Imagine receiving $ One Million Dollars in a Stimulus Check. How??? If American Citizens would be allowed to pay a $10.00, "Federal Raffle Fee", that would generate a lot of money into the Federal General Fund. If 100,000 people pay the $10.00, "Raffle Ticket Fee". That would bring in $1,000,000.00 into the Federal General Fund. If 25,000,000 people do this, that would generate $250,000,000.00 into the Federal General Fund. They could give away, "ONE", $ One Million Dollar Stimulus Check", a year as a, "Raffle Prize". There are 308 Million People who live in America, per the 2010 Census. Click here . If 10% participate, that would be 30.8 million people paying $10.00 each. That is $308 Million a Year into the Federal General Fund. These "Raffle Fees" could be collected at each County's Treasurers Offices in each of the 50 States. They could also be collected at any I.R.S. Office. I would pay $10.00 to get a chance at $ One Million as a, "Stimulus Check". If you would, contact your Federal Senator's, and Representative's. It cannot hurt to contact your State Representative and/or Senator also. I don't see why $1.00 of the $10.00 collected cannot go to the State where we participate, by residence. Kansas has 2.8 million residents. Read here. If 10%, 280,000.00 play, that would be $280,000.00 into the Kansas General Fund, at $1.00 each. I feel that giving me a $ One Million Dollar Stimulus Check, as a thank you for the Concept is no more that fair. If the Government collects the $308 Million at 10 % participation, that would more than pay back the $ One Million Dollar Stimulus I would receive. Let them know what you think. Heck they, "Ear Mark", everything else!!!!
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012. {I would receive this $ One Million as a Private Individual, not a Candidate". Lets see what they say.
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- Paola, Kansas, United States
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
U.S.A.A., United Services Automobile Association tells us, through commercials, "They and their members are the only ones who deserve the 4TH of July and the only ones who deserve "The National Anthem". Bull-Shit!!!! They are very corrupt and very "Terrorist" to claim to be the only Americans!!! I don't need to own a New Car Dealership or be a Soldier to be an American. Intercom radio needs to be told that we don't appreciate being told we don't belong in America and we don't have the same rights as other Americans because we don't own Dealerships and we did not become American Soldiers, per their commercials. U.S.A.A., belittles the American Soldiers and everything they represent. U.S.A.A., "CAN KISS MY RED BLOODED AMERICAN ASS"!!!! Contact the "Joints Chiefs of Staff" at the Pentagon, and "President Obama at the White House", or and voice your concerns.
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012. Yea, in AMERICA!!!!!!
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012. Yea, in AMERICA!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Recall Petitions?????
Yes. I feel that there are some Recall Petitions that need to be filed. Lets look at what a, "Recall Petition", is in Kansas. Lets also look at who in Miami County Kansas needs Recalled.
1. Sheriff Frank Kelly.
2. County Clerk Janet White.
3. County Commissioner Roberts.
4. County Commissioner Pretz.
5. County Attorney David Miller.
They keep evicting people without District Court hearings. Janet refuses to acknowledge people as candidates. She told me, August 13TH, 2010, "Go ahead and shut down your Campaign, you was not a Candidate anyways". This is the day I was illegally evicted from, 803 S. East Street, Paola Kansas 66071. I had called The Miami County Clerk, Janet White at 4:00 PM, when she made that statement. That statement was an attempt to support Sheriff Kelly and an attempt to sabotage my Campaign for Sheriff. This is illegal. My financial report is due Jan 12TH, 2011 for the 2012 election cycle. It covers Jan 2010 through Dec 31ST, 2010. David Miller allowed Psych Meds to be given to my landlord to fake Dementia to keep him out of Court. He further helped him cover up 24 years of Tax Evasion. The County Commissioners keep allowing Illegal Evictions and they refuse to look into complaints as people file them. I have filed repeated complaints against the EMS. The other Commissioners are not allowed to be recalled until 120 days after Jan 10Th, 2011. I will be writing out Recall Petitions soon. I will keep everyone updated. You can read up on a lot of these details, "here".
Also read, K.S.A. 25-4307. I was told that the County Counselor will read and address the Re-Call Petition. The County Counselor is not the County/District Attorney. If the District Judge has to Recluse themselves, the County Counselor cannot review the Re-Call Petition. Read, K.S.A. 22a-107.
Lets also remember and re-read, "I see bigots please advise", and "I need to clarify an e-mail I sent to the Media".
Lets also look at K.S.A. 25-4169a , as stated above, Miami County Clerk Janet White stayed over until after 4:00 PM on August 13TH, 2010 when I called her and she made the above statement. She knew I was being evicted illegally. She knew the City was over stepping its bounds and she knew Sheriff Kelly was covering up his knowledge that Al Massoth has not had a business license for 24 years and has been laundering money without paying taxes on it through the Holy Trinity Church and the Knights of Columbus. Lets also see K.S.A. 25-4183 and K.S.A. 25-4182. I will be asking the Kansas Ethics Commission to activate the K.B.I. and will be asking them to look into Janet's real estate company here and her be allowed to use this and her position as County Clerk to manipulate the election process. I will be giving a large amount of details. The Law has been broken and I feel that there is enough evidence to activate a, "Rico Acts Review" . I have witnessed "Extortion, Racketeering, and Terrorism" here in Miami County. Read up on these K.S.A.'s, 21-4401 22-2515 and 22-3101. I have notified the Attorney General, the Sheriff, and the Governors Office of many illegal activities listed in K.S.A. 22-3101. I demand a review. I will be filing a formal complaint next week and I will be asking that the K.B.I. and the F.B.I. be activated to stop the corruption here in the County. So far these elect positions have been, "Dictated" and I feel a review is warranted. I will be e-mailing Ethics this article and I will contact them next week also.
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
1. Sheriff Frank Kelly.
2. County Clerk Janet White.
3. County Commissioner Roberts.
4. County Commissioner Pretz.
5. County Attorney David Miller.
They keep evicting people without District Court hearings. Janet refuses to acknowledge people as candidates. She told me, August 13TH, 2010, "Go ahead and shut down your Campaign, you was not a Candidate anyways". This is the day I was illegally evicted from, 803 S. East Street, Paola Kansas 66071. I had called The Miami County Clerk, Janet White at 4:00 PM, when she made that statement. That statement was an attempt to support Sheriff Kelly and an attempt to sabotage my Campaign for Sheriff. This is illegal. My financial report is due Jan 12TH, 2011 for the 2012 election cycle. It covers Jan 2010 through Dec 31ST, 2010. David Miller allowed Psych Meds to be given to my landlord to fake Dementia to keep him out of Court. He further helped him cover up 24 years of Tax Evasion. The County Commissioners keep allowing Illegal Evictions and they refuse to look into complaints as people file them. I have filed repeated complaints against the EMS. The other Commissioners are not allowed to be recalled until 120 days after Jan 10Th, 2011. I will be writing out Recall Petitions soon. I will keep everyone updated. You can read up on a lot of these details, "here".
Also read, K.S.A. 25-4307. I was told that the County Counselor will read and address the Re-Call Petition. The County Counselor is not the County/District Attorney. If the District Judge has to Recluse themselves, the County Counselor cannot review the Re-Call Petition. Read, K.S.A. 22a-107.
Lets also remember and re-read, "I see bigots please advise", and "I need to clarify an e-mail I sent to the Media".
Lets also look at K.S.A. 25-4169a , as stated above, Miami County Clerk Janet White stayed over until after 4:00 PM on August 13TH, 2010 when I called her and she made the above statement. She knew I was being evicted illegally. She knew the City was over stepping its bounds and she knew Sheriff Kelly was covering up his knowledge that Al Massoth has not had a business license for 24 years and has been laundering money without paying taxes on it through the Holy Trinity Church and the Knights of Columbus. Lets also see K.S.A. 25-4183 and K.S.A. 25-4182. I will be asking the Kansas Ethics Commission to activate the K.B.I. and will be asking them to look into Janet's real estate company here and her be allowed to use this and her position as County Clerk to manipulate the election process. I will be giving a large amount of details. The Law has been broken and I feel that there is enough evidence to activate a, "Rico Acts Review" . I have witnessed "Extortion, Racketeering, and Terrorism" here in Miami County. Read up on these K.S.A.'s, 21-4401 22-2515 and 22-3101. I have notified the Attorney General, the Sheriff, and the Governors Office of many illegal activities listed in K.S.A. 22-3101. I demand a review. I will be filing a formal complaint next week and I will be asking that the K.B.I. and the F.B.I. be activated to stop the corruption here in the County. So far these elect positions have been, "Dictated" and I feel a review is warranted. I will be e-mailing Ethics this article and I will contact them next week also.
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Re-Finance, With A Simple Interest Home Loan.
Your Bank might be willing to offer, what I am about to post here. Lets say you have a 30 year note or Home Loan. After the mid point, or 15 years, with an extra month, they might "Re-Finance" you with a, "Simple Interest Loan", for the remaining Principal and Residual Interest. As you are aware, Banks collect the major portion of their Interest in the first half of a "Home Loan". I feel they might be willing to offer a, "Simple Interest Loan", to finish out the Home Loan. A "Simple Interest Loan" is as stated. If you borrow $1,000.00 and get a 10% Finance, "Simple Interest Loan", you owe $1,100.00 total to the lender. The 10% Interest is the $100.00 of Simple Interest, on the $1,000.00 Loan. The Principal must be paid. The Interest might be Re-Negotiated as a "Simple Interest". I don't see why you cannot ask your Bank. Also consider, that if they do this you will pay off the 30 year note faster and you will pay less in the long run. They can also allow you to get another "Simple Interest Loan" within the total 30 year, when you pay the first "Simple Interest Loan, off early than the total 30 years, for Home Improvements. This should be secured within 90 days after you pay off the first, "Simple Interest Re-Financed Loan", and should be scheduled for Loan Re-Payment by the end of the original 30 year note. Again, ask your Bank if this might be available. It doesn't hurt to ask. They have received a large portion of their financing in the first half of the mortgage contract.
Check out this link.
Herbert West 3rd,
Check out this link.
Herbert West 3rd,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I had to have two vehicles removed from my old address. I had the 1994 Mercury Sable Station Wagon and the 1979 Dodge U-Haul with a 360 Hemi. I had made arrangements with Dan Macek, of Macek's Auto Body, in Osawatomie Kansas because he said, "He would haul them his self". He ended up using his family member and paid them more for towing the two vehicles, than I received for the vehicles. I could have done that myself. I hope people realize how he doe's business. He Lie's to them and says, "He is hauling the vehicles his self", and then hires out the work to his family. He is paying his family for your vehicles. I find that extremely wrong. The going rate is $200.00 to $300.00 per vehicle with title's. I received $125.00 total for both and had to wait a week and a half to get paid. Please be careful when you deal with him or any other individuals that say they tow off cars for money. Make sure you get an amount quote up front. This ended up becoming a civil matter and it is more expensive to file on him than the amount of recovery I would get. That is how he is stealing cars and money from consumers. He feels if he is giving stolen money to the Sheriff for the Cops for Tots program and to the Osawatomie Police Department, he is allowed. He is not. I see that as bribes. I don't feel it is fair to abuse programs like the Miami County Kansas Sheriff's Office, "Cops for Tots Program", and the, "Osawatomie Police Department Programs", just to launder stolen money. If you want to give to those programs do it directly. If you want to get paid for your cars, shop elsewhere.
**Update*8 November 29TH, 2010**
I am not against helping people. I am against people using good people's names and abusing their memory. For instance, Sheriff Ken Davis seemed like an upstanding Sheriff. I find it very rude and disturbing that the current Sheriff, would allow the laundering of stolen money as a bribe into the, "Cops for Tot's", program. I don't feel that Sheriff Ken Davis would have allowed people to launder stolen money through any charity within the Sheriff's Office. I am wondering why the family of Sheriff Ken Davis has not filed, "Defamation of Character", complaints against these thieves. I don't feel that the abuse of a good name should be allowed. Just a further thought.
**Update** December 1ST, 2010**
Lets look a little deeper into Macek and others. I find it very disturbing that the U.S.A.A. would do these new commercials comparing themselves to our soldiers or our troops. I also find it odd that all the Dealerships that were shut down during the take over by Obama, did not attach themselves to Salvage Yards. Example, New Century Dodge in Paola Kansas, used Macek and 7 Highway Auto Salvage to dispose of the "Cash For Clunkers", cars. Macek was allowed to launder parts and was allowed to illegally dispose of these cars and parts. A lot of the Dealerships Nationally got shut down so the other Dealerships could launder parts. I find this a form of Terrorism. That would fall under the C.I.A.'s jurisdiction. Awhile back, Under Sheriff Mark Schmidt, of the Miami County Kansas Sheriff's Office, called the C.I.A. and asked into my life. They told him then, "He did not have the jurisdiction to intervene or question anything that may or may not pertain to them and myself". He has since, in action of course, treated them as his "BITCH". He refuses to stay out of my life. He terrorises Paola and Miami County. He helps launder stolen money through the Sheriff Office. I was illegally evicted from my residence. I was threatened by Detective Burgrant and Under "Schmuck" Schmidt. I was denied a District Court hearing. Macek was allowed to steal my cars. I am getting real tired of terrorist being allowed to kill our troops and soldiers. I am tired of terrorist being allowed to thrive in America. I am tired of the games in Miami County Kansas and the State of Kansas as well as Obama and his crap. I am not threatening his stupid ass, I am expressing my opinion about his stupid ass. Ask the Phelps, Obama supports them and denounces the soldiers and the troops that Phelps and Obama loathes. Please ask the C.I.A. when they became Mark Schmidt's "BITCH"!!! Also read up on this at, I am the Legal Sheriff of Miami County Kansas .
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
**Update*8 November 29TH, 2010**
I am not against helping people. I am against people using good people's names and abusing their memory. For instance, Sheriff Ken Davis seemed like an upstanding Sheriff. I find it very rude and disturbing that the current Sheriff, would allow the laundering of stolen money as a bribe into the, "Cops for Tot's", program. I don't feel that Sheriff Ken Davis would have allowed people to launder stolen money through any charity within the Sheriff's Office. I am wondering why the family of Sheriff Ken Davis has not filed, "Defamation of Character", complaints against these thieves. I don't feel that the abuse of a good name should be allowed. Just a further thought.
**Update** December 1ST, 2010**
Lets look a little deeper into Macek and others. I find it very disturbing that the U.S.A.A. would do these new commercials comparing themselves to our soldiers or our troops. I also find it odd that all the Dealerships that were shut down during the take over by Obama, did not attach themselves to Salvage Yards. Example, New Century Dodge in Paola Kansas, used Macek and 7 Highway Auto Salvage to dispose of the "Cash For Clunkers", cars. Macek was allowed to launder parts and was allowed to illegally dispose of these cars and parts. A lot of the Dealerships Nationally got shut down so the other Dealerships could launder parts. I find this a form of Terrorism. That would fall under the C.I.A.'s jurisdiction. Awhile back, Under Sheriff Mark Schmidt, of the Miami County Kansas Sheriff's Office, called the C.I.A. and asked into my life. They told him then, "He did not have the jurisdiction to intervene or question anything that may or may not pertain to them and myself". He has since, in action of course, treated them as his "BITCH". He refuses to stay out of my life. He terrorises Paola and Miami County. He helps launder stolen money through the Sheriff Office. I was illegally evicted from my residence. I was threatened by Detective Burgrant and Under "Schmuck" Schmidt. I was denied a District Court hearing. Macek was allowed to steal my cars. I am getting real tired of terrorist being allowed to kill our troops and soldiers. I am tired of terrorist being allowed to thrive in America. I am tired of the games in Miami County Kansas and the State of Kansas as well as Obama and his crap. I am not threatening his stupid ass, I am expressing my opinion about his stupid ass. Ask the Phelps, Obama supports them and denounces the soldiers and the troops that Phelps and Obama loathes. Please ask the C.I.A. when they became Mark Schmidt's "BITCH"!!! Also read up on this at, I am the Legal Sheriff of Miami County Kansas .
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Posse membership???
I was always curious why Police Officers, Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement, etc:.. don't become U.S. Federal Marshal, F.B.I., Homeland Security, and others, Posse Members. I am further curious why retired or honorably discharged Military Personnel don't set up or become Military Posse Personnel to keep their feet wet. Just a thought.
**Update** December 29TH, 2010**
There could be types of Posse Members.
1. Non-L.E.O.'s and,
2. L.E.O.'s.
1. People who are allowed to check up on Registered Offenders and look to see if they are Compliant or Non-Compliant. They may or may-not have the authority to place an individual into, "Custody", instead of "Arrest". They might just be allowed to locate these people and submit reports to the U.S. Marshal's Service's Posse Field Offices. Then these Offices would decide the best course of action if any is needed.
2. A "L.E.O. Posse Member". Imagine these L.E.O.'s can use their, "Posse Status", while on duty as City, County, State and Federal, "L.E.O.'s". They could place people into "Custody, and then the individual could be released or could then be, "Arrested", based on the findings from the, "Custody Confinement Protocal".
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
**Update** December 29TH, 2010**
There could be types of Posse Members.
1. Non-L.E.O.'s and,
2. L.E.O.'s.
1. People who are allowed to check up on Registered Offenders and look to see if they are Compliant or Non-Compliant. They may or may-not have the authority to place an individual into, "Custody", instead of "Arrest". They might just be allowed to locate these people and submit reports to the U.S. Marshal's Service's Posse Field Offices. Then these Offices would decide the best course of action if any is needed.
2. A "L.E.O. Posse Member". Imagine these L.E.O.'s can use their, "Posse Status", while on duty as City, County, State and Federal, "L.E.O.'s". They could place people into "Custody, and then the individual could be released or could then be, "Arrested", based on the findings from the, "Custody Confinement Protocal".
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
The Miami County Kansas Republican Voters Society
I contacted the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission and I asked about forming, "The Republican People's P.A.C., and I found out that the way I wanted to structure it was not allowed. I then sent them the concept of, "The Miami County Kansas Republican Voters Society". I will explain what that is here.
I have witnessed where there is a shortfall in Political and Issue assistance in the Government today. I don't feel the parties have the best interest of the people in their radar all the time. This Society will require a couple of things.
1. You must be a Registered Republican Voter who resides in Miami County Kansas. This will be verified through the County Clerk's Office. This must remain current within their rules. This information will be held confidential, and not openly communicated within the General Society and/or it's Members.
2. You must present a Kansas State Drivers License or a Kansas State Photo ID. to apply for Society Membership. Law Enforcement and other "Dignitaries" in the County, {Judges, District Attorney, County Treasurer, County Clerk, etc:..}, will list their address as the Court House, Sheriff's Office, Police Station, County Administration etc:.. and an approved designate, will verify residency and voter status for them.
3. No Elected Party Chair Person, Precinct Member, Committee Person, Elected Official, {Sheriff, County Attorney, County Clerk, Mayor, City Council, etc:..} or Candidate for those Office's, can be a Member Society, Treasurer, Board Member, or any other represent position for the Society.
4. The main objectives of the Society are Communication and action when the majority is in agreement. Example, a Re-Call Petition is formed, and then it is presented to the Members for review. Then there will be a day set aside and the Members can come in and state, if they "Will or Will Not" sign the petition later. These votes are tali ed and the "Stats" are posted. Then the members can see these "Stats" to decide if they do or do not what to become one of the three required "Electors" on the Petition for submission to the County Clerk per Kansas Law. i have been told by some Registered Voters in Miami County, they don't want to be singled out as an elector if the Petition is denied. They feel the elected person, who I was attempting to Recall, would retaliate against them. This Society process, shows the measure of support they would have if they choose to become an elector.
5. The Society would also follow the Legislative Session and would watch dog their Representative and Senator.
6. The Society can also work towards placing measures on the ballot for elections.
7. The Society can also do Petitions to override "Home Rule" jurisdiction matters.
8. Do to the Society becoming a, "Not For Profit", under, "Humanities", they can also function under non-political functions. they can fund raise, and they can assist any and all groups, and people they choose.
9. Membership basis would also be reviewed under, prior other Party Registrations, recent Registration's, recent residence status, and any other potential conflicts. A grace period will be set for Membership levels, Board, Treasurer eligibility's etc:.. Example 90 days since any potential conflicts of interest as Stated or Member Acknowledged, to include votes, and discretion's as the case may be as found.
I further acknowledge that the other Party Registration Voters, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, etc:.., can form their own Society. I further acknowledge that any other County's Voters can do the same. I also respect that I can only apply for membership as a Registered Republican Voter in Miami County Kansas, as I am a Candidate for Sheriff, 2012, here. I have a lot more of information and a lot more of the structure already planned and ready to roll. I feel that I have stated enough for the interested people to communicate with each other and to look into this Society structure.
**Update** November 24TH, 2010**
I wanted to share that I am considering changing the Society to, "The Miami County Kansas Voter Society". That would remove party line barriers. I will keep in touch on this and I will be setting up some things after the first of December.
Thanks for allowing me to share. Again, this website is my personal website and it can be used for personal use. The Sheriff Campaign, and former Kansas Governor candidate use is/was an, "In Kind" Contribution use, as stated.
Herbert West 3rd,
I have witnessed where there is a shortfall in Political and Issue assistance in the Government today. I don't feel the parties have the best interest of the people in their radar all the time. This Society will require a couple of things.
1. You must be a Registered Republican Voter who resides in Miami County Kansas. This will be verified through the County Clerk's Office. This must remain current within their rules. This information will be held confidential, and not openly communicated within the General Society and/or it's Members.
2. You must present a Kansas State Drivers License or a Kansas State Photo ID. to apply for Society Membership. Law Enforcement and other "Dignitaries" in the County, {Judges, District Attorney, County Treasurer, County Clerk, etc:..}, will list their address as the Court House, Sheriff's Office, Police Station, County Administration etc:.. and an approved designate, will verify residency and voter status for them.
3. No Elected Party Chair Person, Precinct Member, Committee Person, Elected Official, {Sheriff, County Attorney, County Clerk, Mayor, City Council, etc:..} or Candidate for those Office's, can be a Member Society, Treasurer, Board Member, or any other represent position for the Society.
4. The main objectives of the Society are Communication and action when the majority is in agreement. Example, a Re-Call Petition is formed, and then it is presented to the Members for review. Then there will be a day set aside and the Members can come in and state, if they "Will or Will Not" sign the petition later. These votes are tali ed and the "Stats" are posted. Then the members can see these "Stats" to decide if they do or do not what to become one of the three required "Electors" on the Petition for submission to the County Clerk per Kansas Law. i have been told by some Registered Voters in Miami County, they don't want to be singled out as an elector if the Petition is denied. They feel the elected person, who I was attempting to Recall, would retaliate against them. This Society process, shows the measure of support they would have if they choose to become an elector.
5. The Society would also follow the Legislative Session and would watch dog their Representative and Senator.
6. The Society can also work towards placing measures on the ballot for elections.
7. The Society can also do Petitions to override "Home Rule" jurisdiction matters.
8. Do to the Society becoming a, "Not For Profit", under, "Humanities", they can also function under non-political functions. they can fund raise, and they can assist any and all groups, and people they choose.
9. Membership basis would also be reviewed under, prior other Party Registrations, recent Registration's, recent residence status, and any other potential conflicts. A grace period will be set for Membership levels, Board, Treasurer eligibility's etc:.. Example 90 days since any potential conflicts of interest as Stated or Member Acknowledged, to include votes, and discretion's as the case may be as found.
I further acknowledge that the other Party Registration Voters, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, etc:.., can form their own Society. I further acknowledge that any other County's Voters can do the same. I also respect that I can only apply for membership as a Registered Republican Voter in Miami County Kansas, as I am a Candidate for Sheriff, 2012, here. I have a lot more of information and a lot more of the structure already planned and ready to roll. I feel that I have stated enough for the interested people to communicate with each other and to look into this Society structure.
**Update** November 24TH, 2010**
I wanted to share that I am considering changing the Society to, "The Miami County Kansas Voter Society". That would remove party line barriers. I will keep in touch on this and I will be setting up some things after the first of December.
Thanks for allowing me to share. Again, this website is my personal website and it can be used for personal use. The Sheriff Campaign, and former Kansas Governor candidate use is/was an, "In Kind" Contribution use, as stated.
Herbert West 3rd,
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Nathan Stiles?
I feel there may be more to the Nathan Stiles story. See:
I have complained about Miami County EMS for years. See:.
They come and go as they please. They use the ambulances as personal vehicles. Well lets stay on track. Nathan lives in Spring Hill Kansas and it is safe to guess he lives on the Johnson County side. Spring Hill is a two county city. The southern half is in Miami County and the Northern half is in Johnson County. Well, if Nathan's dad is Ron Stiles there is a problem. Ron Stiles is a Miami County Commissioner and must live in Miami County to run for office and be a Miami County Commissioner. They cannot do both. His son would be in the Paola School District in Miami County, not Johnson County, for Spring Hill High School eligibility. I am not trying to cause trouble during this families grief, I only see some problems here.
1. School eligibility.
2. Commission Seat eligibility.
3. If Commissioner Stiles is Nathans dad, and used his influence to get a Doctor to sign his son off earlier than he was medically ready for, how many other kids has this Doctor signed for? How many kids could be playing injured and are in danger? Is this Doctor a Spring Hill School Doctor or a private practice Doctor? How many School Districts might be affected? How many kids might be in danger?
KCTV5 could care less. They ripped me a new ass when I tried to explain this to them. "They was concerned with the Nov 2ND 2010 election and the family's grieving process, period"!! Look at this election link list They miss spelled his name as Stiles. KCTV5 wants him re-elected even if he is not eligible. I also called KMBC9. They took the information and said they would consider looking into the story. I am a Candidate for Sheriff in Miami County Kansas. I am posting my concern for the safety of the kids, and a possible problem with the status of Commissioner Stiles. We would not have known there was a possible problem with the School eligibility or Commissioner Stiles eligibility until this tragedy happened. Please understand my motives. Kids safety, School District eligibility rules, and Commissioner eligibility. I hope I am wrong, all the way around. It needs investigated to set the record straight and maintain safety and clarify possible eligibility's breeches.
**Update** December 8TH, 2010**
I don't always like being right. I said from day one, "Nathan had an active bleed and should not have been playing". Now, after his death, it has been confirmed, "Stiles' autopsy report released" . Or visit the Miami County Republic and search the title, "Stiles' autopsy report released". NBC Action News has not buried the story, like the Miami County Republic or KCTV5. Read it here, "NBC Action News". KCTV5 refused to disclose any information when it happened, "So Stiles' could get re-elected, per KCTV5's News Desk!!! I still feel KCTV5 endangered other kids and needs to be held accountable. I hope that this tragedy is investigated and that it is used to stop whatever other factors contributed to Nathans death!!!!! Medically, he died form a Brain Bleed. I said from day one, "He was not ready to play". Those factors need reviewed also. Lets also ask, "Why was a follow up MRI not ordered"? That is the usual procedure after a CT to confirm the CT results. CT Scans cannot see bleeds as well. MRI's are used for Bleeds and Abnormal Soft Tissues Structures. Bleeds are from Soft Tissue Injuries. CT's are used for Clots, Tumors and Solid Abnormal Masses. Read here, CT vs MRI I took extensive training when I became a Paramedic. I worked in a ICU for about 2 years. I worked in an ER, part time, for about a year. I am seeing where some factors accumulated and led to Nathans Death. Please understand that I am concerned for other kids who might also be playing injured.
Thanks, Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
I have complained about Miami County EMS for years. See:.
They come and go as they please. They use the ambulances as personal vehicles. Well lets stay on track. Nathan lives in Spring Hill Kansas and it is safe to guess he lives on the Johnson County side. Spring Hill is a two county city. The southern half is in Miami County and the Northern half is in Johnson County. Well, if Nathan's dad is Ron Stiles there is a problem. Ron Stiles is a Miami County Commissioner and must live in Miami County to run for office and be a Miami County Commissioner. They cannot do both. His son would be in the Paola School District in Miami County, not Johnson County, for Spring Hill High School eligibility. I am not trying to cause trouble during this families grief, I only see some problems here.
1. School eligibility.
2. Commission Seat eligibility.
3. If Commissioner Stiles is Nathans dad, and used his influence to get a Doctor to sign his son off earlier than he was medically ready for, how many other kids has this Doctor signed for? How many kids could be playing injured and are in danger? Is this Doctor a Spring Hill School Doctor or a private practice Doctor? How many School Districts might be affected? How many kids might be in danger?
KCTV5 could care less. They ripped me a new ass when I tried to explain this to them. "They was concerned with the Nov 2ND 2010 election and the family's grieving process, period"!! Look at this election link list They miss spelled his name as Stiles. KCTV5 wants him re-elected even if he is not eligible. I also called KMBC9. They took the information and said they would consider looking into the story. I am a Candidate for Sheriff in Miami County Kansas. I am posting my concern for the safety of the kids, and a possible problem with the status of Commissioner Stiles. We would not have known there was a possible problem with the School eligibility or Commissioner Stiles eligibility until this tragedy happened. Please understand my motives. Kids safety, School District eligibility rules, and Commissioner eligibility. I hope I am wrong, all the way around. It needs investigated to set the record straight and maintain safety and clarify possible eligibility's breeches.
**Update** December 8TH, 2010**
I don't always like being right. I said from day one, "Nathan had an active bleed and should not have been playing". Now, after his death, it has been confirmed, "Stiles' autopsy report released" . Or visit the Miami County Republic and search the title, "Stiles' autopsy report released". NBC Action News has not buried the story, like the Miami County Republic or KCTV5. Read it here, "NBC Action News". KCTV5 refused to disclose any information when it happened, "So Stiles' could get re-elected, per KCTV5's News Desk!!! I still feel KCTV5 endangered other kids and needs to be held accountable. I hope that this tragedy is investigated and that it is used to stop whatever other factors contributed to Nathans death!!!!! Medically, he died form a Brain Bleed. I said from day one, "He was not ready to play". Those factors need reviewed also. Lets also ask, "Why was a follow up MRI not ordered"? That is the usual procedure after a CT to confirm the CT results. CT Scans cannot see bleeds as well. MRI's are used for Bleeds and Abnormal Soft Tissues Structures. Bleeds are from Soft Tissue Injuries. CT's are used for Clots, Tumors and Solid Abnormal Masses. Read here, CT vs MRI I took extensive training when I became a Paramedic. I worked in a ICU for about 2 years. I worked in an ER, part time, for about a year. I am seeing where some factors accumulated and led to Nathans Death. Please understand that I am concerned for other kids who might also be playing injured.
Thanks, Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thanks to those who saved my life.
On October 2ND, 2010, I was crushed under my tilt bed on my truck. My bed on my truck tilts like a dump truck. I have tilted it up for 2 years and it has never dropped on its own. It is activated by two separate buttons. One button, raises the bed and the second button, lowers the bed back down. I raised the bed, got fuel and say that a strap had come loose on the tarp covering my things on the truck bed. I stepped up under the raised bed and was repairing strap when the bed gave way and fell straight down onto me. The bed weights about 1,500 pounds and had about 1,000 pounds of weight on it when it fell. All that was not crushed was my right arm and my head. I remember an off duty Osawatomie Fire Fighter running up to me and asking me were the buttons were. I remember telling him in the cab and the next thing I remember is I woke up and he was holding my head and I had severe pain in my entire body. My left leg foot was shoved all the way up beside me and my left knee was pointed straight down. I was sitting on my right leg and my foot was pointing out from my crotch. My left hand had been hyper extended at the wrist. I was not breathing for about 10 minutes. I felt my chest collapse and I thought I had broke my ribs and my sternum. I remember the Fire Department showing up and they had a difficult time getting me out from under the bed. They had to brace the bed so it would not fall again. The Fire Fighter, by training for safety, had told the others to pull back if the bed started to drop again. I got lucky and they had brought some pipe from the muffler shop across the street to brace the bed up. I remember that they had called a Helicopter for me and that they finally was able to get me into the Ambulance on a stretcher and a back board. hey thought I broke both legs, my left arm, my ribs, my sternum and that I broke my back. I remember that I asked them to pull out my wallet and pay for the $30.00 in gas I had just pumped and they did this through the Paola Police Department. The Officer returned my money and told me a lady inside paid for my gas and then they gave me a receipt for the gas. This ladies name is Cindy. I remember telling the Paramedic, Justin Brewer, to give the Muffler mart my keys to the truck because they had offered to park it for free at their garage across the street. He refused, six times. The truck ended up being towed and I had to pay $130.00 to get it back. I find it odd that the tow company is Lonni Brewer and the Paramedic was Justin Brewer. I don't feel that anyone should have illegally profited from my accident. I am very grateful for everyone who saved my life and took care of me above and beyond the normal way people care for each other. People don't here thank you enough in life. I had to stay in the Trauma Unit at the Overland park Regional Medical Center for a week and ended up in the Meadowbrook Rehabilitation Hospital in Gardner Kansas to be Rehabilitated so I could walk again and be evaluated for any other deficits. So far I regained being able to walk and I am getting my balance back. I can barely feel my body right now. They have found an active internal bleed and are doing tests to see where I am bleeding. I have some occult blood in my stool. Every day I go to Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy. I go to Therapy Groups for the feelings I have about the trauma. All said and done, I am lucky to be alive. I did not break anything, I can still walk, I cannot feel my body, but this is improving. I have been pretty well upgraded by Speech and Occupational Therapy. I still see them daily, and they are impressed with my improvements.
I want to thank the Muffler Mart in Paola Kansas for the use of their exhaust pipes to stabilize the bed, and the offer to store my truck for free. They also helped hold up the bed while the Fire Fighter held my head, for neck injuries and restored my breathing. I want to thank the Off Duty Volunteer Osawatomie Fire Fighter for getting the bed off of me and restoring my breathing. I want to thank Cindy for paying for my gas. I want to thank Amber the Casey's employee, at Casey's in Paola Kansas, where this happened for looking out for me and helping me instead of continuing the stores operations. She safely stopped the store operations and helped concentrate on my safety and rescue. I want to thank all those bystanders who came over and the passer-byers who stopped to save me. I want to thank the Helicopter Crew for coming to fly me even though the Flight Crew re-triage me and I went by ground Ambulance. I want to thank the Ambulance Crew, the Paola Police Officer, the Paola Fire Department, the Overland Park Regional Center Trauma Team and the Trauma Unit Staff, and I want to thank the Meadowbrook Staff here at the Meadowbrook Hospital in Gardner Kansas. I am grateful to Justin for his Paramedic care I received, I am just upset that he found my wallet, but refused to give up my keys, upon request, from the same pocket and it cost me $130.00.
I am further upset with KCTV5 and the Miami County republic Newspaper. I called KCTV5 , WIBW13, KMBC9 and asked them to thank those who saved my life. I explained to them what happened and they refused to thank those people who saved me. I had called them that Saturday Evening. I e-mailed the Miami County Republic Newspaper and they refused to thank anyone for what they did for me. I find it disturbing that the media would deny the praise and the thanks that the people who saved my life deserve. I will thank them when I get out. I will tell the others in Miami County what happened and ask them to boycott KCTV5, KMBC9, WIBW13 and the Miami County Republic for their disrespect towards those I have thanked here in this article.
Again, thanks to all those who saved my life and those who continue to help me improve on a daily basis. God Bless,
**Update Nov 23RD, 2010**
I have been corrected that there was not a Justin Brewer in the Ambulance. There was a Justin Couture, and a student. I am not sure which one handed the Officer my wallet and refused my keys after being told 6 times to give my keys to the Officer. It looks like I will just have to eat the $130.00 for the mistake and go from there. I do have a predisposition against Miami County EMS and I have addressed those concerns with the County Administration and with Governor Elect U.S. Senator Sam Brownback. The Governor Elect is at and/or Thanks again, Herbert West 3rd.
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
**Update** **March 26TH, 2011**
Lets look at the above post. I feel a few things need clarified.
I was crushed by 2,500 lbs and I thought I had two broken legs, a broken arm and a broken back. I also was unresponsive and listed as have, "Multiple Trauma's". Everyone at the scene thought I would die. The Hospital thought I would die in route. They was surprised I arrived alive. I was lied to at the scene. The EMS refused to give my keys to Muffler Mart as stated above. I was told that the EMS worker was a Brewer. His shirt had the name, "Brewer", on it. The E.R. Doctor's name was, "Brewer". I wrote the original article, above, from a wheel chair while still in a Physical Rehabilitation Hospital, looking at being in a Nursing Home, forever. I wrote it as I was looking at never walking again. I was looking at loosing all my property and my truck. I was just illegally evicted by the Sheriff and had just regained some of my property. Yea, I was going through living hell. I found out that I was lied to and I posted that I was lied to. I apologized to Lonny Brewer. I told people I was lied to. Yea, Lonny is pissed off right now. I acknowledge he has the right to be pissed. I am not deleting anything from here. How can I apologize and not say what I am sorry for? Lonny is not mad at the EMS, the Miami County Sheriff's Office or Paola PD. He is mad at me because I believed their Lie's. I am very hurt and pissed that anyone would believe their lies and they would and are judging me based on these lies. I am seeing that I am loosing a friend. Lonny expects me to understand that he is allowed to judge my based on their lies, yet I am not supposed to be upset when he believes their lies. Again, I was lied to and these same people are continuing to lie to him. He is still upset with me because I stated what I was told by the same liars. When I found out that they lied, I corrected or updated this article. I don't believe in erasing anything. I do believe in clarifying. I post articles and stories here because people need to see what is going on. For updates/information on the circumstances before, during and after these events, see,
For the record, Lonny is a nice guy. I am just confused about what he wants. I was lied to, I posted what I felt at the time. I corrected the situation the best I could. I refuse to allow others to lie about me, and to lie about situations and just let it slide. People have the right to know the whole story. They lied about the situation and I loose a friend. I am not blaming Lonny, I am mad at the situation. I am being judged based on their, opinions, not on who, "I", am. I have been told, "I should stop posting opinions about problems, circumstances and situations. I find that odd. I see to many problems etc:.. that are unresolved because people don't take the time to confront, "BULLIES"! I can only correct and clarify when I am wrong. I have done that. I hope Lonny sees that. We were not close friends. Now, we are not friends. He has told me this. I am not going to harp on this any further, I am just loosing a friend. He is allowing the liars to win. He is pushing away, who they told him I am instead of who "I" am. He seems to agree with these liars, for now. I even went to him and showed him a copy of the EMS report when I received a copy and told him I was wrong. I did that in person at the garage. I told him, "I was wrong and I was lied to and I was sorry". He said, "OK". Then today, he states, "He did not know I ever posted this article". I believe him. I am not deleting the article, I am just clarifying who lied, what happened and I hope he understands someday. Again, Lonny is a nice guy, the situation just sucks! I still feel he is a, "Very Good Mechanic", and I still recommend his garage, and the services he provides. I have never stated otherwise. I am not allowing the lies from others to change what or who he is. What do I have to gain, either way? Nothing! What do I have to loose? What ever level of friendship or communication we had. I will let that go at that. Hopefully he is upset with me based on who I am, not the upset with me based on the lies they spread about the situation.
Herbert West 3rd,
I want to thank the Muffler Mart in Paola Kansas for the use of their exhaust pipes to stabilize the bed, and the offer to store my truck for free. They also helped hold up the bed while the Fire Fighter held my head, for neck injuries and restored my breathing. I want to thank the Off Duty Volunteer Osawatomie Fire Fighter for getting the bed off of me and restoring my breathing. I want to thank Cindy for paying for my gas. I want to thank Amber the Casey's employee, at Casey's in Paola Kansas, where this happened for looking out for me and helping me instead of continuing the stores operations. She safely stopped the store operations and helped concentrate on my safety and rescue. I want to thank all those bystanders who came over and the passer-byers who stopped to save me. I want to thank the Helicopter Crew for coming to fly me even though the Flight Crew re-triage me and I went by ground Ambulance. I want to thank the Ambulance Crew, the Paola Police Officer, the Paola Fire Department, the Overland Park Regional Center Trauma Team and the Trauma Unit Staff, and I want to thank the Meadowbrook Staff here at the Meadowbrook Hospital in Gardner Kansas. I am grateful to Justin for his Paramedic care I received, I am just upset that he found my wallet, but refused to give up my keys, upon request, from the same pocket and it cost me $130.00.
I am further upset with KCTV5 and the Miami County republic Newspaper. I called KCTV5 , WIBW13, KMBC9 and asked them to thank those who saved my life. I explained to them what happened and they refused to thank those people who saved me. I had called them that Saturday Evening. I e-mailed the Miami County Republic Newspaper and they refused to thank anyone for what they did for me. I find it disturbing that the media would deny the praise and the thanks that the people who saved my life deserve. I will thank them when I get out. I will tell the others in Miami County what happened and ask them to boycott KCTV5, KMBC9, WIBW13 and the Miami County Republic for their disrespect towards those I have thanked here in this article.
Again, thanks to all those who saved my life and those who continue to help me improve on a daily basis. God Bless,
**Update Nov 23RD, 2010**
I have been corrected that there was not a Justin Brewer in the Ambulance. There was a Justin Couture, and a student. I am not sure which one handed the Officer my wallet and refused my keys after being told 6 times to give my keys to the Officer. It looks like I will just have to eat the $130.00 for the mistake and go from there. I do have a predisposition against Miami County EMS and I have addressed those concerns with the County Administration and with Governor Elect U.S. Senator Sam Brownback. The Governor Elect is at and/or Thanks again, Herbert West 3rd.
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
**Update** **March 26TH, 2011**
Lets look at the above post. I feel a few things need clarified.
I was crushed by 2,500 lbs and I thought I had two broken legs, a broken arm and a broken back. I also was unresponsive and listed as have, "Multiple Trauma's". Everyone at the scene thought I would die. The Hospital thought I would die in route. They was surprised I arrived alive. I was lied to at the scene. The EMS refused to give my keys to Muffler Mart as stated above. I was told that the EMS worker was a Brewer. His shirt had the name, "Brewer", on it. The E.R. Doctor's name was, "Brewer". I wrote the original article, above, from a wheel chair while still in a Physical Rehabilitation Hospital, looking at being in a Nursing Home, forever. I wrote it as I was looking at never walking again. I was looking at loosing all my property and my truck. I was just illegally evicted by the Sheriff and had just regained some of my property. Yea, I was going through living hell. I found out that I was lied to and I posted that I was lied to. I apologized to Lonny Brewer. I told people I was lied to. Yea, Lonny is pissed off right now. I acknowledge he has the right to be pissed. I am not deleting anything from here. How can I apologize and not say what I am sorry for? Lonny is not mad at the EMS, the Miami County Sheriff's Office or Paola PD. He is mad at me because I believed their Lie's. I am very hurt and pissed that anyone would believe their lies and they would and are judging me based on these lies. I am seeing that I am loosing a friend. Lonny expects me to understand that he is allowed to judge my based on their lies, yet I am not supposed to be upset when he believes their lies. Again, I was lied to and these same people are continuing to lie to him. He is still upset with me because I stated what I was told by the same liars. When I found out that they lied, I corrected or updated this article. I don't believe in erasing anything. I do believe in clarifying. I post articles and stories here because people need to see what is going on. For updates/information on the circumstances before, during and after these events, see,
For the record, Lonny is a nice guy. I am just confused about what he wants. I was lied to, I posted what I felt at the time. I corrected the situation the best I could. I refuse to allow others to lie about me, and to lie about situations and just let it slide. People have the right to know the whole story. They lied about the situation and I loose a friend. I am not blaming Lonny, I am mad at the situation. I am being judged based on their, opinions, not on who, "I", am. I have been told, "I should stop posting opinions about problems, circumstances and situations. I find that odd. I see to many problems etc:.. that are unresolved because people don't take the time to confront, "BULLIES"! I can only correct and clarify when I am wrong. I have done that. I hope Lonny sees that. We were not close friends. Now, we are not friends. He has told me this. I am not going to harp on this any further, I am just loosing a friend. He is allowing the liars to win. He is pushing away, who they told him I am instead of who "I" am. He seems to agree with these liars, for now. I even went to him and showed him a copy of the EMS report when I received a copy and told him I was wrong. I did that in person at the garage. I told him, "I was wrong and I was lied to and I was sorry". He said, "OK". Then today, he states, "He did not know I ever posted this article". I believe him. I am not deleting the article, I am just clarifying who lied, what happened and I hope he understands someday. Again, Lonny is a nice guy, the situation just sucks! I still feel he is a, "Very Good Mechanic", and I still recommend his garage, and the services he provides. I have never stated otherwise. I am not allowing the lies from others to change what or who he is. What do I have to gain, either way? Nothing! What do I have to loose? What ever level of friendship or communication we had. I will let that go at that. Hopefully he is upset with me based on who I am, not the upset with me based on the lies they spread about the situation.
Herbert West 3rd,
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Temporary Insurance???
Consider the norm that is currently going on. You allow the use of your Insured car for a person to use it for their driving test. You just allowed an, "Unlicensed Uninsured Driver", to use your car. How to fix this? Go to your insurance company and buy a Temporary Policy. Pay an average of $20.00 and get a Drivers Test extension on your current policy. They will put your insurance information on a "Drivers test Form". This will be good for one driving test, within a set amount of time. This will help cover you if an accident occurs during the driving test. If your insurance company doesn't offer this, talk them into working on getting a policy in place. Also consider looking into a, "Learners Permit", insurance policy. This would restrict, "Nighttime, Highway, and Rush Hour/Congested Traffic Driving". it would also help regulate who is the licensed driver in which vehicle with the permit holder operating the vehicle. Also this policy would be good for 30 days. These policies would be added onto your insurance, temporarily. Imagine if 100,000 people a year in the U.S.A. test each year. That would be $2,000,000.00 to the insurance companies to collect and use to settle claims on other insurance claims. That is also $2,000,000.00 in insurance policies written with hardly a claim filed. that would ease up the, "Risk Rate", on our premiums. It also regulates that the insurance company can mandate Drivers education Classes. It also restrict people like myself, from allowing my 12 foot bed 1 ton truck from being used for drivers tests. This program/concept saves us all money in the long run. I have spoken with my Insurance Company and will keep you updated. Thanks as always, Herbert West 3rd.
September 27TH, 2010.
I was notified by American Family Insurance. They are looking into this concept and have sent me a letter and spoke with me on the phone. I will keep you updated with that communication. Unfortunately , "STATE FARM INSURANCE" has refused to communicate or follow up with me. Consider this, 40 million people are insured through State Farm Insurance. If 2 people use these insured drivers for their drivers test, that would be "ONE BILLION 600 MILLION DOLLARS". $10.00 times 40 million is 400 million. That times 2 for $20.00 is 800 million times 2 drivers is "ONE BILLION 600 MILLION DOLLARS". All I asked for was $50,000.00 dollars and they have blew me off. $1,600 million every 16 years is $100 million a year. It takes 16 years to get to 16 to do a drivers test. If these 40 million drivers have 2 kids that is the "ONE BILLION 600 MILLION DOLLARS". "State Farm" excepted bail out money. I have given them a way to pay that back and to make money so you don't have to loose more Federal Tax resources. I am disappointed with "STATE FARM INSURANCE" thus far. I commend "AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE". At least they are acknowledging me and communicating with me.
**October 11TH, 2010**
Get this. "American Family Insurance", doesn't pay for ideas!! They just steal them!! I find it disturbing that insurance companies or any other company being allowed to steal ideas. I plan on communicating with other sources to set up this, "Drivers Test Insurance" idea. Insurance companies cannot just steal the idea. State Farm collects, $200.00 per policy, average, from 40 million drivers every 6 months. Yea $200.00 times 40 million is $4 billion every 6 months. That is 8 billion a year. 8,000 million a year. All from stealing ideas from other people??? I will keep in touch.
**October 20TH, 2010.**
Lets consider the following. If the Fire Departments and police departments as well as the Sheriff's Office's of every jurisdiction in the United States set up a Bond, they could offer this Insurance at the time of testing in every Drivers test sight in the United States. As the $20.00 is collected, from every Drivers test participant, the Bond would pay for itself. If each named Office/Department was to contribute $100.00 each and there are an average of 100 Office's/Department's per State times 50- States which is 5,000 Office's/Department's, then they would be putting up, $500,000 in a Bond for Drivers test Insurance. Again, there is not a problem with accidents during the test. It is just that the the Driver testing, is not insured and that is illegal. If 1,000,000,00 people test a year in America, that would generate, $20,000,000.00 into the Fire department's, Police department's and Sheriff's Office's a year!!! If they pay me one penny on every tester, I would receive, $10,000.00 a year. If the paid me 5 cents a tester, I would receive $50,000.00 a year. They would retain, $19,950,000.00 a year. They have the personnel and families to back this up and get it up and running. So far the national Association of Insurance Commissioners and the Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger have refused to communicate with me. I am one guy is why. I will be forwarding this article to all the Police Departments, Sheriff's Office's and Fire Departments, I can reach. They can forward this to each other. They have the clout to get this going. I will stay in touch.
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012. Yea, I am still homeless and "STATE FARM INSURANCE", as well as "All State, American Family and Geico" doesn't care!!!!
See here,
Temporary Insurance (C) Herbert West III
September 27TH, 2010.
I was notified by American Family Insurance. They are looking into this concept and have sent me a letter and spoke with me on the phone. I will keep you updated with that communication. Unfortunately , "STATE FARM INSURANCE" has refused to communicate or follow up with me. Consider this, 40 million people are insured through State Farm Insurance. If 2 people use these insured drivers for their drivers test, that would be "ONE BILLION 600 MILLION DOLLARS". $10.00 times 40 million is 400 million. That times 2 for $20.00 is 800 million times 2 drivers is "ONE BILLION 600 MILLION DOLLARS". All I asked for was $50,000.00 dollars and they have blew me off. $1,600 million every 16 years is $100 million a year. It takes 16 years to get to 16 to do a drivers test. If these 40 million drivers have 2 kids that is the "ONE BILLION 600 MILLION DOLLARS". "State Farm" excepted bail out money. I have given them a way to pay that back and to make money so you don't have to loose more Federal Tax resources. I am disappointed with "STATE FARM INSURANCE" thus far. I commend "AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE". At least they are acknowledging me and communicating with me.
**October 11TH, 2010**
Get this. "American Family Insurance", doesn't pay for ideas!! They just steal them!! I find it disturbing that insurance companies or any other company being allowed to steal ideas. I plan on communicating with other sources to set up this, "Drivers Test Insurance" idea. Insurance companies cannot just steal the idea. State Farm collects, $200.00 per policy, average, from 40 million drivers every 6 months. Yea $200.00 times 40 million is $4 billion every 6 months. That is 8 billion a year. 8,000 million a year. All from stealing ideas from other people??? I will keep in touch.
**October 20TH, 2010.**
Lets consider the following. If the Fire Departments and police departments as well as the Sheriff's Office's of every jurisdiction in the United States set up a Bond, they could offer this Insurance at the time of testing in every Drivers test sight in the United States. As the $20.00 is collected, from every Drivers test participant, the Bond would pay for itself. If each named Office/Department was to contribute $100.00 each and there are an average of 100 Office's/Department's per State times 50- States which is 5,000 Office's/Department's, then they would be putting up, $500,000 in a Bond for Drivers test Insurance. Again, there is not a problem with accidents during the test. It is just that the the Driver testing, is not insured and that is illegal. If 1,000,000,00 people test a year in America, that would generate, $20,000,000.00 into the Fire department's, Police department's and Sheriff's Office's a year!!! If they pay me one penny on every tester, I would receive, $10,000.00 a year. If the paid me 5 cents a tester, I would receive $50,000.00 a year. They would retain, $19,950,000.00 a year. They have the personnel and families to back this up and get it up and running. So far the national Association of Insurance Commissioners and the Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger have refused to communicate with me. I am one guy is why. I will be forwarding this article to all the Police Departments, Sheriff's Office's and Fire Departments, I can reach. They can forward this to each other. They have the clout to get this going. I will stay in touch.
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012. Yea, I am still homeless and "STATE FARM INSURANCE", as well as "All State, American Family and Geico" doesn't care!!!!
See here,
Temporary Insurance (C) Herbert West III
Friday, August 13, 2010
"Open Auxiliary Booster Organization".
I am writing a Organization/Organizational, Portfolio/Company, called the "Open Auxiliary Booster Organization". It will be in all 50 States and will be a subsidiary of the Federal Government. It will have multiple functions. The Offices will vary in direct offerings and services. Some will have computer stations with access. The basic functions of the Organization are, raising funds for any and all government auxiliaries. Providing information and resources to any and auxiliaries. As well as providing information and resources to private citizens and groups. My Advertisement Raffle can generate an average of $785 million a year into the Organization. Utilizing local governments and local businesses the Organization can generate funds as well as liquidating merchandise that the United States Treasury has for sale. Example, the Organization would have a, State wide Auto Dealer License, in each of the 50 States. A car would be placed at a private auto repair center, for sale. The car is advertised at $1,000.00 cash. The business collects the $1,000.00. They fill out the paper work. They drop the money and the paper work into the provided drop box. They notify the Sheriff's Office and the money and paper work are picked up. Do to some States requiring that the title be given at time of purchase $10.00 cash will remain owed. The buyer will eventually be allow to go to their County D.M.V. and pay the last $10.00 and get their title and paper work as well as satisfying their States car purchasing rules. They then, can take possession of the car on a, "AS IS", basis.
The money break down is as follows. Of the exampled $1,000.00, $10.00 will go to the local designated, "Open Auxiliary Booster Organization". $90.00 will go to the Counties General Fund were the car was contracted and sold. The remaining $900.00 will be divided as follows. 51% goes to the Federal Governments Department of Treasury. 49% goes to the businesses who contracted and sold the car as a self employed commission. The entire $1,000.00 will be paid and mailed, in 4 separate checks, in one envelope to the States Bureau of Investigations to be transferred to the Federal Government. The Federal Government will issue 4 treasury checks and send them out. The $10.00 check for the local, "Open Auxiliary Booster Organization", Office will be deposited and declared. The County will receive its check in the mail. The Federal Government keeps its 51% amount in the Federal Treasury Fund. The 49% is sent back to the County Treasurer for the contracted business. Because they are, "Self Employed", and commission base paid, the County Treasurer will withhold State and Federal Income Tax with holdings, and cut a check for the business offsetting these with holdings. The price on the car would be the average the Federal Treasury gets at Auctions and a surcharge. The "Open Auxiliary Booster Organization" funds and accounts will be set up on a request basis. Auxiliaries are a subsidiary. The Federal Government will be the accountant for this, "Organization". All 50 States designates would work with each other collectively and oversee this "Organization" and their funding requests. Other merchandise can be sold the same way. Government requests for supplies and goods can be requested through the "Open Auxiliary Booster Organization" Offices. I can write an elaborate protocol, but I can also receive what the Federal Governments feels is appropriate in buying my "Organization" concept and "Advertisement Raffle" concept.
Again, if 10% of the 20 million licenced businesses in America pay $10.00 a week to a company that would generate $ one billion a year gross into that company. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
**Update** *August 26TH, 2010**
Who would be a great company to use as a Bank for these auxiliaries? State Farm Insurance has a Bank in their Insurance Agent Offices. Imagine 24 hour access with a real person. Imagine a secure safe company. Consider what an auxiliary does. They are a "Not-For-Profit", ran through volunteers. These members are family members of who they auxiliary for. Example, A fire department has an auxiliary. Their family members do fundraisers and raise funds for, health care insurance deductibles, medication co-pays, funeral expenses, insurance premiums, equipment, survivor scholarships, etc:.. All Stat Farm bank would do is be the Bank or Holder of the auxiliary account. This gives a professional reference area. They would contract with the Company/Agency and that Company/Agency Auxiliary. Can you call your regular bank 24/7/365? Can you reach someone 24/7/365? Would your money be safe? Who would hold up an insurance agent office/ All that is there is refrigerator magnets, calenders etc:.. In theory, they would charge 5% of the gross income from the auxiliaries to do the Banking/Holding. State Farm Insurance is a National Company. They are number one in the insurance world. They insure more people than any other company or combination of other companies. They would be able to offer many other Insurance Company offerings they currently offer. The auxiliary would be able pay the insurance premiums for the Company/Agency they are a subsidiary of. Look up auxiliary. look up State farm Insurance. Visit a local State farm Insurance Agent Office. Reference this posting, please. Communicate and see what is there.
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
The money break down is as follows. Of the exampled $1,000.00, $10.00 will go to the local designated, "Open Auxiliary Booster Organization". $90.00 will go to the Counties General Fund were the car was contracted and sold. The remaining $900.00 will be divided as follows. 51% goes to the Federal Governments Department of Treasury. 49% goes to the businesses who contracted and sold the car as a self employed commission. The entire $1,000.00 will be paid and mailed, in 4 separate checks, in one envelope to the States Bureau of Investigations to be transferred to the Federal Government. The Federal Government will issue 4 treasury checks and send them out. The $10.00 check for the local, "Open Auxiliary Booster Organization", Office will be deposited and declared. The County will receive its check in the mail. The Federal Government keeps its 51% amount in the Federal Treasury Fund. The 49% is sent back to the County Treasurer for the contracted business. Because they are, "Self Employed", and commission base paid, the County Treasurer will withhold State and Federal Income Tax with holdings, and cut a check for the business offsetting these with holdings. The price on the car would be the average the Federal Treasury gets at Auctions and a surcharge. The "Open Auxiliary Booster Organization" funds and accounts will be set up on a request basis. Auxiliaries are a subsidiary. The Federal Government will be the accountant for this, "Organization". All 50 States designates would work with each other collectively and oversee this "Organization" and their funding requests. Other merchandise can be sold the same way. Government requests for supplies and goods can be requested through the "Open Auxiliary Booster Organization" Offices. I can write an elaborate protocol, but I can also receive what the Federal Governments feels is appropriate in buying my "Organization" concept and "Advertisement Raffle" concept.
Again, if 10% of the 20 million licenced businesses in America pay $10.00 a week to a company that would generate $ one billion a year gross into that company. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
**Update** *August 26TH, 2010**
Who would be a great company to use as a Bank for these auxiliaries? State Farm Insurance has a Bank in their Insurance Agent Offices. Imagine 24 hour access with a real person. Imagine a secure safe company. Consider what an auxiliary does. They are a "Not-For-Profit", ran through volunteers. These members are family members of who they auxiliary for. Example, A fire department has an auxiliary. Their family members do fundraisers and raise funds for, health care insurance deductibles, medication co-pays, funeral expenses, insurance premiums, equipment, survivor scholarships, etc:.. All Stat Farm bank would do is be the Bank or Holder of the auxiliary account. This gives a professional reference area. They would contract with the Company/Agency and that Company/Agency Auxiliary. Can you call your regular bank 24/7/365? Can you reach someone 24/7/365? Would your money be safe? Who would hold up an insurance agent office/ All that is there is refrigerator magnets, calenders etc:.. In theory, they would charge 5% of the gross income from the auxiliaries to do the Banking/Holding. State Farm Insurance is a National Company. They are number one in the insurance world. They insure more people than any other company or combination of other companies. They would be able to offer many other Insurance Company offerings they currently offer. The auxiliary would be able pay the insurance premiums for the Company/Agency they are a subsidiary of. Look up auxiliary. look up State farm Insurance. Visit a local State farm Insurance Agent Office. Reference this posting, please. Communicate and see what is there.
Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Miami County Kansas Sheriff, 2012.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Lets look at what is going on.
I will be as complete as I can. Kansas thinks it can play games and use titles and stereotypes to steal. The main thing that the Legislature has in common is, they belong to a political party. They use these titles to block open views on the issues. Governor Parkinson used to be a Republican. Now he is a Democrat. He is still personal agenda. Recently I was denied access to the show "Ask your Legislature", on KPTS in Wichita Kansas. Jennifer Schmidt allowed the quest Legislatures to discuss their re-elections but refused my participation because I am a candidate this year for Governor. That facilitated an "In-Kind" contribution to those Legislatures by KPTS. That is illegal in Kansas. No candidate can collect any campaign funds or "In-Kind" contributions from anyone other than private individuals. KPTS is not a private individual. Also Jennifer's husband is a candidate for Kansas Attorney General. When people see her it reminds them of his campaign. It is done on the KPTS format. I had considered a member of the media to assist in my campaign and was told they would have to resign from their media job do to equal time rules by the F.E.C.. I find it very disturbing that the media person would have to resign, just because people would think of me and my campaign just from seeing them on air. Yet Jennifer is allowed? Yea she can give unlimited campaign contributions to her husband, but, KPTS cannot. So far Kansas Governmental Ethics has two standards. Incumbents and suckers like myself who are first runners. Currently the Kansas Legislature is setting up N.B.A.F. which will cause a $1 billion dollar debt for the next ten years. It will facilitate that Kansas cannot balance its budget for ten years. So they cut off education which is a direct breech of the 2006 States Supreme Court ruling, in regards to the Kansas Constitution and its requirements in regards to "Sustainable Funding". Look at all the members on the N.B.A.F. boards and appointments. They are all either up for re-election or appointment this year. I see a collaboration between the media and the current government to exclude the people of Kansas from Kansas. All they want is our tax money and refuse to return a Democracy and a Kansas Constitutional stability in return. The Kansas Supreme Court took a dive on the appeal by the school districts and now they have to start over. It took from 1999 to 2006 for the school districts to win. Now the State is refusing the court order. The school districts won, but the States Supreme Court where they won, is refusing to demand the judgement be followed or enforce their own ruling.
I have posted many articles here showing how the State Government has denied the citizens of Kansas a Government for the people. I cannot even get a fair campaign shot. The current Government doesn't want change. They want to continue to steal and to abuse our Kansas Constitution. I hope enough people decide to remove them all and demand a return of our resources and our Constitutional Rights. The media will block it all day long. They tied in with "Not for Profits" and "Propaganda Lobby" to protect their tax shelters.
Either way, I see soldiers killed everyday to protect the corruption and treason be conducted in Kansas. The Governor broke the Law when he excepted an over abundance of soldiers into Kansas. So did Governor Sebelius. See K.S.A. 48-203 at Type in the number, 48-203 in the statute number window. When they excepted these soldiers from the other 49 States they removed the rights from the other 49 Governors to speak in behalf of the soldiers. Kansas now dictates the demise of our troops through Secretary of Defense Gates, who is from Kansas. Kansas "Dictates"! God help us!
I have posted many articles here showing how the State Government has denied the citizens of Kansas a Government for the people. I cannot even get a fair campaign shot. The current Government doesn't want change. They want to continue to steal and to abuse our Kansas Constitution. I hope enough people decide to remove them all and demand a return of our resources and our Constitutional Rights. The media will block it all day long. They tied in with "Not for Profits" and "Propaganda Lobby" to protect their tax shelters.
Either way, I see soldiers killed everyday to protect the corruption and treason be conducted in Kansas. The Governor broke the Law when he excepted an over abundance of soldiers into Kansas. So did Governor Sebelius. See K.S.A. 48-203 at Type in the number, 48-203 in the statute number window. When they excepted these soldiers from the other 49 States they removed the rights from the other 49 Governors to speak in behalf of the soldiers. Kansas now dictates the demise of our troops through Secretary of Defense Gates, who is from Kansas. Kansas "Dictates"! God help us!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
General Fund Budgets, City, County and State's.
I ask for a review of this idea as a private citizen. Yea, I am still a Candidate for Kansas Governor. I still want to help others. I also want to help myself. I am allowed to conduct personal business separate from my campaign. I use this webpage under, "In Kind Usage", for my campaign, also. It is my personal website and has been since 2005. I have only been a candidate for Ks Governor since earlier 2009. I have posted quite a few articles here,
and my other 3 web pages.
I feel Cities, Counties and States should be able to place or allow collection buckets in businesses in their territories, areas and/or boundaries. These buckets would have a sticker on them and this would let people know that if they, voluntarily, place coins or cash, into them it would go to that specific City, County or State's General Fund. The business's in these Cityies, Counties and State's, could be allowed to do this on a "Verified Pledge Basis". The business would count the money that was dropped into the bucket weekly and give a check to the City, County or State, as the bucket designated, by the sticker on it. This is a "Non-Tax Deductible Collection".
Example, Kansas has a population of 2,688,418. If everyone of these residents was to give .08 cents a month, into these buckets, which is .96 cents each, would generate $2,580,881.20 a year, into the City, County and State's General Fund's for Budget Money. The United States Population is, 308,442,312 people. {It changes there}.
If we each voluntarily would give the .96 cents a year, to our City, County or State, we would generate, $296,104,610.00 a year to those General Funds. Yea, almost $300 million a year. The City's could also generate funds for the General Budget through some other avenues.
1. Advertising. If the Cities, County's and States would set up "Flat Screen TVs", in businesses in their boundaries of jurisdiction, they would use them to show four advertisements at the same time. One in each corner, covering the entire screen. These would change, electronically, every minute. That would show 240, 1/4 screen advertisements an hour. This would repeat itself every hour. This would generate, 240 ads an hour. Take that times $10.00 a week. $2,400.00 a week into each City, County and State. That is the cheapest advertising going. They Cities, Counties and States could also offer Internet viewing of these ads.
2. Then, each City County and State can do weekly, Raffles. They could pull $240.00 a week off the funds and hold a raffle in each City, County and State and give this $240.00 away to the winner. People would have to be 18 years old, have an ID, and be present to ask for a raffle ticket, at the designated location for the weekly drawing. By Law, no purchase can be required for the raffle ticket or any attachments. The City, County or State would use a Stub Type Perforated Carnival Raffle Ticket, with matching numbers. They would write down the ID info on the raffle ticket that they place in the days drawing box. The IRS Code allows up to $500.00 per drawing to be won before taxes are expected or required. Anything below the $500.00 per drawing, is tax and reportable exempt.
If the 19,000 Cities in the USA do this, it would generate $2,400.00 a week, times the 19,000 Cities. That is $45,600,000.00 a week, gross, nationally. Take that times 52 weeks in a year. 10 weeks would be, $456,000,000.00. Take that times 5 for 50 weeks. $2,280,000,000.00 a year for 50 weeks worth of drawings. That is $228,000,000.00 given away, tax free to the residents of the United States of America in 19,000 Cities etc:...
What do I want for these ideas? I feel that $100.00 per city, as a one time payment for the consult/concept or suggestion is more than fair. These ideas have not been used and I feel that if I put them together, I should be compensated if their used. If the 19,000 Cities paid me the $100.00 each I would clear, $1,900,000.00. They would clear the above numbers. They could also demand that any and all Private Charity Buckets also be registered with the City, County or State with buckets and registered stickers issued by the City, County or State. They could demand that the business count the money, in those buckets and then cut a check to the City, County or State so the Government can verify that the money collected is legit and that it was given as allowed or verified. The Government, in this, can also slow down or stop crooks who lie and steal from sympathetic people, like you and I.
Kansas Law allows me to continue collecting personal funds under the "Business as Usual", clause. I am requesting this post be reviewed on my private life side, not my campaign side of my life. I cannot except over $2,000.00 from any one source and I can only except contributions from individuals until June 2010 because the Kansas Legislature is going into Legislative Session Monday January 11TH 2010. I use this website, free of charge, under, "In Kind" usage, and declare it as such. It is my personal website and has been since 2005. I have only been a Candidate for Kansas Governor since, and through, early 2009.
The National League of Cities,
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 550
Washington, DC. 20004 or
{202} 626-3000.
Thanks as always,
and my other 3 web pages.
I feel Cities, Counties and States should be able to place or allow collection buckets in businesses in their territories, areas and/or boundaries. These buckets would have a sticker on them and this would let people know that if they, voluntarily, place coins or cash, into them it would go to that specific City, County or State's General Fund. The business's in these Cityies, Counties and State's, could be allowed to do this on a "Verified Pledge Basis". The business would count the money that was dropped into the bucket weekly and give a check to the City, County or State, as the bucket designated, by the sticker on it. This is a "Non-Tax Deductible Collection".
Example, Kansas has a population of 2,688,418. If everyone of these residents was to give .08 cents a month, into these buckets, which is .96 cents each, would generate $2,580,881.20 a year, into the City, County and State's General Fund's for Budget Money. The United States Population is, 308,442,312 people. {It changes there}.
If we each voluntarily would give the .96 cents a year, to our City, County or State, we would generate, $296,104,610.00 a year to those General Funds. Yea, almost $300 million a year. The City's could also generate funds for the General Budget through some other avenues.
1. Advertising. If the Cities, County's and States would set up "Flat Screen TVs", in businesses in their boundaries of jurisdiction, they would use them to show four advertisements at the same time. One in each corner, covering the entire screen. These would change, electronically, every minute. That would show 240, 1/4 screen advertisements an hour. This would repeat itself every hour. This would generate, 240 ads an hour. Take that times $10.00 a week. $2,400.00 a week into each City, County and State. That is the cheapest advertising going. They Cities, Counties and States could also offer Internet viewing of these ads.
2. Then, each City County and State can do weekly, Raffles. They could pull $240.00 a week off the funds and hold a raffle in each City, County and State and give this $240.00 away to the winner. People would have to be 18 years old, have an ID, and be present to ask for a raffle ticket, at the designated location for the weekly drawing. By Law, no purchase can be required for the raffle ticket or any attachments. The City, County or State would use a Stub Type Perforated Carnival Raffle Ticket, with matching numbers. They would write down the ID info on the raffle ticket that they place in the days drawing box. The IRS Code allows up to $500.00 per drawing to be won before taxes are expected or required. Anything below the $500.00 per drawing, is tax and reportable exempt.
If the 19,000 Cities in the USA do this, it would generate $2,400.00 a week, times the 19,000 Cities. That is $45,600,000.00 a week, gross, nationally. Take that times 52 weeks in a year. 10 weeks would be, $456,000,000.00. Take that times 5 for 50 weeks. $2,280,000,000.00 a year for 50 weeks worth of drawings. That is $228,000,000.00 given away, tax free to the residents of the United States of America in 19,000 Cities etc:...
What do I want for these ideas? I feel that $100.00 per city, as a one time payment for the consult/concept or suggestion is more than fair. These ideas have not been used and I feel that if I put them together, I should be compensated if their used. If the 19,000 Cities paid me the $100.00 each I would clear, $1,900,000.00. They would clear the above numbers. They could also demand that any and all Private Charity Buckets also be registered with the City, County or State with buckets and registered stickers issued by the City, County or State. They could demand that the business count the money, in those buckets and then cut a check to the City, County or State so the Government can verify that the money collected is legit and that it was given as allowed or verified. The Government, in this, can also slow down or stop crooks who lie and steal from sympathetic people, like you and I.
Kansas Law allows me to continue collecting personal funds under the "Business as Usual", clause. I am requesting this post be reviewed on my private life side, not my campaign side of my life. I cannot except over $2,000.00 from any one source and I can only except contributions from individuals until June 2010 because the Kansas Legislature is going into Legislative Session Monday January 11TH 2010. I use this website, free of charge, under, "In Kind" usage, and declare it as such. It is my personal website and has been since 2005. I have only been a Candidate for Kansas Governor since, and through, early 2009.
The National League of Cities,
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 550
Washington, DC. 20004 or
{202} 626-3000.
Thanks as always,
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