That just sucks!
**************************COPYRIGHTS ARE FOR 28 YEARS*******************************
Herbert West 3rd
Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA
21817 W. 351st
Paola Kansas 66071
E.I.N. 45-1473168
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Where are we now??
Lets look at the 2008 election for Sheriff to present day. Sheriff Kelly has yet to accomplish, "Jack". He still steals credit for all the work the Sheriff's Office does and he has not personally accomplished, "Jack". Lets reflect on the questions that the Miami County Republic asked us in 2008, "Click Here". I have shown where Kelly and others have broken the Law. Lets look at some new information. I complained about the "Roots Festival" in Paola Kansas. I find that it is "Discriminatory" to only allow one family in all of Miami County the use of the square for a family reunion. I find it is, "Illegal" to posses or use "Grain Alcohol", in public, on the square. I filed complaints with the States B.A.C. office. That is the, "Bureau Of Alcohol Control". They refused to intervene. I was illegally evicted by the City from the County on August 13TH, 2010. When I was stressed and needed to stabilize my Insurance and my Meds, I, "Voluntarily", entered the Osawatomie State Hospital for 5 days to stabilize my life. Pamela Butler, a Nurse there and the Miami County Republican Chairwoman, released my State Medical files, "Illegally", to the Miami County Republic. Pamela Butlers husband, Bill Butler, 1-913-755-2411, is with the, "Silver-Haired Legislature", in Miami County Kansas. I have also found that Sandy Nelson is dating Sheriff Kelly. No biggy. They are both idiots. The kicker?? Sandy is the Publisher of the Miami County Republic. She doesn't have to pay for the information for the paper, on arrests, and any other Sheriff Office activity. yet the Paper charges the County to post, Sheriff's sales, and District Court notices. Yea, Sandy Nelson is a, "Prostitute". She gets information that costs you and me $3.00 each piece, for "free" because she is dating Sheriff Kelly. I don't feel it is fair that Sheriff Kelly is allowed to break the Law. I don't find it fair that the paper is allowed to steal tax money. I find it odd, and illegal that Gary Patillo and his family are allowed to break the Law. I find it very disturbing that Governor Brownback refuses to intervene and stop the, "Illegal Activity" in Miami County Kansas. So far Illegal Gambling, Alcohol Consumption, Illegal Evictions, Extortion's and Racketeering are the common place here. I ask everyone to consider, Boycotting" the "Roots Festival". It is, "ILLEGAL"!! I further ask that people consider signing the, "Writ of Mandamus", I will be preparing that will be served to Judicial Administration in Topeka Kansas for their signature. If the Majority of the Registered Voters sign the, "Writ", then we as the Majority can demand that the, "Illegal Activity", stops!! Also read up on this at http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com and at http://holyshitmiamicountykansas.blogspot.com
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